Chapter 7
Spirit Guides
In This Chapter
• Your ever-present spirit guides
• An exercise for identifying your spirit guides
• An exercise for asking your spirit guides for help
• What’s in it for your spirit guides
Wouldn’t it be nice if you could share in the wisdom and learning the other side has to offer … from this side? You can, and probably already do, even though you might not know it! Spirit guides are with each of us all the time. Some people are very aware of their guides, and can even tell which guides are present. Some people only sense a spirit guide’s presence in times of need or stress, while others sense the presence of their guides a good deal of the time.
Spirit guides are here to watch out for us, help us understand life lessons, and help us find joy and wonder as we journey through our earth plane existence. And often, contact serves for the spirit guide’s progression as well. Spirits can learn by helping us through our experiences, too.

You and Your (Spirit) Shadow

Although your spirit guides are with you all the time you aren’t always aware of their presence, any more than you’re aware of the presence of your shadow. Just as familiarity blurs the details of your regular commute route or daily activities, the continuous presence of your spirit guides sometimes makes them just part of the psychic scenery.
Whether or not you know it, your spirit guides are always with you. They communicate with you on a higher level. Some of the information they have to share is instructional, helping you to discover the learnings of your lessons in this life. You might “hear” or “see” this communication, and be as consciously aware of it as you would be of a dialogue with an earth plane friend. Other times you simply take an action or make a decision that turns out right, and you might marvel at having done so. Do you feel as though someone is smiling at you then, giving you a pat on the back? Thank your spirit guides!
A key concept with spirit guides is “guidance.” Guidance is something that is optional. It is additional information, a different perspective, that you can use or not use, as you choose. You are not required to follow a spirit guide’s advice. What you do with the information your spirit guides provide is entirely up to you.
Spirit guides aren’t with us to live our lives for us, or to keep us from making poor choices and mistakes. Ultimately, you are responsible for your own life and the path it takes. Spirit guides are extra resources for you to tap into, and to draw from in considering the many elements of information that go into the decisions you make. It’s up to you to use or discard that advice, according to how it fits with other advice and information. You, and you alone, are accountable for the course of your life.
Your safety always remains your responsibility! Don’t rely on spirit guides, however protected they make you feel, to keep you safe when you put yourself in hazardous situations. Remember that spirit guides are with us to help with the lessons of our lives, not to keep us from the consequences of potentially risky decisions.

Someone to Watch over You

Do you sometimes feel that your spirit guide is some sort of a heavenly protector who watches over you and keeps you from getting into harm’s way or into trouble? You might even refer to this protector as a guardian angel (although technically speaking, a guardian angel is an entirely different entity). You might have spirit guides that function in this way. They stay with you, surround you with light and energy, and help you find your way safely through the day and to your destination.

A Little Help from Beyond

During your existence on the earth plane, you develop a certain expertise. (If you’re truly talented, you might have several areas of expertise.) You might be an artist, a banker, an accountant, an engineer, a carpenter, an attorney, a doctor, a writer. When you pass to the other side, this expertise goes with you. As you evolve on the higher side, your first order of business is to complete whatever personal matters need attention. After that, you can use your expertise to guide people on the earth plane.
This is the help that comes to you through your spirit guides. They have expertise in areas that are important in your life, and come to offer guidance in those areas. Often, your spirit guides help you to move toward achieving your life’s mission.

Cast of Thousands

Most spirit guides were once people who walked the earth plane and now have an expertise that they can share with you. They can offer help with just about any need you might have, from the mundane to the spiritual. You might have one spirit guide who offers advice about matters relating to your professional life, and another that gives you a boost when you’re involved in physical activities. You might even have shopping guides!
Rita has a particular spirit guide that has been with her for a long time and is with her when she paints, yet when she does spirit drawings she can feel that other spirit guides come in to guide the process. She can see the shift in the style of her drawings, and then she knows a different guide is at work. When she paints her own spirit guides, she can feel them guiding her work to create the images that unfold on her canvases.
A spirit guide might have a heritage that is very different from yours. Yet if you look closely, you’ll find that there is some sort of connection. Perhaps there are elements of the spirit guide’s heritage that allow you to look at things differently than your own heritage and culture permit. Our spirit guides help us through the processes we need to complete so we can make the changes and experience the growth needed to make our own life paths unfold. Each of us is so unique! Some people don’t want to go any further than their neighborhood, while others want to travel around the world. Spirit guides give us inspiration for journeys that we want—or need—to take.

Friend, Family, Stranger?

A spirit guide has a particular skill or expertise to offer you, which is why you have different spirit guides at different times of your life, and even during different activities. Occasionally a spirit guide might be a friend or a family member who has passed to the higher side. But most of the time, your spirit guides are not the folks you’ll find in your family album. The only time a spirit guide might be a relative is when this person has an expertise that you need. If you’re a painter and your grandfather was a plumber, your grandfather doesn’t have much to offer you about painting—even though you might very much enjoy his spirit visits. A spirit guide comes to teach or assist you. A loved one comes to fuss over you, to tell you to eat your oatmeal and button your coat!
Sometimes you might believe a relative has come through to give you some help. Think this through carefully before accepting it. Did this relative have expertise in the area he or she is now offering assistance with? If Aunt Martha couldn’t balance a checkbook on the earth plane, she’s not going to become a financial whiz when she passes to the higher side! If you have someone coming through, whether directly or through a medium, who says she’s Aunt Martha, coming to give you financial planning advice from the other side, don’t feel that you have to accept the advice. Sometimes the signal isn’t quite clear; this either isn’t Aunt Martha, or it is but she hasn’t come to help you plan your financial future. Sometimes a visit is just a visit. Ask the spirit to clarify his or her identity and purpose.
If a spirit guide’s apparent message doesn’t make sense to you, explore it further. Never make changes in your life solely on the basis of information that comes to you through spirit communication. As with all advice, explore all the possibilities and consequences before choosing a course of action.

Who Are Your Spirit Guides?

It’s fun and exciting to meet your spirit guides. Most of them are just as eager to meet you. Even though they’ve been a part of your life for who knows how long, they’ve operated in the shadows. Everyone enjoys recognition, and spirit guides are no exception. In fact, many spirit guides will go out of their way to help you figure out who they are.
Rita was painting a picture of her spirit guide when a friend came in and asked, “What’s his name?” Rita struggled with fragments of words and kept coming up with “Frangelico, Angelico, friar,” with words going back and forth, until finally “Fra Angelico” came to her. But this didn’t mean anything to Rita or her friend, so Rita just pushed it to the back of her mind.
Three weeks later, Rita heard her father’s voice say “Look it up!” This had been his constant message during his presence on the earth plane, so it came as no surprise that it was his message from the other side. So Rita went to the encyclopedia and found an entry for a Fra Angelico, a painter who lived in the fifteenth century. All the information that she had told her friend about this painting monk was verified in the encyclopedia.
End of the Day, November 1989, oil on canvas. Rita’s painting of her spirit guide Fra Angelico.
Being the skeptic that she is, Rita dug deeper for more information about Fra Angelico. At the Worcester Art Museum’s research room, Rita found an article written in approximately 1850, critiquing Fra Angelico in the same way that Rita’s work had been reviewed just a few months earlier! In both cases, the critiques stated, “Master of hands and faces but not enough painterly quality. Too interested in telling the story.” For Rita, this verified that Fra Angelico was indeed her spirit guide; the chances of something like this happening at random are pretty incredible.
Silver Cord
The Italian painter Fra Angelico (ca. 1400-1455), whose given name was Guido di Pietro, lived on the early side of the famous Italian Renaissance period in art that produced Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. One of his famous paintings, a fresco called The Annunciation, is in a church in Florence, the monastery of S. Marco. According to the “standard of standards” in art history basic texts, History of Art, art historian H. W. Janson writes Fra Angelico preserves “dignity, directness, and spatial order … but his figures, much as we may admire their lyrical tenderness, never achieve the physical and psychological self-assurance that characterizes the Early Renaissance image of man.”
Most people have a dominant guide who is present nearly all of the time. When Debbie (Rita’s co-author of this book) and Rita talked on the telephone for the first time, Rita immediately “met” Debbie’s spirit guide, even though Debbie was unaware of his presence. An energetic and powerful presence, this guide is a Native American in full, colorful dance attire. He dances with great energy, and it is this energy that gives Debbie her “Never say die!” approach to life. Now that she is aware of her spirit guide, Debbie feels his energy and his presence—especially when flying downhill on her bicycle! Debbie looks forward to getting to know her “Feather Dancer” and to learning what lessons he is here to help her learn.
Silver Cord
Guided meditation, or directed communication, is a common method of helping your conscious self to step aside. This opens and frees your mind, body, and spirit to be receptive to spirit contact.
You might, like Debbie, become aware of your spirit guides when a medium introduces you to them. Or you might already have a sense that a presence accompanies you through the activities of your daily life, or even a clear vision that you can already identify as a spirit guide. Whatever the case, your guides are with you to help you get the most from your life. Your guides are your spirit friends, and you can initiate communication with them just as you might pick up the telephone to call your earth plane friends.

Meet Your Spirit Guides: A Directed Communication Exercise

Who are your spirit guides? Here is an exercise that can help the guides disclose themselves to you. You might want to read through it several times. In that way, you can go through the steps without interrupting them to see what comes next. It’s not important that you follow each step exactly. What matters most is that you are comfortable, relaxed, and open to the experience and whatever information it reveals to you.
1. Make yourself comfortable in a location where you won’t have any distractions or interruptions.
2. Take three slow, deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Let the first breath clear your body, let the second breath open your mind, and let the third breath free your spirit.
3. Consciously form the thought: “This is my time to be one with God and for God to be one with me.” (God, of course, being the divine of your belief system or choice.) Set an intent to meet your spirit guide.
4. In your mind’s eye, see yourself sitting on a bench in an open, beautiful garden. There are flowers and trees, and the air smells fresh and clean. It is peaceful and calm.
5. Open your mind and your heart to welcome the visitor you know is approaching, with the same delight and excitement you might feel when a friend or a relative comes to visit.
6. Watch your visitor, your spirit guide, approach. Notice it, but don’t shift your focus to looking at the guide’s appearance, attire, and demeanor. Invite your guide to join you.
7. Open your spiritual senses to allow communication with your guide. Listen with your inner hearing, observe with your inner vision. Ask your guide to share with you whatever information he or she wishes to share.
8. When your spirit visitor appears ready to leave, thank him or her for coming to visit. Say good-bye in comfort and in joy, knowing that you can and will meet again.
9. Smell the clean, fresh air, and gaze at the beautiful flowers and trees in your garden. Gradually feel yourself rise from your bench. Step back, and feel yourself leaving the garden and returning to your physical location.
10. Become conscious of your breathing. Feel yourself back in your body, become conscious of your breathing. Wiggle your fingers and your toes, open your eyes.
Silver Cord
Among your spirit guides, there is generally one that is a dominant presence. He or she serves as the guardian who decides what other spirit contact to permit. In this gatekeeper role, your primary spirit guide “screens” your spirit visitors to keep you from being overwhelmed by contacts from spirit guests eager to visit with you. As you get to know your dominant spirit guide and become aware of his or her presence and interactions in your life, you’ll know when your gatekeeper steps aside to allow other communication to come through. Mediums like Rita often observe this when doing readings.

Identifying Your Spirit Guide

Now it’s time to put on your analytical thinking cap. Who is your spirit guide? What is his or her link to you, and what lessons is this guide in your life here to teach you? What information did your spirit guide share with you? Get your pen or pencil, and write down your impressions while they’re still fresh in your mind. If you need more space than we’ve provided here, write your responses on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Did you get a clear image of your spirit guide? Describe the image.
2. Does your spirit guide seem familiar? Did you get a sense of a name or a place that might help to identify this spirit guide? Write down any words or images that came to you.
3. Did your spirit guide appear to be male or female? What physical characteristics could you sense? Write the most complete description that you can.
4. What kind of clothing was your spirit guide wearing? Did his or her clothes appear to be historical or contemporary?
5. What cultural heritage did your spirit guide appear to embody? Is this a culture similar to, or very different from, your own?
6. Did your spirit guide seem familiar, as though you’ve met before? Describe aspects that feel familiar.
7. Did your spirit guide speak to you? What did your guide say? Describe the guide’s voice and what your guide said.
8. Did your spirit guide tell you his or her name, or provide you with clues? Did you have a sense of a name or a word floating in your thoughts? Write down your impressions.
9. What mannerisms did your spirit guide have? Did he or she make gestures, sit with legs crossed, or stand during the visit? Write down all that you can remember.
10. Write down any other details about the visit.

Cosmic Counsel

Rita’s spirit guide Fra Angelico is an ever-present teacher who helps Rita refine and improve her technique and skill as a painter. She can ask Fra Angelico for help, or he can come through with inspiration. Spirit guides are with us to teach and help us learn. Your spirit guides can help you enhance the abilities and talents that you have, and even discover those that you didn’t realize you had, but they cannot give you what you don’t have. It is always your role and responsibility to develop your gifts and aptitudes and make the most of them.
Mediums and Messages
When Rita did a second exercise to meet her spirit guide, Fra Angelico appeared again. Rita expected the room that the monk created for their second meeting would look like the cell in a monastery, but instead it looked like a large, elegant dining room. In the center of the dining table was a bowl of fruit. When Fra Angelico walked into the room, Rita waited, extremely excited to talk with him, but the monk stopped to eat a pear. She said to him, “I am a painter.” He smiled back and said, “I know.” Rita said, “I paint with much larger brushes than you did.” He chuckled and said, “I know that, too.” Then in the meditation they walked over to one of Rita’s paintings. She picked up a paint brush and his hand slipped over hers like a surgical glove, and their two hands painted together.

Life Lessons: A Directed Communication Exercise

You, too, can seek the counsel of your spirit guides. In the mediumship classes that she teaches, Rita uses the following exercise to help her students learn more about their spirit guides and the lessons they have come to teach. (The first three steps are the same ones you followed to establish contact with your spirit guides.)
1. Make yourself comfortable in a location where you won’t have any distractions or interruptions.
2. Take three slow, deep breaths, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Let the first breath clear your body, let the second breath open your mind, and let the third breath free your spirit.
3. Consciously form the thought: “This is my time to be one with God and for God to be one with me.” Set an intent to meet your spirit guide or teacher.
4. With your eyes closed, see yourself on a magnificent university campus. There are beautiful gardens and buildings made of white marble all around you. (You can close your eyes if this helps you concentrate, or focus your sight on a specific point.)
5. As you stand on this campus, you see many paths of white, crushed stone. You know that one of these paths is yours, and you start to walk it.
6. Walk your path until it takes you to a beautiful building with a grand staircase leading inside. Climb the staircase and enter the building.
7. Stand quietly in the building’s entrance, waiting for instructions about where to go next. You will be directed to the room where you will meet your teacher, one who is guiding you from the higher side.
8. Go to this room, and enter it with an open mind. Have no expectations, no preconceived ideas about whom or what you will find in the room. Allow the room to unfold, and wait until someone else enters the room.
9. The person who joins you is your spirit guide, your teacher. Ask the guide what lesson you need to learn. A lesson will appear before you. Be still, stay in the quiet, and let the lesson become part of you.
10. When the lesson is complete, thank your spirit teacher, say good-bye, and know that you can and will meet again.
11. Walk back to the building’s entry, go through the door to the outside, and walk down the beautiful staircase to the path that brought you here. Follow the path back to the edge of the campus. Look around you, see that the sun is high and the sky is blue, and all is well.
12. Become conscious of your breathing. Feel yourself back in your body, become conscious of your breathing. Wiggle your fingers and your toes, open your eyes.
Silver Cord
Cleansing breaths help to clear your energy so that you are refreshed and receptive to whatever experiences and messages await you in spirit communication. They also help re-ground you when the communication ends, so that you are once again fully and completely in the here and now.

Understanding the Lesson

Now, while your lesson is fresh in your mind, write down the images that came to you. This is often very much like interpreting your dreams. Images and concepts might be symbolic and representative rather than literal and direct.
1. Were you able to determine right away which path was yours to follow?
2. What thoughts, emotions, or feelings did you experience when your spirit guide arrived and the lesson got underway?
3. Did you get a clear image of who your spirit teacher was? Describe the image. If you completed the “Meet Your Spirit Guides” exercise earlier in this chapter, was this the same spirit guide that came to you then?
4. Describe the lesson as it unfolded.
5. Did the lesson make sense to you? Did it relate to something that you do in your life, such as your profession, a talent that you have, or a hobby or special interest?
6. What images appeared in the lesson? Were there certain colors, sounds, or words?
7. How did you participate in the lesson?
8. Did you have questions during the lesson? Did you ask questions? Did you get answers? Did the answers make sense to you?
9. What meaning does the lesson have for you right now?
10. What aspects of the lesson will you want to explore further (such as through meditation, focused thinking, or writing in a journal) to try to understand their meanings or purposes?

The Path of Spirit Progression

The help that spirit guides give us is invaluable. It can take us to levels of understanding, skill, and ability that would take much, much longer for us to achieve without their help. Often, this interaction is a two-way street; that is, spirit guides benefit, too. They are progressing and evolving on the higher side, moving along the paths of their soul-missions just as we are doing the same in the paths of our physical lives. Teaching and learning are flip sides of the same coin; it is impossible to separate one from the other. In teaching us, our spirit guides are also learning for themselves.

Feel the Energy!

Your spirit guides bring much positive energy into your life. All you have to do is plug into it, and its many advantages are yours for the taking. Keep your heart, mind, and spirit open to the energy, and it can be the ground swell that carries you to new heights. Their lessons and advice can be enlightening. And they can be fun, bringing you much joy. Let the energy be with you!
The Least You Need to Know
• Often, you are unaware of the presence of your spirit guides. But they are there, helping you in many ways.
• Most people have multiple spirit guides, with different guides taking the lead depending on what you’re doing or what kind of help you need.
• You can invite your spirit guides to show themselves to you, so that you can meet them and know who they are.
• You can ask your spirit guides for specific help, and you can choose to decline advice and suggestions.
• Just as you learn from your spirit guides, your spirit guides can learn from you. This helps them evolve on the higher side.
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