
Book Description

You're no idiot, of course. You know life is a journey and that physical birth and death are it spoints of transition. Many people, across cultures and faiths, believe the spirit lives on and have experienced contact with the spirits of loved ones who have passed to the higher side. This contact is joyous, comforting and healing, but you wonder if it's really real and whether you can share in it, too.

Don't give up the spirit! 'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Communicating With Spirits' will show you exactly how to uncover your own mediumistic capabilities and connect with those no longer on the earth plane. In this 'Complete Idiot's Guide', you get:
-Tips on how to connect with your personal divine energy through prayer, meditation and dreams.
-Information on the birth of the human soul, as perceived through theological, metaphysical and spiritual viewpoints.
-Exercises to help you develop your mediumistic abilities.
-Tangible evidence of the continuity of life.

Table of Contents

  1. Title Page
  2. Dedication
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Foreword
  5. Introduction
  6. Part 1 - The Spirit World
    1. Chapter 1 - I See Dead People
    2. Chapter 2 - Divine Purpose
    3. Chapter 3 - Spiritualism: Continuity of the Spirit
    4. Chapter 4 - Why Make Contact?
  7. Part 2 - What’s on the Other Side?
    1. Chapter 5 - Spirit Geography: Planes of Existence
    2. Chapter 6 - Birth, Death, and Passing Over
    3. Chapter 7 - Spirit Guides
    4. Chapter 8 - Earthbound Spirits
  8. Part 3 - Invoking the Spirits
    1. Chapter 9 - Incoming Messages
    2. Chapter 10 - A Little Help from the Pros
    3. Chapter 11 - Tipping Tables and Blowing Horns: It Must Be a Séance!
    4. Chapter 12 - Uncovering the Medium Within
    5. Chapter 13 - Understanding the Message
  9. Part 4 - Activating Your Spirit Senses
    1. Chapter 14 - Mediumistic Sight, Hearing, and Knowledge
    2. Chapter 15 - Telepathic Bridges
    3. Chapter 16 - Psychometry: The Power of Places and Objects
    4. Chapter 17 - Dream Weaver
  10. Part 5 - Being: The Essence of Spirit
    1. Chapter 18 - The Healing Power of Spirit Energy
    2. Chapter 19 - Everything Is Spirit, Spirit Is Everywhere
    3. Chapter 20 - Near-Death Experiences
    4. Chapter 21 - Time, Space, and the Soul’s Life
  11. Part 6 - Karmic Cycles and Soul Lessons
    1. Chapter 22 - Mastering Your Spirit Gifts
    2. Chapter 23 - Soul Patterns and Life Lessons
    3. Chapter 24 - Using Spirit Energy to Heal the World
  12. Appendix A - Glossary
  13. Appendix B - Additional Resources
  14. Index