
Book Description

Business continuity is crucial to the survival of your business. Learn how to manage it effectively with this essential guide!

The risks for businesses today are increasing all the time and so are the consequences of incidents and interruptions. Too many companies lose time, customers and income because of circumstances beyond their control. Companies that have a business continuity plan in place are able to not only minimise losses and retain clients, but also win new business!

Accountability is also a new and growing aspect of running organisations. When things go wrong, people at the top are expected to be able to account for the decisions that they took, or didn't take, when times were better. Business continuity plans and arrangements developed on best-practice lines are far more likely to protect directors in the face of any post-incident enquiry.

When customers are choosing suppliers, whether looking for new ones or reviewing which to keep, most are considering not only price, but quality, financial stability and operational resilience – whether a supplier is likely to be tripped over by the slightest incident, or whether it has some credible plan. Any company can say that it has a business continuity plan, but those that can demonstrate resilience based upon best-practice principles will surely have the edge over those that cannot.

The book will guide you through domestic and international standards relating to business continuity, with particular reference to ISO22301. Companies achieving certification under the Standard will communicate to their stakeholders their commitment to uninterrupted supply.

This practical guide will show you how business continuity management can help your organisation to:

  • carry out realistic risk identification and assessment
  • put in place a cost-effective, 'fit-for-purpose' business continuity plan
  • be more competitive
  • enjoy greater customer loyalty
  • conform to the legal requirements in terms of accountability, compliance, risk awareness
  • return to 'business as usual' as quickly as possible after an unforeseen incident.

The time for burying our corporate heads in the sand and thinking 'It won't happen to us' is long past. It is time to identify the risks and to increase your company's resilience in the face of potential disasters. Everything you want to know about Business Continuity will show you how to develop a modern response to the operational risk landscape and how to prepare your organisation for interruptions to your key activities, minimising the impact on your bottom line, reputation and credibility. You will be able to identify and assess the risks to your company and put in place a 'fit-for-purpose' business continuity plan which will enable you to meet the expectations of your customers and stakeholders in the event of an unforeseen incident.


Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Foreword
  5. Preface
  6. About the Authors
  7. Acknowledgements
  8. Contents
  9. Introduction
  10. Chapter 1: Why do Organisations Exist?
    1. The fundamental question
    2. Why IT?
    3. The business environment
    4. What is the function of the organisation?
    5. Corporate culture
    6. An example of perpetuating the organisation
  11. Chapter 2: Why Change the Organisation?
    1. Change is inevitable
    2. High-impact change
    3. IT is indispensable …
    4. Business goals
    5. Adaptation of the organisation
    6. Surviving change
    7. Why is IT so unresponsive?
    8. Facets of change management
    9. IT change management and the organisation
  12. Chapter 3: Change Issues
    1. Introduction
    2. Six facets of the organisation
    3. The politics of change
    4. Catalysts for organisational change
    5. Legacy systems
    6. Business goals
    7. Replacement options
    8. Approach to legacy software issues
    9. Service delivery improvements
    10. A major change issue: Outsourcing
    11. Internal communications
    12. IT capability
    13. Dependencies
  13. Chapter 4: Changing the Organisation
    1. Introduction
    2. Programme management
    3. Common issues in managing change
    4. Changing IS and IT
    5. The political perspective revisited
    6. The agenda
    7. Your role in the process of decision making
    8. The risk perspective
    9. A constraint perspective
    10. Responding to change
    11. Planning issues
    12. Business manager considerations
    13. Implementation tactics
    14. Customer satisfaction
    15. Business as usual
    16. Transition issues
  14. Chapter 5: Sizing and Building the Organisation
    1. Introduction
    2. Necessary work
    3. Numbers
    4. Needs of the organisation
    5. Grading
    6. Hierarchies
    7. Process hierarchy
    8. Using process roles
  15. Chapter 6: Using IT to Catalyse Business Transformations
    1. Introduction
    2. Merger or acquisition
    3. Defining requirements
    4. Changing business capabilities
    5. Opportunity
    6. Future proofing
    7. In times of radical change
    8. Obtain blueprints for the new IT infrastructure
  16. Chapter 7: Summary of Main Issues
    1. Introduction
    2. Summary of key issues
    3. The operating vision
    4. Strategy for the transformation
    5. Agenda for the transformation
    6. Execute the transformation
    7. Programme and project management
    8. IT skills
  17. Appendix 1: Mergers and Acquisitions
    1. Introduction
    2. Acquisitions
    3. Process alignment
    4. Technology
    5. People
    6. Process
    7. Maturity and scalability
    8. Technology
    9. Summary
  18. ITG Resources