JU.3. The Interface

The public methods provided by the JoinManager class are as follows:

package net.jini.lookup; 

public class JoinManager {
    public JoinManager(Object obj, 
                       Entry[] attrSets, 
                       ServiceIDListener callback, 
                       DiscoveryManagement discoveryMgr, 
                       LeaseRenewalManager leaseMgr) 
                                     throws IOException {...} 
    public JoinManager(Object obj, 
                       Entry[] attrSets, 
                       ServiceID serviceID, 
                       DiscoveryManagement discoveryMgr, 
                       LeaseRenewalManager leaseMgr) 
                                     throws IOException {...} 

    public DiscoveryManagement getDiscoveryManager() {...} 
    public LeaseRenewalManager getLeaseRenewalManager() {...} 
    public ServiceRegistrar[]  getJoinSet() {...} 

    public Entry[] getAttributes(){...} 
    public void addAttributes(Entry[] attrSets) {...} 
    public void addAttributes(Entry[] attrSets, 
                              boolean checkSC) {...} 
    public void setAttributes(Entry[] attrSets) {...} 
    public void modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, 
                                 Entry[] attrSets) {...} 
    public void modifyAttributes(Entry[] attrSetTemplates, 
                                 Entry[] attrSets, 
                                 boolean checkSC) {...} 
    public void terminate() {...} 

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