
Book Description

A quick and reliable way to build proven databases for core business functions

Industry experts raved about The Data Model Resource Book when it was first published in March 1997 because it provided a simple, cost-effective way to design databases for core business functions. Len Silverston has now revised and updated the hugely successful 1st Edition, while adding a companion volume to take care of more specific requirements of different businesses.

This updated volume provides a common set of data models for specific core functions shared by most businesses like human resources management, accounting, and project management. These models are standardized and are easily replicated by developers looking for ways to make corporate database development more efficient and cost effective.

This guide is the perfect complement to The Data Model Resource CD-ROM, which is sold separately and provides the powerful design templates discussed in the book in a ready-to-use electronic format. A free demonstration CD-ROM is available with each copy of the print book to allow you to try before you buy the full CD-ROM.

Table of Contents

  1. Cover
  2. Foreword
  3. Acknowledgments
  4. About the Author
  5. Introduction
    1. Why Is There a Need for This Book?
    2. Who Can Benefit from Reading This Book?
    3. The Need for Universal Data Models
    4. A Holistic Approach to Systems Development
    5. What Is the Intent of This Book and These Models?
    6. What Is New in the Second Edition of the Data Model Resource Book?
    7. Conventions and Standards Used in This Book
    8. The Companion Electronic Product
  6. People and Organizations
    1. Organization
    2. Person
    3. Party
    4. Party Roles
    5. Party Relationship
    6. Party Contact Information
    7. Facility Versus Contact Mechanism
    8. Party Communication Event
  7. Products
    1. Product Definition
    2. Product Category
    3. Product Identification Codes
    4. Product Features
    5. Suppliers and Manufacturers of Products
    6. Inventory Item Storage
    7. Product Pricing
    8. Product Costing
    9. Product to Product Associations
  8. Ordering Products
    1. Standard Order Model
    2. Order and Order Items
    3. Order Parties and Contact Mechanisms
    4. Order Adjustments
    5. Order Item Association
    6. Optional Order Models
    7. Requirements
    8. Requests
    9. Quote Definition
    10. Agreement Definition
    11. Agreement Item
    12. Agreement Terms
    13. Agreement Pricing
    14. Agreement to Order
  9. Shipments
    1. Shipment
    2. Shipping Detail
    3. Shipment-to-Order Relationship
    4. Shipment Receipts
    5. Item Issuance for Outgoing Shipments
    6. Shipment Documents
    7. Shipment Routing
  10. Work Effort
    1. Work Requirement and Work Efforts
    2. Work Requirement Definition
    3. Work Requirement Roles
    4. Work Effort Generation
    5. Work Effort Associations
    6. Work Effort Party Assignment
    7. Work Effort Time Tracking
    8. Work Effort Rates
    9. Inventory Assignments
    10. Fixed Asset Assignments
    11. Party Fixed Asset Assignments
    12. Work Effort Type Standards
    13. Work Effort Results
  11. Invoicing
    1. Invoices and Invoice Items
    2. Invoice Roles
    3. Billing Account
    4. Invoice Specific Roles
    5. Invoice Terms and Status
    6. Invoice and Associated Transactions
    7. Payments
    8. Financial Accounts, Deposits, and Withdrawals
  12. Accounting and Budgeting
    1. Chart of Accounts for Internal Organizations
    2. Accounting Transactions Definition
    3. Accounting Transaction Details
    4. Account Balances and Transactions
    5. Subsidiary Accounts
    6. Asset Depreciation
    7. Budget Definition
    8. Budget Revision
    9. Budget Review
    10. Budget Scenarios
    11. Usage and Sources of Budgeted Amounts
    12. Budget Relationship to General Ledger
  13. Human Resources
    1. Standard Human Resources Model
    2. Employment
    3. Position Definition
    4. Position Type Definition
    5. Position Fulfillment and Tracking
    6. Position Reporting Relationships
    7. Salary Determination and Pay History
    8. Benefits Definition and Tracking
    9. Payroll Information
    10. Employment Application
    11. Employee Skills and Qualifications
    12. Employee Performance
    13. Employee Termination
  14. Creating the Data Warehouse Data Model from the Enterprise Data Model
    1. The Data Warehouse Architecture
    2. The Enterprise Data Model
    3. Making the Transformation
  15. A Sample Data Warehouse Data Model
    1. Transformation to Customer Invoice
    2. The Sample Data Warehouse Data Model
  16. Star Schema Designs for Sales Analysis
    1. Sales Analysis Data Mart
    2. Transaction-Oriented Sales Data Mart
    3. Variations on the Sales Analysis Data Mart
    4. Variation 1: Sales Rep Performance Data Mart
    5. Variation 2: Product Analysis Data Mart
  17. Star Schema Designs for Human Resources
    1. Human Resources Star Schema
    2. Human Resources Star Schema at a Higher Level of Granularization
  18. Additional Star Schema Designs
    1. Inventory Management Analysis
    2. Purchase Order Analysis
    3. Shipment Analysis
    4. Work Effort Analysis
    5. Financial Analysis
  19. Implementing the Universal Data Models
    1. The Enterprise Data Model—An Integrated Business View of the Enterprise's Information
    2. Using a Data Model for a Particular Application
    3. Physical Database Design
    4. Using the Data Warehouse Models
    5. For More Information
  20. Logical Data Model Entities and Attributes
    1. Logical Data Model Entities and Attributes Listing
  21. Data Warehouse Data Model Tables and Columns
    1. Data Warehouse Data Model Tables and Column Listing
  22. Star Schema Design Tables and Columns
    1. Star Schema Designs Tables and Column Listing
  23. Other Reusable Data Model and Data Warehouse Design Resources
  24. Index