Chapter 2 
Introduction to Consumer Research
Overview of Customer and Behavioral Research Methods
You already collect information about how customers use a product or service or how satisfied they are with your offerings. The resulting insight lets you create better products and services, happier customers, and more revenue for your organization.
JMP now includes a full suite of tools for performing customer and consumer research. In the past, you might have had to use one product for consumer research work and JMP for design of experiments. Now you can do both types of analyses using a single product, for a more efficient use of your most precious resource: your time. Tools for performing these statistical analyses are now located in one convenient place: the Consumer Research menu. Use the following platforms to analyze your data:
The Categorical platform supports survey analysis with questions in multiple formats, allowing for both detailed and compact reporting. You can also analyze multiple response questions, where your survey includes questions for which respondents can choose more than one answer. You can output the results in crosstab report tables, use share and frequency charts, view mean scores across responses, and perform tests and comparisons. And when you are finished, you can easily output the completed analysis tables. For more information, see Chapter 3, “Categorical Response Analysis”.
The Factor Analysis platform enables you to discover simple arrangements in the pattern of relationships among variables. It seeks to discover if the observed variables can be explained in terms of a much smaller number of variables or factors. By using factor analysis, you can determine the number of factors that influence a set of measured, observed variables, and the strength of the relationship between each factor and each variable. For more information, see Chapter 4, “Factor Analysis”.
The Choice platform is designed for use in market research experiments, where the ultimate goal is to discover the preference structure of consumers. Then, this information is used to design products or services that have the attributes most desired by consumers. For more information, see Chapter 5, “Choice Models”.
The Uplift platform enables you to maximize the impact of your marketing budget by sending offers only to individuals who are likely to respond favorably, even when you have large data sets and many possible behavioral or demographic predictors. You can use uplift models to make such predictions. This method has been developed to help optimize marketing decisions, define personalized medicine protocols, or, more generally, to identify characteristics of individuals who are likely to respond to some action. For more information, see Chapter 6, “Uplift Models”.
The Item Analysis platform provides a method of scoring tests. Based on Item Response Theory (IRT), the platform helps analyze the design, analysis, and scoring of tests, questionnaires, and other tools that measure abilities, attitudes, and other variables. Although classical test theory methods have been widely used for a century, IRT provides a better and more scientifically based scoring procedure. For more information, see Chapter 7, “Item Analysis”.
The Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) platform takes multiple categorical variables and seeks to identify associations between levels of those variables. MCA is frequently used in the social sciences particularly in France and Japan. It can be used in survey analysis to identify question agreement. For more information, see Chapter 8, “Multiple Correspondence Analysis”.
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