
Book Description

Shows leaders in the middle just how powerful they are without pretending that leading employees and reporting to bosses don’t require different skills. It fills the gap between the books those leaders read and the information they actually need and answers the big questions that constantly confound leaders and their companies: Why do leaders who care about their teams still struggle to gain their boss’s approval? Why do those same leaders who feel they serve their teams have so much difficulty getting teams to step it up and go beyond the basic requirements of their jobs? Why do leaders have issues getting other divisions in the organization to do more, so that their teams don’t have to do more than their share? The answer: Leaders in the middle too often serve down to their people and defend up to their bosses, instead of serving up to their bosses and coaching down to their employees. This is why so many companies struggle to innovate and get stuck—leaving everyone frustrated and looking for answers. Serve Up, Coach Down changes all that. Great leaders don’t feed their people fish; they coach them on how to fish for themselves and then beat the competition by catching more fish. Those people in return serve their leaders and the people those leaders report to by delivering maximum performance for the organization. Achieving that performance, however, requires leaders in the middle to focus, have confidence, and commit to changing their mindsets.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  7. INTRODUCTION: The Leader in the Middle
    1. How Did This Happen?
    2. We Need a New Playbook for Success
  8. PART 1: Serving Up
    1. CHAPTER 1: Serve Your Boss and You Serve Your Team
      1. Defending Up Versus Demanding Down
      2. Stop Protecting Down
      3. You're Doing It Wrong. Yes, You.
      4. The Serve Up Mindset
      5. Be Better, Faster, Stronger
    2. CHAPTER 2: Serving Up Is Not Sucking Up
      1. Jealous Much?
      2. A Suck-Up Sucks Down Too
      3. Change Your Perspective and Challenge Your Assumptions
      4. Your Belief Determines the Action
    3. CHAPTER 3: Serving Peers, Coworkers, and Customers
      1. Serving Those Beside Us
      2. It Does Not Have to Be This Way
      3. Serving Outward
    4. CHAPTER 4: Start Serving Up Now!
      1. Actions
      2. Achievements
  9. PART 2: Coaching Down
    1. CHAPTER 5: Coaching (Not Managing) Your Team
      1. Coaching Employees to Excellence Versus Managing to Mediocrity
      2. The Coach's Intent
    2. CHAPTER 6: Surviving Versus Thriving
      1. Three Things a Leader in the Middle Can Do to Create a Thriving Culture
      2. Spend Time with Those Who Deserve the Attention
      3. Learn to Practice
      4. Learn to Scrimmage
      5. Next Time, Scrimmage It!
    3. CHAPTER 7: Hold Your People to Higher Standards
      1. One-on-Ones
      2. Floor Days
    4. CHAPTER 8: Start Coaching Down Now!
      1. Actions
      2. Achievements
  10. PART 3: Serving and Coaching in Uncertain Times
    1. CHAPTER 9: Changing the Speed of Change
      1. Forget About the “What” and the “Why.” Focus on the “How.”
      2. No, Really. Stop! Stop the Why.
      3. Remember: A “How Person” Is Using the Serve Up/Coach Down Mindset
    2. CHAPTER 10: Workplace Change: The New Boss
      1. The Meeting
      2. The Belief Created the Culture, and the Culture Created the Behavior
      3. Still Think It's a Fantasy?
    3. CHAPTER 11: Marketplace Change: Centralizing Services
      1. The Biggest Hurdles Are Perspective and Ego
      2. Be Certain with Uncertainty
      3. What Will You Do?
      4. The Power Is in Owning the Decision, Not Empathy
    4. CHAPTER 12: Remember: Only “How” People Allowed
      1. Final Considerations: Serving and Coaching in Uncertain Times
  11. PART 4: Bridging the Knowledge Gap
    1. CHAPTER 13: The Knowledge Gap Is the Black Hole of Greatness
      1. Lack of Will or Lack of Skill?
    2. CHAPTER 14: Lack of Will
      1. What Do I Mean by “Will”?
      2. Set the “Will Standard”
      3. You've Lost that Willing Feeling
      4. The Reward Must Be Worth the Sacrifice
    3. CHAPTER 15: Lack of Skill
      1. High-Intensity Versus High-Tension Environments
      2. Not Everyone Can Be a Baseball Player
    4. CHAPTER 16: Maintaining the Bridge
      1. Old Habits Die Hard
      2. Final Considerations: The Knowledge Gap
  12. PART 5: Choosing Time Management
    1. CHAPTER 17: Get Your Priorities Straight
      1. Lack of Priorities
      2. What Do I Mean by “Important”?
      3. Lack of an Important Focus Can Create Urgent Consequences
      4. The Justification Trap
    2. CHAPTER 18: The Must-Do List
      1. Three Steps for Creating and Owning a Must-Do List
      2. Coaching Down and Developing Employees
      3. Serving Up
      4. Building the Business, Team, and Myself
    3. CHAPTER 19: A Tale of Two Leaders
      1. Choose Your Mindset
      2. Final Considerations: Time Management
  13. PART 6: Everyone Is Important, but No One Is Required
    1. CHAPTER 20: What Have You Done for Me Lately? Loyalty Versus Accountability
      1. Don't Be Loyal to a Fault
      2. Stop Justifying Anyone's Lack of Activity—Including Yours!
    2. CHAPTER 21: You Owe Me: Loyalty Versus Tenure
      1. Nobody Is “Owed” Nuthin'
      2. But This Person Sacrificed So Much for the Company!
    3. CHAPTER 22: Choose Wisely: Sacrifice Versus Decision
      1. Why Am I Telling You All This?
    4. CHAPTER 23: Dreaming Big to Be Big: Loyalty and High Performance
      1. Success in Business Is Built on Successful Moneyships
      2. Final Considerations: Everyone Is Important, but No One Is Required
  14. PART 7: Keeping the Power
    1. CHAPTER 24: Own Your Power
      1. Own the Direction
      2. It's Never “Us” Versus “Them”
      3. Power Is Not Reclaimed or Shown by Force
    2. CHAPTER 25: The Power Is in the Goal, Not Being Right
      1. But They're Wrong!
      2. The Power Is in the Goal
    3. CHAPTER 26: It's Never “Me Versus the World”
      1. No One Wants to Be a Guest in Their Own House
      2. When You Keep Your Power, You Welcome Others in Your “Sandbox”
      3. Final Considerations: Keeping the Power
  15. CONCLUSION: Commit to Personal Growth
    1. Be Your Best
    2. Complacency Versus Contentment
    3. What Are You Waiting For? Put These Words into Action!