
Book Description

Ever wished you could be more than you are now? Perhaps you have wondered whether there was more to life than the hamster wheel that you find yourself on? Maybe, you have been told by a teacher or manager that you won't amount to anything? Does part of you secretly believe that you could do something greater than you are doing now? Then this book is for you. You are not going mad and you are not being big headed to believe that YOU are awesome and YOU do have a unique talent. You have a unique talent, and if you don't know what it is yet, it is time you found out. If you fail to play your strengths, to be the best that you are capable are being, it is not just you that misses out, it is all of us. Essentially, this book will challenge you to seek out your talent, release your full potential and be defined by who you are, not what you do. Are you ready for that?

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title Page
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Contents
  6. Preface
  7. Acknowledgment
  8. Introduction
  9. Chapter 1 Putting People First
  10. Chapter 2 2 + 2 = 4
  11. Chapter 3 A Name, Not a Number
  12. Chapter 4 Why You Matter
  13. Chapter 5 Being Rather than Doing
  14. Chapter 6 Being Rather than Doing Will Make You Happy
  15. Chapter 7 Do the Important Stuff First
  16. Chapter 8 What You Are and What You Are Not
  17. Chapter 9 Challenge, Question, Be Curious
  18. Chapter 10 Make Yourself Heard
  19. Chapter 11 Dream Big
  20. Chapter 12 Don’t Be Afraid
  21. Chapter 13 Choose the Right Attitude and You Will Find the Aptitude
  22. Chapter 14 If at First You Don’t Succeed
  23. Chapter 15 Surfing the Edge of Chaos
  24. References
  25. Index