
Book Description

Enhance your SAS ODS output with this collection of basic to novel ideas. SAS Output Delivery System (ODS) expert Kevin D. Smith has compiled a cookbook-style collection of his top ODS tips and techniques to teach you how to bring your reports to a new level and inspire you to see ODS in a new light. This collection of code techniques showcases some of the most interesting and unusual methods you can use to enhance your reports within the SAS Output Delivery System. It includes general ODS tips, as well as techniques for styles, enhancing tabular output, ODS HTML, ODS PDF, ODS Microsoft Excel destinations, and ODS DOCUMENT. Smith offers tips based on his own extensive knowledge of ODS, as well as those inspired by questions that frequently come up in his interactions with SAS users. There are simple techniques for beginners who have a minimal amount of ODS knowledge and advanced tips for the more adventurous SAS user. Together, these helpful methods provide a strong foundation for your ODS development and inspiration for building on and creating new, even more advanced techniques on your own. This book is part of the SAS Press program.

Table of Contents

  1. About This Book
  2. About The Author
  3. Acknowledgements
  4. Chapter 1: Introduction
  5. Chapter 2: General Tips
    1. Controlling Your ODS Output
      1. The ODS Sandwich
      2. Always Use ODS CLOSE
      3. Closing All ODS Destinations at Once
      4. Interleaving ODS Destinations
      5. Running Multiple Instances of One Destination
      6. Displaying Output Object Information
      7. Selecting and Excluding Output Objects
      8. Suspending an ODS Destination
    2. Querying Open ODS Destination Information
    3. Creating Output Data Sets
    4. Using ODS Inline Functions and Formatting
      1. Inserting Special Characters
    5. Generating Output Using Internet Services
      1. Emailing Output
      2. Sending Output to an FTP Server
    6. The ODS Path Macro Variable
    7. Setting the Default Path for Output Files
    8. Exporting ODS Output as “Character” Separated Values
  6. Chapter 3: Table and Text Tips
    1. Procedure-specific Table Features
    2. Creating One-Shot Tables
    3. Controlling Blank Lines in PROC PRINT
    4. Creating Spanned Rows in PROC REPORT
    5. Preventing Cell Merging in PROC TABULATE
    6. Creating Tables with DATA _NULL_
    7. Styling All Template-Based Tables at Once
    8. Ad Hoc Tables with the Report Writing Interface
    9. Generating Bulleted Lists and Blocks of Text
    10. Creating Bulleted Lists
    11. Creating Nested Lists
    12. Creating Blocks of Text
  7. Chapter 4: Style Tips
    1. Getting Started with the Basics
      1. Generating Samples of All Styles
      2. Creating a Simple Style
      3. Creating a Simple CSS Style
      4. Determining the Correct Style Element to Use
    2. Dealing with Borders and Padding
      1. Using CELLPADDING Versus PADDING
      3. Controlling Borders Individually
    3. Alternating Table Row Colors
    4. Using RGBA Colors
    5. Advanced Traffic Lighting Functions
    6. Using CSS
      1. Referencing CSS Styles
      2. Importing CSS from CSS
      3. Style Selection Based on Media Types in CSS
      4. CSS Color Models
      5. Displaying ODS’s Document Object Model
      6. Setting a Global Font for the Printer Destinations in CSS
      7. Using IDs in CSS
      8. BY Group Styling in CSS
  8. Chapter 5: HTML Tips
    1. HTML3 vs HTML4 vs HTML5
      1. ODS HTML 3
      2. ODS HTML 4
      3. ODS HTML 5
    2. Cascading Style Sheet Tips
      1. Generating an External CSS File
      2. Specifying Your Own CSS File
      3. Specifying Multiple CSS Files
    3. Setting the Document Title
    4. Creating Document Fragments
    5. Inserting Arbitrary Markup in the Document Preamble
    6. Using External Resources
      1. Utilizing Web Fonts
      2. Linking to Your Own Custom JavaScript
    7. Change the Image Format Used by Graphs
    8. Background Effects
      1. Using a Background Image on a Table
      2. Using Gradients Backgrounds
    9. Preserving White Space
    10. ODS HTML5 Techniques
      1. Turning Off Inline SVGs
      2. Inlining Bitmapped Images
      3. Inline All Style Attributes
  9. Chapter 6: Printer Tips
    1. Multicolumn Output without Layout
    2. Page Breaks and Orientation
      1. Changing Page Orientation
      2. Controlling Page Breaks
    3. Styles in ODS PDF
      1. Using CSS-based Styles
      2. Installing Custom Fonts
      3. Adding Background Images and Watermark Effects
    4. Creating Bitmaps of Tables
    5. Adding Metadata to Your PDF Documents
    6. Creating Secured PDF Documents
    7. Specifying the Initial PDF Page View
  10. Chapter 7: Excel Tips
    1. Comparing ODS Excel Formats
      3. HTML
      4. TAGSETS.CSV
    2. Displaying Help
    3. Using Excel Formats
    4. Preserving Leading Zeros
      1. Alternate Solution
      1. Using Excel Formulas in TAGSETS.EXCELXP
      2. Controlling Worksheet Names Manually
      3. Using BY Group Information in Worksheet Names
    6. Using Graphical Output in Excel
    7. Preventing Cell Merging in PROC TABULATE
    8. More Excel Tagsets Online
  11. Chapter 8: ODS Document Tips
    1. Customizing Your Report Structure
      1. Creating a Completely Custom Table of Contents
      2. Recording Actions in the Documents Window
      3. Using Links to Create Custom Tables of Contents
      4. Using Links to Create Aggregate Reports
    2. Using WHERE Clauses in Documents
    3. Templates and Dynamic Variables
      1. Display the Template Used by an Object in a Document
      2. Displaying Dynamic Variables Used by an Output Object
      3. Swapping Templates during Replay
    4. Accessing the Data in Document Output Objects Directly
    5. Inserting Plain Text Objects into a Document
    6. Operating on a Document Using CALL EXECUTE
  12. Index