SD.3. The Interface

The public interface provided by the ServiceDiscoveryManager class defines methods that allow an entity to request that references to services matching criteria defined by the entity be found in discovered lookup services and cached for local retrieval. This interface also defines methods for retrieving the manager objects employed by this utility, and for performing termination processing.

package net.jini.lookup; 

public class ServiceDiscoveryManager {
    public ServiceDiscoveryManager 
                          (DiscoveryManagement discoveryMgr, 
                           LeaseRenewalManager leaseMgr) 
                                 throws IOException {...} 
    public LookupCache createLookupCache 
                        (ServiceTemplate tmpl, 
                         ServiceItemFilter filter, 
                         ServiceDiscoveryListener listener) 
                                 throws RemoteException {...} 
    public ServiceItem lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl, 
                              ServiceItemFilter filter) {...} 
    public ServiceItem lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl, 
                              ServiceItemFilter filter, 
                              long waitDur) 
                                 throws InterruptedException, 
                                        RemoteException {...} 
    public ServiceItem[] lookup 
                             (ServiceTemplate tmpl, 
                              int maxMatches, 
                              ServiceItemFilter filter) {...} 
    public ServiceItem[] lookup(ServiceTemplate tmpl, 
                                int minMatches, 
                                int maxMatches, 
                                ServiceItemFilter filter, 
                                long waitDur) 
                                 throws InterruptedException, 
                                        RemoteException {...} 
    public DiscoveryManagement getDiscoveryManager() {...} 
    public LeaseRenewalManager getLeaseRenewalManager() {...} 
    public void terminate() {...} 

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