
Alpha state, 99

American Society of Plastic Surgery, xiiixiv

Appreciation, for colleagues, 94

Appreciative inquiry (AI), 83, 84

Ashe, Arthur, 59


as choice, 119

positive, 118119

Authenticity, 32


Babbage, Charles, 36

Bannister, Roger, 118

Beckham, David, 66

Black and white syndrome, 99

Bodily intelligence, 64

Boyle, Susan, 65

Britain’s Got Talent, 65

Buckingham, Marcus, 7

Business re-engineering, 2


Capability, measure of, 64

Capitalism, 1, 13

Career Tool

#1, xviixxii

#2, 711

#3, 2021

#4, 3233

#5, 43

#6, 49

#7, 5661

#8, 6970

#9, 7678

#10, 8488

#11, 9398

#12, 104105

#13, 112116

#14, 120

#15, 124

#16, 129133

Carnegie, Dale, 59

Change-management process, 90

Childhood, talent and, 64

Chivalric honor system, xii

Collaboration, 5

Collier, Robert, 58

Communication, 8990

Complexity, balancing with simple routines, 126

Computing, generation of, 28

Confucius, 53

Cooperider, David, 84

Corporate life, 5455

Cosmetic surgery, xiiixiv

Cowell, Simon, 65

Creativity, 5, 7475

Crisis in Syria, 45

Criticism and feedback, 30

Cultural osmosis, 108


Daily Temperature Reading (DTR) model, 9398

appreciation, 94

complaint, with request for change, 97

hopes and dreams sharing, 98

new information sharing, 95

puzzles, 96

Dancing in gold shoes, 49


importance of, 100101

making deliberate, 101

Decision-making process, 9092

Deluded megalomaniac, 109110

Depressing statistics, 46

Dialogue and discussion, 8990

improving decision-making process, 9092

key to, 91

stages to fostering, 9091

Disney, 119

Dodinsky, 59

Double-barreled forename, 27

Double-barreled surname, 27

Dream. See also Daydreaming

bigger, 101103, 104

dreaming impossible, 103

statement development, 105

Dulles, John Foster, 59

Dyslexic Dysgraphia, 122123

Dyson, James, 75

Dyson vacuum cleaner, 75


Eden Project, 107

Edison, Thomas, 36

Education, 64

Einstein, Albert, 36, 73

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 58


to create forward movement, 124

of outcomes, 122123

Existential intelligence, 64



deluded megalomaniac, 109110

isn’t because chose bad decision, 108109

likelihood of, 110111

as master teacher, 108

meaning of, 108

as part of life, 107

reframing, 112116

identify mistakes, 113

learning from experience, 116

negative results, 114

positive results, 115

Ford, Henry, 58

Forename, 24

double-barrelled, 27

Fortitude, 121

development, 29

Forward movement, evaluation to create, 124

Foster Consultancy, 29

Future potential, waste of, 4748


Google, xi

Grammy, 65

Greek government debt crisis, 3

Groupthink, 81


Hereditary titles, xii

Her/His Majesty (HM), xii

Her/His Right Honorable, xii

Hierarchical organizational structures, 31

Hopes and dreams sharing, with colleagues, 98

How questions, 80

HRH, xii

Human potential, 5


I Can Influence (ICI), 69, 70

I Can Own (ICO), 69, 70

I Can’t Do Anything About (ICDFAA), 69, 70


developing, 3233

tied to name and history, 2728

Impatience, 73

Impossible dreams, 103

Innovation, 5

Intelligence. See specific intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence, 64

Intrapersonal intelligence, 64

Investing in personal development, 19

iPod, 75

Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), 4

IT failure, 15


Job title, 3132

Jobs, Steve, 121

Johnson, Stewart B., 59


Kardashian, Kim, xi

King, Martin Luther, 36


Lansing, Sherry, 58

Liminality, avoiding, 126127

Linguistic intelligence, 64

Logical intelligence, 64

Long-term goal, 121


Major, John, 40

Mandela, Nelson, 59

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 38

McGregor’s Theory Y, 17

Mental illness, xiii

Mental models, 125, 126

breaking, 129133

deciding, 131

improving awareness of current beliefs, 130

replacing beliefs, 132

Mentoring, 3839

Money, and happy, 5152

A More Beautiful Question (Berger), 79

Musical intelligence, 64

MySpace, xi


Names, 2333

for business, 2831

identity tied to, 2728

jobs, 3132

mis-pronunciation or mis-spelling of, 27

in online, 2425

reasons for, 24

Naturalist intelligence, 64

New information sharing, with colleagues, 95

Nicknames, 24

Nobel Peace Trump, 65

“Now discover your strengths”, 7

Numbers, attributed, xvxvi


Onomastics, 23


contribution people assets making, 1618

value of people in, 56

Outcomes, evaluation of, 122123


Participative exchange, 91

Past effort, waste of, 4748

Patton, George S., 59

Perseverance, 121

Personal brand profile, xviixxii

Personal development

investing in, 19

rules for, 7

Personal development planning (PDP), 2021, 54

Planned behavior theory, 119

Positive attitude, 118119

Positive things, 120

Potential, talent, 6768

Powell, Colin, 58

Principle, Peter, 30

Priorities, wrong, 1416

Profit and loss (P&L) account, 12

Puzzles, 96


Queen, xii


development practice and, 79

right type of, 7981

wrong, 79


Reasoned action theory, 119

Reflection, 32, 33, 101

Reframing failure. See Failure, reframing

Resilience, 112

Return on investment (ROI), 13, 16

from learning and development, 19

Rock pool mentality, 127128

Ros, Wil, 59

Roth, Philip, xv


Salary and job satisfaction, 5152

Samueli, Henry, 58

Schweitzer, Albert, 59

Scientific management, ix

Second World War, 4

Self-actualization, x

Self-awareness, 32

Self-confidence, 32

Self-development activities, 38

Self-discipline, 121

Self-employment, 110

Self-imposed boundaries, 102

Self-inquiry, 32, 33

Self-perception, 32

Selfies, xiii

Sivananda, Swami, 58

Smith, Tim, 107

Social media, xiii

Social networking, xi

Social psychology, 119

Spatial intelligence, 64

Stay-at-home parents, role of, x

Strategic Talent Management, 3637

Strengths, focus on

articulate, 10

identifying, 711

log activities, 9

writing statements, 11


meaning of, 5254, 5661

measure of, 64, 123

seeking in own system, 8488

best experience, 85

core life-giving factor or value, 87

three wishes, 88

values, 86

Surname, 24

double-barrelled, 27

Sustainable performance, 1819



and academic achievement, 64

celebrity, 63

development of, 3739

finding of, 3941, 6567

successful utilization of potential, 6768

taking ownership of potential, 4142

waste of, 3637

“The 10-year rule”, 121

Thirty-plus party, 4546

Transformative learning, 28

Truism, Goldstein S., 59


Usernames, 24

The War for Talent, 36


Warner, Carolyn, 58


articulate, 77

assumptions, 7375

embracing, 7273

owning, 76

statement writing, 78

What if questions, 80

Why questions, 80

Winning, 69

Woman of Many Businesses, 29

Woodward, Clive, 69

World Wide Web, 103

Wrong-headed thinking, 81

Wrong priorities, 1416

Wrong thinking, 129

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