
Book Description

Learn how to quickly generate business intelligence, insights and create interactive dashboards for digital storytelling through various data sources with Redash

Key Features

  • Learn the best use of visualizations to build powerful interactive dashboards
  • Create and share visualizations and data in your organization
  • Work with different complexities of data from different data sources

Book Description

Data exploration and visualization is vital to Business Intelligence, the backbone of almost every enterprise or organization. Redash is a querying and visualization tool developed to simplify how marketing and business development departments are exposed to data. If you want to learn to create interactive dashboards with Redash, explore different visualizations, and share the insights with your peers, then this is the ideal book for you.

The book starts with essential Business Intelligence concepts that are at the heart of data visualizations. You will learn how to find your way round Redash and its rich array of data visualization options for building interactive dashboards. You will learn how to create data storytelling and share these with peers. You will see how to connect to different data sources to process complex data, and then visualize this data to reveal valuable insights.

By the end of this book, you will be confident with the Redash dashboarding tool to provide insight and communicate data storytelling.

What you will learn

  • Install Redash and troubleshoot installation errors
  • Manage user roles and permissions
  • Fetch data from various data sources
  • Visualize and present data with Redash
  • Create active alerts based on your data
  • Understand Redash administration and customization
  • Export, share and recount stories with Redash visualizations
  • Interact programmatically with Redash through the Redash API

Who this book is for

This book is intended for Data Analysts, BI professionals and Data Developers, but can be useful to anyone who has a basic knowledge of SQL and a creative mind. Familiarity with basic BI concepts will be helpful, but no knowledge of Redash is required.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Copyright and Credits
    1. Redash v5 Quick Start Guide
  3. Packt Upsell
    1. Why subscribe?
    2. PacktPub.com
  4. Foreword
  5. Contributors
    1. About the authors
    2. About the reviewer
    3. Packt is searching for authors like you
  6. Preface
    1. Who this book is for
    2. What this book covers
    3. To get the most out of this book
      1. Download the example code files
      2. Conventions used
    4. Get in touch
      1. Reviews
  7. Introducing Redash
    1. Data challenges experienced by companies on a daily basis
      1. An example dashboard
    2. Ideal tools for targeting challenges
    3. Meeting Redash
      1. What exactly is Redash?
      2. Redash architecture
    4. Summary
  8. Installing Redash
    1. Sizing – choosing the right machine to do the job
    2. Installation options and installation walkthrough
      1. Installation options
      2. AWS-predefined image
        1. Launching an instance using Redash AMI
        2. Launching an instance using Bitnami Redash AMI
        3. Welcome to Redash setup page
      3. GCE-Predefined image
      4. Docker-based installation
      5. Provisioning script installation
    3. Explaining the setup.sh script
    4. Troubleshooting
    5. Configuration and setup
      1. Email configuration
      2. Using Google OAuth to log in to Redash
      3. Redash environment settings
      4. HTTPS (SSL) Setup
    6. Permissions in Redash
      1. Groups
      2. Creating and editing groups
      3. Creating users
    7. Summary
  9. Creating and Visualizing your First Query
    1. Creating and testing the Data Source
      1. Alternative static Data Source definition
    2. Creating your first query
    3. Creating the visualization
    4. Creating the dashboard
    5. Summary
  10. Connecting to Data Sources
    1. Supported Data Sources
    2. Adding a new Redash Data Source
    3. A detailed walk-through of the selected Data Sources
      1. Connecting to PostgreSQL
      2. Connecting to ElasticSearch
      3. Connecting to MongoDB
      4. Connecting to GoogleSpreadsheet
      5. Connecting to Url
      6. Connecting to Query Results (beta) 
      7. Connecting to Amazon Athena
      8. Connecting to BigQuery
      9. Connecting to Redshift
      10. Connecting to DynamoDB
    4. Summary
  11. Writing and Executing Queries
    1. Query listing
    2. Query editor overview
    3. Query operations 
      1. Creating a query
      2. Editing a query
      3. Forking a query
      4. Archiving a query
      5. Scheduling a query
    4. Query results and filters
      1. Query results
      2. Query filters
    5. Parametrized queries
      1. Parameter settings
    6. Query snippets
    7. Alerts
      1. Alert statuses
      2. Creating Alerts
      3. Alert destinations
    8. Summary
  12. Creating Visualizations
    1. The benefits of visualizations
    2. An overview of visualization types
      1. Boxplot
      2. Chart
      3. Map (Choropleth map)
      4. Cohort 
      5. Counter
      6. Funnel
      7. Map (Markers map)
      8. Pivot table
      9. Sankey
      10. Sunburst sequence
      11. Word cloud
      12. Table
    3. Visualizations in action
      1. Creating and editing visualizations
      2. Going over Redash visualizations
        1. Boxplot
        2. Chart
        3. Map (Choropleth)
        4. Cohort
        5. Counter
        6. Funnel
        7. Map (Markers)
        8. Pivot Table
        9. Sankey
        10. Sunburst sequence
        11. Table
        12. Word Cloud
      3. Special actions on visualizations
    4. Summary
  13. Dashboards and Practical Tips
    1. Dashboard how-tos 
      1. Creating/editing dashboards
      2. Dashboard query filters, hashtags, and favorite dashboards
        1. Dashboard-level filters
        2. Dashboard hashtags
        3. Favorite Dashboards
      3. Sharing dashboards
    2. Dashboard guidelines
    3. Tips and tricks
    4. Summary
  14. Customizing Redash
    1. Redash API
      1. API authentication
    2. API calls overview
    3. API usage examples
    4. Extending Redash code
      1. Installing Redash for development
        1. Installing a Docker-based developer environment
          1. Initial dev setup
          2. Dev use
        2. Installing a regular developer environment 
          1. Installing dependencies
          2. Installing the necessary Python packages
          3. Node.js packages and assets
          4. Redash configuration
          5. Creating Redash operational database tables
          6. Starting Redash's main processes
          7. Running tests
        3. Connecting to the remote server while running the frontend locally
    5. Summary
  15. Other Books You May Enjoy
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