
Book Description

JMP 12 Consumer Research focuses on analyses that help users observe and predict subject's behavior, particularly those in the market research field. The Uplift platform predicts consumer behavior based on shifts in marketing efforts. Learn how to tabulate and summarize categorical responses with the Categorical platform. Factor Analysis rotates principal components to help identify which directions have the most variation among the variables. The book also covers Item Analysis, a method for identifying latent traits that might affect an individual's choices. And read about the Choice platform, which market researchers use to estimate probability in consumer spending.

Table of Contents

  1. Contents
  2. Learn about JMP
    1. Documentation and Additional Resources
    2. Formatting Conventions
    3. JMP Documentation
      1. JMP Documentation Library
      2. Discovering JMP
      3. Using JMP
      4. Basic Analysis
      5. Essential Graphing
      6. Profilers
      7. Design of Experiments Guide
      8. Fitting Linear Models
      9. Specialized Models
      10. Multivariate Methods
      11. Quality and Process Methods
      12. Reliability and Survival Methods
      13. Consumer Research
      14. Scripting Guide
      15. JSL Syntax Reference
      16. JMP Help
    4. Additional Resources for Learning JMP
      1. Tutorials
      2. Sample Data Tables
      3. Learn about Statistical and JSL Terms
      4. Learn JMP Tips and Tricks
      5. Tooltips
      6. JMP User Community
      7. JMPer Cable
      8. JMP Books by Users
      9. The JMP Starter Window
  3. Introduction to Consumer Research
    1. Overview of Customer and Behavioral Research Methods
  4. Categorical Response Analysis
    1. Analyzing Survey and Other Counting Data
    2. Categorical Platform Overview
    3. Example of the Categorical Platform
    4. Launch the Categorical Platform
      1. Response Roles
        1. Simple Tab
        2. Related Tab
        3. Multiple Tab
        4. Structured Tab
      2. Cast Selected Columns into Roles
      3. Other Launch Window Options
        1. Supercategories
    5. The Categorical Report
      1. Share Chart
      2. Frequency Chart
    6. Categorical Platform Options
      1. Report Options
      2. Statistical Options
        1. Test Response Homogeneity
        2. Test Multiple Response
        3. Cell Chisq
        4. Relative Risk
        5. Conditional Association
        6. Rater Agreement
        7. Repeated Measures
        8. Compare Each Sample
        9. Compare Each Cell
        10. Test Options
        11. Save Tables
        12. Set Preferences
      3. Free Text Report Options
      4. Structured Report Options
    7. Additional Examples of the Categorical Platform
      1. Multiple Response
      2. Response Frequencies
      3. Indicator Group
      4. Multiple Delimited
      5. Multiple Response by ID
      6. Mean Score Example
  5. Factor Analysis
    1. Identify Factors within Variables
    2. Factor Analysis Platform Overview
    3. Example of the Factor Analysis Platform
    4. Launch the Factor Analysis Platform
    5. The Factor Analysis Report
      1. Model Launch
      2. Rotation Methods
        1. Orthogonal Rotation Methods
        2. Oblique Rotation Methods
    6. Factor Analysis Platform Options
    7. Factor Analysis Model Fit Options
  6. Choice Models
    1. Fit Models for Choice Experiments
    2. Choice Modeling Platform Overview
    3. Example of the Choice Platform
    4. Launch the Choice Platform
      1. Choice Model Output
    5. Choice Platform Options
    6. Valuing Trade-offs
      1. Example of Valuing Trade-offs
    7. One-Table Analysis
      1. Example of One-Table Analysis
    8. Segmentation
      1. Example of Segmentation
    9. Special Data Rules
      1. Default Choice Set
      2. Subject Data with Response Data
      3. Logistic Regression
    10. Transforming Data
      1. Example of Transforming Data to Two Analysis Tables
      2. Example of Transforming Data to One Analysis Table
    11. Additional Examples of Logistic Regression Using the Choice Platform
      1. Example of Logistic Regression Using the Choice Platform
      2. Example of Logistic Regression for Matched Case-Control Studies
    12. Statistical Details
  7. Uplift Models
    1. Model the Incremental Impact of Actions on Consumer Behavior
    2. Uplift Platform Overview
    3. Example of the Uplift Platform
    4. Launch the Uplift Platform
    5. The Uplift Model Report
      1. Uplift Model Graph
        1. Uplift Decision Tree
      2. Uplift Report Options
        1. Minimum Size Split
        2. Column Uplift Contributions
        3. Uplift Graph
        4. Save Columns
  8. Item Analysis
    1. Analyze Test Results by Item and Subject
    2. Item Analysis Platform Overview
    3. Launch the Item Analysis Platform
      1. Special Note on 3PL Models
    4. The Item Analysis Report
      1. Characteristic Curves
      2. Information Curves
      3. Dual Plots
    5. Item Analysis Platform Options
    6. Technical Details
  9. Multiple Correspondence Analysis
    1. Example of Multiple Correspondence Analysis
    2. Launch the Multiple Correspondence Analysis Platform
    3. The Multiple Correspondence Analysis Report
    4. Multiple Correspondence Analysis Platform Options
      1. Correspondence Analysis Options
      2. Show Plot
      3. Show Detail
      4. Show Adjusted Inertia
      5. Show Coordinates
      6. Show Summary Statistics
      7. Show Partial Contributions to Inertia
      8. Show Squared Cosines
      9. Cross Table
      10. Cross Table of Supplementary Rows
      11. Cross Table of Supplementary Columns
    5. Additional Examples of the Multiple Correspondence Analysis Platform
      1. Example Using a Supplementary Variable
      2. Example Using a Supplementary ID
    6. Statistical Details for the Multiple Correspondence Analysis Platform
      1. Statistical Details for the Details Report
      2. Statistical Details for Adjusted Inertia
      3. Statistical Details for Summary Statistics
      4. Statistical Details for Partial Contributions to Inertia
  10. References
  11. Index
    1. Consumer Research
    2. A
    3. B
    4. C
    5. D
    6. E
    7. F
    8. I
    9. J
    10. L
    11. M
    12. N
    13. O
    14. P
    15. R
    16. S
    17. T
    18. U
    19. W-Z