
I wrote this book because I deeply feel that universal data models can provide effective solutions to many important data management and integration issues. However, this book would not have been possible without the insights and knowledge gained through my rewarding interactions and relationships with clients over the past 20 years. I am extraordinarily grateful to these clients who allowed me to provide service for them, while expanding my knowledge of business and information management. Their use, implementation of and modifications to universal data model constructs have greatly contributed to the content of this book. From among the many people that have contributed, I want to thank Regina Pieper, Howard Jenkins, Rob Jacoby, Chris Nickerson, Jay Edson, Dean Boyer, Joe Misiaszek, Paul Zulauf, Steve Seay, Ken Haley, Ted Kowalski, Mike Brightwell, Dan Adler, Linda Abt, Joe Lakitsky, Trent Hampton, Kevin Morris, Karen Vitone, Tracy Muesing, Steve Lark, and Chuck Dana. I also want to thank the many client organizations that have added to and supported the universal data model paradigm.

I am very thankful to the people who added to the content of this current edition of the book. A person that made a significant contribution is Bob Conway, who took time to review these models out of a very busy consulting schedule and who scrupulously reviewed the models, making insightful suggestions as only Bob could have done. I greatly appreciate the work that Burt Holmes has done in implementing these universal data models at numerous clients and in providing valuable feedback regarding changes required for practical implementation of these models. I am very grateful to Natalie Arsenault, who provided ongoing ideas about the universal data models based upon her extensive data modeling background and who also drafted the first cut of the Implementing Universal Data Models chapter. I thank David Templeton, who reviewed the Implementing Universal Data Model chapter.

I want to thank several people who were instrumental in the first edition of this book. A great deal of thanks is due to Bill Inmon for suggesting the first edition of this book to Wiley; if not for him, The Data Model Resource Book may not have been published. Bill Inmon has added to this book through his visionary perspectives on data warehousing and his method of how to convert logical data models to data warehouse designs. I am grateful to Kent Graziano whose discipline and writing contributions added a tremendous amount to the first edition of this book, and whose Designer 2000 expertise was instrumental in the creation of the first edition CD-ROM. I thank Claudia Imhoff for her help in data warehousing on the first edition as well as her positive foreword in the first edition.

There were mentors that helped guide me and helped me see this work through completion. I am grateful to Richard Flint for his inspiration, guidance and encouragement to follow my visions. I am very thankful to John DeMartini for helping me to view my life more holistically and for inspiring me to continually learn and write about holistic, integrated systems.

I feel honored to have been able to work on this book with Bob Elliott, the finest editor I know, at John Wiley & Sons and I appreciate his excellent vision, management, editing, and support for this book as well as his ongoing encouragement to me. I want to thank Emilie Herman from John Wiley & Sons for taking care of a great number of tasks at Wiley in publishing this book.

I am thankful to my mom, Dede Silverston, a writer herself, who inspired and supported me in my writing; my dad, Nat Silverston, who has been a great father; my brother and great friend, Steve Silverston, who has lifted my spirits and been there for me; and my sister, Betty Silverston, who has such a big heart. Most of all, I am blessed to have had the support, patience, and love of my beautiful wife, Annette, and daughters, Danielle and Michaela, throughout the trial and tribulations of writing this book.

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