
Book Description

The rapid expansion of globalization and multinational corporations means more and more managers work across the borders of multiple countries. Some of them are expatriates; most are not. And although many of these managers are not wrestling with the issues of relocating and adjusting to living in a different culture, they all find themselves dealing with cultural issues - defined in the broadest context - every time they pick up the phone, log onto their e-mail, or disembark from an airplane. What do these managers do? Is it different from the work they did when they managed in their own countries, and if it is different, how so? What does it take for them to be effective when they manage across so many countries simultaneously? What do these managers need to know in order to be effective? What do organizations need to know and do in order to select and develop people who will manage and lead effectively in the global economy? This report addresses those questions as it documents the findings of a Center for Creative Leadership research study into what factors might predict managerial effectiveness in a global context.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title Page
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright
  5. Table of Contents
  6. List of Tables and Figures
  7. Preface
  8. Introduction
  9. Model
  10. Methods
    1. Group Assignment
    2. Sample Characteristics
    3. Standardization of Data
    4. Measures
    5. Data Collection
    6. Conclusion
  11. CHAPTER 1: Managerial Roles—Similarities and Differences in Domestic and Global Work
    1. Background
    2. Hypotheses
    3. Results and Discussion
  12. CHAPTER 2: Managerial Traits—Personality and Effectiveness in a Global Context
    1. Background
    2. Hypotheses
    3. Results and Discussion
  13. CHAPTER 3: Managerial Capabilities—Learning and Effectiveness as a Global Manager
    1. Background
    2. Hypotheses
    3. Results and Discussion
  14. CHAPTER 4: Experience—Cosmopolitanism and Managerial Effectiveness in a Global Context
    1. Background
    2. Hypotheses
    3. Results and Discussion
  15. CHAPTER 5: Experience—The Influence of Diversity on Managerial Effectiveness
    1. Background
    2. Hypotheses
    3. Results and Discussion
  16. CHAPTER 6: General Discussion and Conclusions
    1. What Do Global Managers Do?
    2. What Does It Take for a Manager to Be Effective When the Work Is Global in Scope?
    3. How Can Organizations Best Select and Develop Effective Global Managers?
    4. Limitations
  17. References
  18. Appendix A: Participant Background Form
  19. Appendix B: Scales and Alphas
  20. Appendix C: Alphas and Intercorrelations Among FFM, International Experience, Role Behaviors, and Performance Variables (Boss Global)
  21. Appendix D: Alphas and Intercorrelations Among FFM, International Experience, Role Behaviors, and Performance Variables (Boss Local)
  22. Appendix E: Alphas and Intercorrelations Among FFM, International Experience, Role Behaviors, and Performance Variables (Direct Report Global)
  23. Appendix F: Alphas and Intercorrelations Among FFM, International Experience, Role Behaviors, and Performance Variables (Direct Report Local)
  24. Appendix G: Hypotheses Organized by Questions of Interest