Serving Up

Let's say a person important to you was spending the night at your home. How would you treat that person when he or she arrived? With open arms, a big welcome, and a genuine smile or a half-hearted wave, a low grunt, and a half-assed gesture to where the guest room is? Would you offer a drink from the good stuff in a nice glass or some tap water from your kid's chewed-up sippy cup? Would you put clean sheets on the bed and set out the nice towels? Or would you leave the sheets Aunt Agnes with the pack-a-day habit slept on last week and put the frayed towels your dog likes to play with on top?

Most of us would not give a second thought to giving and serving our guest the best to make that person feel special and welcomed.

But what if that guest were our boss? Same thing, of course.

So let me ask you these questions: Why is it okay to serve people who come to your home as guests but unacceptable to serve people who employ you and help you pay for that home? Why would you strive to be the best servant at home but think that doing the same thing at work is wrong or just sucking up?

Because you lack the “serve up” mindset.

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