

^ symbol 27–28



accessing data in document output objects directly 137–138

actions, recording in Documents window 128

ad hoc tables, with report writing interface 38–40


background images 103–105

JavaScript effects to ODS HTML 84–85

metadata to PDF documents 106–107

watermark effects 103–105

aggregate reports, creating 130–131

ANCHOR= option 67

attributes 92–93

See also specific attributes

AUTHOR= option 107



background effects

using background images on tables 58–59

using gradients backgrounds 88–89

background images

adding 103–105

using on tables 58–59


BITMAP_MODE sub-option, OPTIONS statement 92


creating of tables 105–106

inlining 92

blank lines, controlling in PRINT procedure 31–33

blocks of text, generating 40–42

BODY= option 80


borders and padding

about 52


BORDERSPACING attribute 54

CELLPADDING attribute 52–53

PADDING attribute 52–53

BORDERSPACING attribute 54

bulleted lists, generating 40–44

BY group

in CSS 69–71

using in worksheet names 120–121

BY variable 131–132



CALL EXECUTE, operating on documents using 140–142

cascading style sheets (CSS)

alternating row colors in 56-57

color models 64–65

creating styles 49–50

displaying Document Object Model 65–66

generating external CSS files 75–76

BY group styling in 69–71

importing from CSS 62

referencing CSS styles 62

selecting styles based on media types in 63–64

setting global font for printer destinations in 66–67

specifying multiple CSS files 78

specifying your own CSS files 76–78

using 61

using IDs in 67–68

using styles in 100–102

cell merging, preventing in TABULATE procedure 34–35, 123

CELLPADDING attribute 52–53

CELLSTYLE_AS statement 37, 55–56


image format used by graphs 85–86

page orientation 96–97

closing all ODS destinations 6

CMYK(...) 64

CMYKA(...) 64

color models, CSS 64

COLUMN statement 36

COLUMNS= option 95–96


comparing Excel formats 111–112

CONTENTS procedure 7,9, 12, 38


blank lines in PRINT procedure 31–32

borders individually 54–55

ODS (Output Delivery System) 3–27

page breaks 96, 98–100

worksheet names manually 119–120

COUNT= option 32


aggregate reports 130–131

bitmaps of tables 105–106

blocks of text 40–44

bulleted lists 40–43

CSS styles 49–50

custom table of contents 125-130

document fragments 80

external CSS files 75–76

nested lists 41–42

one-shot tables 29–31

output data sets 17–18

output using Internet services 21–24

samples of styles 46–50

secured PDF documents 108

spanned rows in REPORT procedure 33–34

styles 46–50

tables with DATA_NULL_ 35–37

CSS (cascading style sheets)

alternating row colors in 65

color models 64–65

creating styles 46–48

displaying Document Object Model 65–66

generating external CSS files 75–76

BY group styling in 69–71

importing from CSS 61

referencing CSS styles 62

selecting styles based on media types in 63–64

setting global font for printer destinations in 66–67

specifying multiple CSS files 78

specifying your own CSS files 76–77

using 61–71

using IDs in 67–69

using styles in 100–102

CSSSTYLE= option 62, 64, 70, 100-102

custom fonts, installing 103

customizing report structure 125–131



data, accessing in document output objects directly 137–138

DATA argument 39

DATA= option 41

DATA step 16, 35-36, 140-142

DATA_NULL_, creating tables with 35–37

DEBUG option 23

DELIMITER option 27


closing all 4–6

interleaving 7–8

querying open 16–17

running multiple instances of one 8–11

suspending 14–16

determining correct style elements 51–52


Document Object Model 65–66

dynamic variables used by output objects 134–135

help in Excel 112

output object information 11–12

templates used by objects 133–134

DOC_SEQNO= option 137–138

Document Object Model, displaying 65–66

DOCUMENT procedure

about 128

displaying dynamic variables used by output objects 134–135

displaying templates used by objects in documents 133–134

IMPORT TO statement 138–140

inserting plain text objects into documents 138–140

LIST statement 140–142

OBTEMPL statement 133

operating on documents using CALL EXECUTE 140–142

REPLAY statement 135–137

swapping templates during replay 135–137

using links to create custom tables of contents 128–130

WHERE clauses 131–132

Document Recorder 128


See also ODS Document

creating fragments 80

inserting arbitrary markup in preamble 80–82

inserting plain text objects into 138–140

operating on using CALL EXECUTE 140–142

PDF 106–110

setting titles 78–79

dynamic variables 133–137



EMAILHOST option 21–22

emailing output 21–23

EMAILSYS option 21–22

END= attribute 30–31

END statement 41–43

escape character 18

Excel (Microsoft)


about 111

comparing formats 111–112

controlling worksheet names manually 119–120

displaying help 119-120

formats 111–112, 113–114

preserving leading zeros 115–117

preventing cell merging in TABULATE procedure 123

tagsets online 123–124

using BY group information in worksheet names 120–121

using graphical output in 122

excluding output objects 12–14

exporting ODS output as “character” separated values 27–28

EXPRESSION(...) function 60–61

external CSS files, generating 75–76

external resources

linking to your own custom JavaScript 84–85

using 82–85

web fonts 82–83



FILE= option 78–80, 112

FILE PRINT ODS statement 35–37

FILENAME statement 21–22, 23–24

FONTPATH statement 103

FONTREG procedure 103

fonts, installing custom 103

FORMAT_CELL method 39

formats, Excel 111–112, 113–114

FTP servers, sending output to 23–24




aggregate reports 130–131

bitmaps of tables 105–106

blocks of text 40–44

bulleted lists 40–44

CSS styles 49–50

custom table of contents 125–127, 128–130

document fragments 80

external CSS files 75–76

nested lists 41–43

one-shot tables 29–31

output data sets 17–18

output using Internet services 21–24

samples of styles 46–47

secured PDF documents 108

spanned rows in REPORT procedure 33–34

styles 48–49

tables with DATA_NULL_ 35–37

GIF format 86

global font, setting for printer destinations in CSS 66–67

Google Fonts (website) 82–83

GOPTIONS statement 86

gradients backgrounds 88-89

graphical output, using in Excel 122

GRAPHICS statement 86

graphs, changing image format used by 85–86



HEADTEXT= option 81–82, 84–85

help, displaying in Excel 112

HSL(...) 65

HSLA(...) 65


about 112

background effects 86–89

cascading style sheet (CSS) 75–78

changing image format used by graphs 85–86

creating document fragments 80

generating external CSS files 75–76

inlining all style attributes 92–93

inlining bitmapped images 92

inserting arbitrary markup in document preamble 80–82

linking to custom JavaScript 84–85

ODS HTML5 techniques 91–93

preserving white space 89–91

setting document title 78–79

specifying CSS files 76–78

turning off inline SVGs 91–92

using background images on tables 87–88

using external resources 82–85

using gradients backgrounds 88–89

versions 73–75

web fonts 82–83

HTMLSTYLE= attribute 114



IDs, using in CSS 67–69


adding to background 103–105

bitmap 92, 105–106

changing formats used by graphs 85–86

using background images on tables 87–88

IMPORT TO statement, DOCUMENT procedure 138–140

importing CSS from CSS 62

inline functions, general syntax for 18–19

inline styling, adding to reports 19–20

inline SVGs, turning off 91–92


all style attributes 92-93

bitmapped images 92


arbitrary markup in document preamble 80-82

plain text objects into documents 138-140

special characters 20-21

installing custom fonts 103

interleaving ODS destinations07-8

Internet services, generating output using 21-24

ITEM statement 41-43



JavaScript, linking to your own custom 84-85

jQuery plug-in 84-85



KEYWORDS= option 107



LABEL option, ODS TRACE ON statement 11-12

leading zeros, preserving 115-116


creating aggregate reports with 130-131

using to create custom tables of contents 128-130

to your own custom JavaScript 84-85

LIST statement, DOCUMENT procedure 140-142



markup, inserting in document preamble 80-82

metadata, adding to PDF documents 106-107

Microsoft Excel

See Excel (Microsoft)

multicolumn output without layout 95-96



nested lists, creating 41-43

NO_BOTTOM_MATTER= sub-option, FILE= option 80

NOCELLMERGE option, TABULATE procedure 34, 123

NO_TOP_MATTER= sub-option, FILE= option 80

NOWRAP value 89-90



OBTEMPL statement, DOCUMENT procedure 133

ODS (Output Delivery System)

See also specific topics

controlling 3-16

creating output data sets 17

displaying output object information 11-12

emailing output 21-23

excluding output objects 12-14

exporting ODS output as “character” separated values 27-28

generating output using Internet services 21-24

inserting special characters 20-21

interleaving ODS destinations 7-8

ODS CLOSE statement 6

ODS path macro variable 24-26

ODS sandwich 4–5

ODS_ALL_CLOSE statement 6-7

querying open ODS destination information 16-17

running multiple ODS destinations 8-11

selecting output objects 12-14

sending output to FTP servers 23-24

setting default path for output files 26

suspending ODS destinations 14-161

using ODS inline functions and formatting 18-21

ODS CLOSE statement 6

ODS destinations

closing all 6-7

interleaving 7-8

querying open 16-17

running multiple instances of one 8-11

suspending 14-16

ODS Document

about 125

accessing data in document output objects directly 137-138

creating aggregate reports 130-131

creating custom table of contents 125-127, 128-130

customizing report structure 125-131

displaying dynamic variables used by output objects 134-135

displaying templates used by objects 133-134

dynamic variables 133-137

inserting plain text objects into documents 138-140

operating on documents using CALL EXECUTE 140-142

recording actions in Documents window 128

swapping templates during replay 135-137

templates 133-137

using WHERE clauses in 131-132


ODS EXCLUDE ALL; command 14

ODS EXCLUDE NONE; command 14

ODS EXCLUDE statement 12-14, 14-16

ODS HTML CLOSE; command 4

ODS HTML; command 4, 67, 100-102

ODS HTML CSSSTYLE= option 68-69

ODS HTML statement 70-71, 78




about 74

inlining all style attributes 92-93

inlining bitmapped images 92

techniques 91-93

turning off inline SVGs 91-92

ODS LISTING CLOSE; command 4–5

ODS LISTING; command 4–5

ODS path macro variable 24-26

ODS PATH statement 24-26



ODS PDF statement 96-97, 100-105

ODS PRINTER destination 105

ODS sandwich 4–5

ODS SELECT ALL; command 14

ODS SELECT NONE; command 14

ODS SELECT statement 12-14, 14-16


ODS TRACE DOM statement 66-67

ODS TRACE ON statement 11-14, 66

ODS_ALL_CLOSE; statement 6-7

ODSLIST procedure 40-43, 43-44

ODSTABLE procedure 29-31, 35-37, 60

ODSTEXT procedure 43-44

one-shot tables, creating 29-31

online tagsets 123-124

operating on documents using CALL EXECUTE 140-142


See specific options



OPTIONS statement 91-92, 96-97, 105-106, 112

orientation, page 96-98


emailing 21-23

exporting as “character” separated values 27-28

generating using Internet services 21-24

sending to FTP servers 23-24

output data sets, creating 17-18

Output Delivery System

See ODS (Output Delivery System)

output files, setting default path for 26

output objects

displaying 11-12

excluding 12-14

selecting 12-14




See borders and padding

PADDING attribute 52-53

page breaks, controlling 96, 98-100

page orientation, changing 96-97

PATH= option 26

PDF documents

adding metadata to 106-107

creating secured 108

specifying initial page view 109-110

PDF ESCAPECHAR statement 18

PDF PASSWORD= option 108

PDFPAGEVIEW= option 109-110

PDFSECURITY= option 108

plain text objects, inserting into documents 138-140

PNG format 86

PRE.NOWRAP value 89-91


leading zeros 115-117

white space 89-91

preventing cell merging in TABULATE procedure 34-35, 123

PRINT procedure

adding JavaScript effects to ODS HTML 84-85

controlling blank lines in 31-33

creating one-shot tables with 29

preserving whitespace 89-91

using Excel formats 113

using IDS in CSS 68-69

PRINTERPATH= option, OPTIONS statement 105-106


adding background images 103-105

adding metadata to PDF documents 106-107

adding watermark effects 103-105

creating bitmaps of tables 105-106

creating secured PDF documents 108

installing custom fonts 103

multicolumn output without layout 95-96

orientation 96-97

page breaks 96, 98-100

specifying initial PDF page view 109-110

styles in ODS PDF 100-105

using CSS-based styles 100-102


See specific procedures

PROCLABEL= option 125

PROMPT option 24



querying open ODS destination information 16-17



recording actions in Documents window 128

replay, swapping templates during 135-137

REPLAY statement, DOCUMENT procedure 135-137

REPORT procedure

alternating row colors in 57

creating one-shot tables with 29

creating spanned rows in 33-34

SPANROWS option 33-34

using Excel formats 113-114

using IDS in CSS 68-69

report writing interface, ad hoc tables with 38-40


aggregate 130-131

customizing structure 125-131

RESOLVE(...) function 59-60


RGBA(...) 58–59

RGBA colors 82-83

Roboto font 82-83


running multiple instances of one destination 8-11



SAS 9.4 Output Delivery System User's Guide 1

SAS System Options: Reference 108

SASEDOC libname 137-138

SASHELP.VDEST data set view 16


output objects 12-14

styles based on media types in CSS 63-64

sending output to FTP servers 23-24


default path for output files 26

document title 89-79

global font for printer destinations in CSS 66-67

SHEET_INTERVAL= option 119, 120-121

SHEET_NAME= option 119

spanned rows, creating in REPORT procedure 33-34

SPANROWS option, REPORT procedure 33-34

special characters, inserting 20-21


initial PDF page view109-110

multiple CSS files 78

your own CSS files 76-78

START= attribute 30-31

STARTPAGE= option 98-100


advanced traffic lighting functions 59-61

alternating table row colors 56-58


borders 52-55

BORDERSPACING attribute 54

CELLPADDING attribute 52-53

controlling borders individually 54-55

creating 48-49

creating CSS 49-50

CSS 61-71

CSS color models 64-65

determining correct style elements to use 51-52

displaying Document Object Model 65-66

generating samples of 46-47

BY group styling in CSS 69-71

importing CSS from CSS 62

in ODS PDF 100-105

padding 52-55

PADDING attribute 52-53

referencing CSS styles 62

RGBA colors 58-59

selecting based on media types in CSS 63-64

setting global font for printer destinations in CSS 66-67

using CSS-based 100-102

using IDs in CSS 67-69

STYLE= option 32-33, 104

STYLE_ATTR argument 39

STYLE_ELEM argument 39

STYLESHEET= option 75-76, 76-78

styling template-based tables 37-38

SUBJECT= option 106-107

suspending ODS destinations 14-16

SVG_MODE sub-option, OPTIONS statement 91-92

swapping templates during replay 135-137

SYMGET(...) function 59-60

%SYSGET macro 103

SYSODSPATH macro variable 24-26



table of contents 125-127, 128-130

tablecloth jQuery plug-in 84-85


ad hoc with report writing interface 38-40

alternating row colors 56-58

controlling blank lines in PRINT procedure 31-33

creating bitmaps of 105-106

creating one-shot tables 29-31

creating spanned rows in REPORT procedure 33-34

creating with DATA_NULL_ 35-37

preventing cell merging in TABULATE procedure 34-35

styling template-based 37-38

using background images on 87-88

TABULATE procedure

NOCELLMERGE option34-35, 123

preventing cell merging in 34-35, 123-124

TAGATTR= attribute 113, 115, 117-118

tagsets 123-124

TAGSETS.CSV destination 27-28, 112


about 112, 123

controlling worksheet names manually 119-120

displaying help 112

preserving leading zeros 115-116

preventing cell merging in TABULATE procedure 123

using 113-114

using BY group information in worksheet names 120-121

using Excel formulas in 117-119

using graphical output in Excel 122


about 112, 113-114

preserving leading zeros 115-116

using graphical output in Excel 123-124


TAGSETS.STYLE_POPUP destination 51-52

TEMPLATE procedure

about 29, 35

applying padding to cells 53

creating CSS styles 49-50

creating styles 48-49

CSS color models 64-65

displaying Document Object Model 65-66

template-based tables, styling 37-38


displaying used by objects 133-134

swapping during replay 135-136

text blocks 40-41

TEXTFILE= option 138-140

TITLE= option 107

TITLE= sub-option, FILE option 21-22

traffic lighting 59-61

turning off inline SVGs 91-92



variables, dynamic 133-137



watermark effects 103-105

web fonts, utilizing 82-83

WHERE clauses, using in documents 131-132

white space, preserving 89-91

WHITESPACE attribute 89-91

WRITE access method 129

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