A.7. Lessons from NFS

We do not need to look far to see the consequences of ignoring the distinction between local and distributed computing at the interface level. NFS®, Sun’s distributed computing file system[14],[15] is an example of a non-distributed application programer interface (API) (open, read, write, close, etc.) re-implemented in a distributed way.

Before NFS and other network file systems, an error status returned from one of these calls indicated something rare: a full disk, or a catastrophe such as a disk crash. Most failures simply crashed the application along with the file system. Further, these errors generally reflected a situation that was either catastrophic for the program receiving the error or one that the user running the program could do something about.

NFS opened the door to partial failure within a file system. It has essentially two modes for dealing with an inaccessible file server: soft mounting and hard mounting. But since the designers of NFS were unwilling (for easily understand able reasons) to change the interface to the file system to reflect the new, distributed nature of file access, neither option is particularly robust.

Soft mounts expose network or server failure to the client program. Read and write operations return a failure status much more often than in the single-system case, and programs written with no allowance for these failures can easily corrupt the files used by the program. In the early days of NFS, system administrators tried to tune various parameters (time-out length, number of retries) to avoid these problems. These efforts failed. Today, soft mounts are seldom used, and when they are used, their use is generally restricted to read-only file systems or special applications.

Hard mounts mean that the application hangs until the server comes back up. This generally prevents a client program from seeing partial failure, but it leads to a malady familiar to users of workstation networks: one server crashes, and many workstations—even those apparently having nothing to do with that server—freeze. Figuring out the chain of causality is very difficult, and even when the cause of the failure can be determined, the individual user can rarely do anything about it but wait. This kind of brittleness can be reduced only with strong policies and network administration aimed at reducing interdependencies. Nonetheless, hard mounts are now almost universal.

Note that because the NFS protocol is stateless, it assumes clients contain no state of interest with respect to the protocol; in other words, the server doesn’t care what happens to the client. NFS is also a “pure” client-server protocol, which means that failure can be limited to three parties: the client, the server, or the network. This combination of features means that failure modes are simpler than in the more general case of peer-to-peer distributed object-oriented applications where no such limitation on shared state can be made and where servers are themselves clients of other servers. Such peer-to-peer distributed applications can and will fail in far more intricate ways than are currently possible with NFS.

The limitations on the reliability and robustness of NFS have nothing to do with the implementation of the parts of that system. There is no “quality of service” that can be improved to eliminate the need for hard mounting NFS volumes. The problem can be traced to the interface upon which NFS is built, an interface that was designed for non-distributed computing where partial failure was not possible. The reliability of NFS cannot be changed without a change to that interface, a change that will reflect the distributed nature of the application.

This is not to say that NFS has not been successful. In fact, NFS is arguably the most successful distributed application that has been produced. But the limitations on the robustness have set a limitation on the scalability of NFS. Because of the intrinsic unreliability of the NFS protocol, use of NFS is limited to fairly small numbers of machines, geographically co-located and centrally administered. The way NFS has dealt with partial failure has been to informally require a centralized resource manager (a system administrator) who can detect system failure, initiate resource reclamation and insure system consistency. But by introducing this central resource manager, one could argue that NFS is no longer a genuinely distributed application.

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