
Book Description

The Intel Edison is a crowning achievement of Intel's adaptation of its technology into maker-friendly products. They've packed the dual-core power of the Atom CPU, combined it with a sideboard microcontroller brain, and added in Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy, and a generous amount of RAM (1GB) and flash storage (4GB). This book, written by Stephanie Moyerman, a research scientist with Intel's Smart Device Innovation Team, teaches you everything you need to know to get started making things with Edison, the compact and powerful Internet of Things platform.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface
    1. What You Can Do with It
    2. What’s Been Done with It
    3. Who This Book Is For
    4. Conventions Used in This Book
    5. Using Code Examples
    6. Safari® Books Online
    7. How to Contact Us
    8. Acknowledgements
  2. 1. Introduction to Edison
    1. Tour of Breakout Boards
      1. The Arduino Breakout Board
      2. Other Breakout Options
    2. Setup and Configuration
    3. Install
      1. Mac and Windows
    4. Connecting
      1. Windows
      2. Mac
      3. Linux
      4. Logging In
      5. Configuring Edison and Getting Online
    5. Troubleshooting
    6. Going Further
  3. 2. Introduction to Linux
    1. What Is Linux?
    2. The Edison Filesystem
    3. Basic Linux Commands
      1. Accounts, Permissions, and Ownership
    4. Scripting and More Advanced Linux Commands
    5. The Internet
    6. Installing Packages in Yocto
    7. Text Editors
    8. Going Further
  4. 3. Introduction to Arduino
    1. What is Arduino
    2. Materials List
    3. The Arduino IDE
      1. Installing
      2. Navigating the IDE
    4. Sketches and Functions
    5. Digital Output with Blink
      1. Going Further with Blink
      2. The Blink Circuit
    6. Digital Input: Adding a Button
      1. The Serial Console
      2. Toggling the LED
    7. Analog Output
    8. Analog Input
    9. I2C Accelerometer
    10. SPI Screen
    11. Linux, C++, and the Arduino IDE
    12. Troubleshooting
    13. Going Further
  5. 4. Programming in Python
    1. Introduction
    2. “Hello, World” in Python
    3. Functions and Loops
    4. Installing Libraries
    5. Blink in Python
      1. Scripting at Bootup
    6. Button-Controlled Blink
    7. Bluetooth-Controlled LED
      1. Bluetooth Pairing
      2. Exchanging Information
    8. The Potentiometer
    9. I2C Accelerometer
      1. Installing the Dependencies
      2. Using the MMA Library
    10. SPI Screen
    11. BLE Beacon
      1. Edison Side
      2. Smartphone Side
    12. Going Further
  6. 5. Teach Edison to See
    1. Introduction
    2. Materials List
    3. OpenCV
      1. Extracting Colored Objects
      2. Viewing Images
      3. Face Detection
    4. Webcam
      1. Snapping Photos
      2. Recording Video
      3. Streaming Video
      4. Processed Streaming Video
    5. Going Further
  7. 6. Exploring Sound
    1. Introduction
    2. Materials List
    3. Connecting a Headset
    4. Playing and Recording Sounds
    5. Makeshift MP3 Player
    6. Recording Audio with Python
      1. Basic Recording
      2. Thresholding
    7. Speech Recognition
    8. Controlling Devices
    9. Going Further
  8. 7. Conclusions
    1. Linux Flavors
    2. Programming Languages
      1. Node.js
      2. C and C++
    3. The Intel XDK IoT Edition
    4. Shutdown Now
  9. A. Materials
  10. Glossary
  11. Index