
Book Description

Learn how to create more realistic and believable characters for video games using AI programming techniques. Written for novice to experienced game developers, Emotion Notions: Modeling Personality in Game Character AI shows you how to model human personality, mood, and emotion into your video game characters. Adding personality to game characters allows them to portray intention, a necessary component of believability. You'll examine the theory and concepts behind video game artificial intelligence, such as believability, interaction, engagement, and immersion. Using 2D sprite-based games created with Microsoft XNA, you'll explore these game AI concepts in a simple game environment and learn how to apply them to all games. You'll learn how to model individuality, emotion, mood, and more to make your game characters more convincing and human-like as you work step-by-step through hands-on projects. All the source code and assets needed to complete the projects is included on the accompanying CD-ROM.

Table of Contents

  1. Copyright
    1. Dedication
  2. Acknowledgments
  3. About the Author
  4. Introduction
    1. What You’ll Find in This Book
    2. What’s on the CD
  5. 1. Introduction to Video Game Artificial Intelligence (VGAI)
    1. In This Chapter
    2. What Is All This About Emotions and AI?
    3. The Art of Artificial Intelligence
    4. I’ll Know It When I See It
    5. Artificial Intelligence Defined … Again … Maybe
    6. The Myth of the Single Overarching Goal of AI
      1. Modeling Everyday Human Tasks
      2. Modeling Human Thought
      3. Modeling Human Expertise
    7. Look, Dude, Is This a Fun Book or What? (a.k.a. Get to the Video-Game AI Already!)
      1. Video-Game AI
      2. Game Theory (Um … What?)
      3. Playing Games, AI Style
    8. Okay, Okay, My Tic-Tac-Toe AI Is Über …
  6. 2. The Interaction Hierarchy
    1. In This Chapter
    2. Uh, When Does This Get Fun?
    3. Wanna Play?
    4. C’mon! Play Along!
    5. Build Your Own (Virtual) Reality!
    6. Player Authoring
    7. Yeah, So, Can All That Be Tied Together?
  7. 3. Building 2D Sprite-Based Games with Microsoft XNA 3.0
    1. In This Chapter:
    2. 2D Sprites in 3D?!?
    3. Adding an Environment to a 2D Sprite-Based Game
    4. Adding Characters to the Environment
    5. Selecting Characters and Communicating with the Player
  8. 4. Indirect Control in a 2D Sprite-Based Game
    1. In This Chapter
    2. The Bionic GUI
    3. Controlling the Controlees with Controllers
    4. Major Tom to Finite State Control
  9. 5. Gidgets, Gadgets, and Gizbots
    1. In This Chapter
    2. Zombies? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Zombies!
    3. Puppets? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Puppets!
  10. 6. Pretending to Be an Individual: Synthetic Personality
    1. In This Chapter
    2. Believable Characters
    3. Intentionality: Communicating Mental State
    4. The Principle of Amplification Through Simplification Applied to Video-Game Characters
    5. A Few Parting Words
  11. A. Getting Started with Microsoft XNA
    1. In This Chapter
    2. What the Heck Is This All About?
    3. Hello, Cruel World
    4. Of Invisible Mice and Men
      1. Mus Invisibilus
      2. Homo Stickus Figurus
    5. Rounding Up All the Little Lost Sheep