
Book Description

Built on top of the Java™ software infrastructure, Jini™ technology enables all types of services and devices to work together in a community--organized without extensive planning, installation, or human intervention. Jini technology allows the lines to blur between what is hardware and what is software by representing all hardware and software as Jini technology-enabled "services," accessible either directly or through surrogates written in the Java programming language. In a distributed system of Jini technology-enabled services, these programs interact spontaneously, enabling services to join or leave the network with ease, which allows clients to view and access available services with confidence. A system of Jini technology-enabled services can link office components such as printers, faxes, and desktop computers. Beyond these traditional networks, the technology is also ideal for building the home-based networks that are now emerging: entertainment systems, cars, smart houses, and personal computers.

This book contains the formal specification for the core Jini technology, as well as specifications for local helper utilities and remote helper services. It offers a review of distributed computing fundamentals, an overview of the Jini architecture, and an introduction to the key concepts that are the source of the technology's simplicity and power--remote objects, leasing, distributed events, and a two-phase commit protocol. The formal specifications provide the definitive description of every element of the Jini architecture, including detailed information on such topics as:

  • Jini discovery and join protocols

  • Jini entry usage

  • Jini distributed leasing concepts

  • Jini distributed event programming model

  • Jini transaction model and semantics

  • Jini lookup service and lookup attribute schema

  • Jini discovery, event, leasing, and join utilities

  • Jini lookup discovery, lease renewal, and event mailbox helper services

  • Jini device architecture

  • 0201726173B04062001

    Table of Contents

    1. Copyright
    2. Foreword
    3. Preface
    4. About The Authors
    5. Overview and Examples
      1. The Jini Architecture: An Introduction
        1. Overview
        2. Writing a Client
        3. Writing a Service
        4. The Rest of This Book
    6. Specifications
      1. The Jini Architecture Specification
        1. Introduction
        2. System Overview
        3. An Example
      2. Jini Technology Core Platform Specification
        1. Introduction
      3. Discovery and Join
        1. Introduction
        2. The Discovery Protocols
        3. The Join Protocol
        4. Network Issues
        5. LookupLocator Class
      4. Entry
        1. Entries and Templates
      5. Distributed Leasing
        1. Introduction
        2. Basic Leasing Interfaces
        3. Example Supporting Classes
      6. Distributed Events
        1. Introduction
        2. The Basic Interfaces
        3. Third-Party Objects
        4. Integration with JavaBeans Components
      7. Transaction
        1. Introduction
        2. The Two-Phase Commit Protocol
        3. Default Transaction Semantics
      8. Lookup Service
        1. Introduction
        2. The ServiceRegistrar
      9. Introduction to Helper Utilities and Services
        1. Summary
        2. Terminology
        3. Introduction to the Helper Utilities
        4. Introduction to the Helper Services
        5. Dependencies
      10. Jini Discovery Utilities Specification
        1. Introduction
        2. The Discovery Management Interfaces
        3. LookupDiscovery Utility
        4. The LookupLocatorDiscovery Utility
        5. The LookupDiscoveryManager Utility
        6. Low-Level Discovery Protocol Utilities
      11. Jini Entry Utilities Specification
        1. Entry Utilities
      12. Jini Lease Utilities Specification
        1. Introduction
        2. The LeaseRenewalManager
        3. The Interface
        4. The Semantics
        5. Supporting Interfaces and Classes
      13. Jini Join Utilities Specification
        1. Introduction
        2. The JoinManager
        3. The Interface
        4. The Semantics
        5. Supporting Interfaces and Classes
      14. Jini Service Discovery Utilities Specification
        1. Introduction
        2. The ServiceDiscoveryManager
        3. The Interface
        4. The Semantics
        5. Supporting Interfaces and Classes
      15. Jini Lookup Discovery Service
        1. Introduction
        2. The Interface
        3. The Semantics
        4. Supporting Interfaces and Classes
      16. Jini Lookup Attribute Schema Specification
        1. Introduction
        2. Human Access to Attributes
        3. JavaBeans Components and Design Patterns
        4. Generic Attribute Classes
      17. Jini Lease Renewal Service Specification
        1. Introduction
        2. The Interface
      18. Jini Event Mailbox Service Specification
        1. Introduction
        2. The Interface
        3. The Semantics
        4. Supporting Interfaces and Classes
      19. JavaSpaces Service Specification
        1. Introduction
        2. The JavaSpaces Application Model and Terms
        3. Operations
        4. Transactions
        5. Further Reading
      20. Jini Device Architecture Specification
        1. Introduction
        2. Basic Device Architecture Examples
    7. Supplemental Material
      1. Jini Technology Glossary
    8. A Note on Distributed Computing
      1. Introduction
      2. The Vision of Unified Objects
      3. Déjà Vu All Over Again
      4. Local and Distributed Computing
      5. Partial Failure and Concurrency
      6. The Myth of “Quality of Service”
      7. Lessons from NFS
      8. Taking the Difference Seriously
      9. A Middle Ground
      10. References
      11. Observations for this Reprinting
    9. Example Code