
Book Description

Ultra-Fast ASP.NET 4.5 presents a practical approach to building fast and scalable web sites using ASP.NET and SQL Server. In addition to a wealth of tips, tricks and secrets, you'll find advice and code examples for all tiers of your application, including the client, caching, IIS 7.5, ASP.NET 4.5, threads, session state, SQL Server 2012 (otherwise known as Denali), Analysis Services, infrastructure and operations. By applying author Rick Kiessig's ultra-fast approach to your projects, you'll squeeze every last ounce of performance out of your code and infrastructure—giving your site unrivaled speed.

Rather than drowning you in options, Ultra-Fast ASP.NET 4.5 presents and explains specific high-impact recommendations and demonstrates them with detailed examples. Using this knowledge, you will soon be building high-performance web sites that scale easily as your site grows.

  • Apply the key principles that will help you build Ultra-Fast and Ultra-Scalable web sites.

  • Identify performance traps (such as with session state) and learn how to avoid them.

  • Put into practice an end-to-end systems-based approach to web site performance and scalability, which includes everything from the browser and the network to caching, back-end operations, hardware infrastructure, and your software development process.

  • Table of Contents

    1. Title
    2. Contents at a Glance
    3. Contents
    4. About the Author
    5. About the Technical Reviewers
    6. Introduction
    7. Chapter 1: Principles and Method
      1. The Difference Between Performance and Scalability
      2. Why Ultra-fast and Ultra-scalable?
      3. End-to-End Web Page Processing
      4. Overview of Principles
      5. Environment and Tools Used in This Book
      6. Summary
    8. Chapter 2: Client Performance
      1. Browser Page Processing
      2. Browser Caching
      3. Network Optimizations
      4. JavaScript Grouping and Placement
      5. Downloading Less
      6. Using JavaScript to Gate Page Requests
      7. Using JavaScript to Reduce HTML Size
      8. Uploading Less
      9. Optimizing CSS
      10. Using Image Sprites and Clustering
      11. Leveraging Dynamic HTML and JavaScript (Ajax)
      12. Improving Layout and Rendering Speed
      13. Precaching
      14. Using CSS Layout Without Tables
      15. Optimizing JavaScript Performance
      16. Summary
    9. Chapter 3: Caching
      1. Caching at All Tiers
      2. Browser Cache
      3. ViewState
      4. Cookies and Web Storage
      5. Silverlight Isolated Storage
      6. Proxy Cache
      7. Web Server Cache
      8. Caching in SQL Server
      9. Distributed Caching
      10. Cache Expiration Times
      11. Summary
    10. Chapter 4: IIS 7.5
      1. Application Pools and Web Gardens
      2. Request-Processing Pipeline
      3. Windows System Resource Manager
      4. Common HTTP Issues
      5. Compression
      6. HTTP Keep-Alives
      7. Reducing the Length of Your URLs
      8. Managing Traffic and Bandwidth
      9. Failed Request Tracing
      10. Miscellaneous IIS Performance Tuning
      11. Summary
    11. Chapter 5: ASP.NET Threads and Sessions
      1. Threads Affect Scalability
      2. ASP.NET Page Life Cycle
      3. Application Thread Pool
      4. Background Worker Threads
      5. Locking Guidelines and Using ReaderWriterLockSlim
      6. Session State
      7. Alternatives to Session State
      8. Summary
    12. Chapter 6: Using ASP.NET to Implement and Manage Optimization Techniques
      1. Master Pages
      2. User Controls
      3. Themes
      4. Bundling and Minification
      5. Caching Browser-Specific Pages
      6. Control Adapters
      7. Browser Providers
      8. Dynamically Generating JavaScript and CSS
      9. Multiple Domains for Static Files
      10. Image Resizing
      11. Summary
    13. Chapter 7: Managing ASP.NET Application Policies
      1. Custom HttpModules
      2. Custom HttpHandlers
      3. Page Base Class
      4. Page Adapters
      5. URL Rewriting
      6. URL Routing
      7. Tag Transforms
      8. Redirects
      9. Early Response Flush
      10. Whitespace Filtering
      11. Other Ways to Avoid Unnecessary Work
      12. Summary
    14. Chapter 8: SQL Server Relational Database
      1. How SQL Server Manages Memory
      2. Stored Procedures
      3. Command Batching
      4. Transactions
      5. Multiple Result Sets
      6. Data Precaching
      7. Data Access Layer
      8. Query and Schema Optimization
      9. Miscellaneous Query Optimization Guidelines
      10. Data Paging
      11. LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework and other ORMs
      12. XML Columns
      13. Data Partitioning
      14. Full-Text Search
      15. Service Broker
      16. Sending E-mail via Service Broker
      17. Data Change Notifications
      18. Resource Governor
      19. Scaling Up vs. Scaling Out
      20. High Availability
      21. Miscellaneous Performance Tips
      22. Summary
    15. Chapter 9: SQL Server Analysis Services
      1. Analysis Services Overview
      2. Example MDDB
      3. Example MDX Queries
      4. ADOMD.NET
      5. Updating Your Cube with SSIS
      6. Proactive Caching
      7. Using a Staging Database
      8. Summary
    16. Chapter 10: Infrastructure and Operations
      1. Instrumentation
      2. Capacity Planning
      3. Disk Subsystems
      4. Network Design
      5. Firewalls and Routers
      6. Load Balancers
      7. DNS
      8. Staging Environments
      9. Deployment
      10. Server Monitoring
      11. Summary
    17. Chapter 11: Putting It All Together
      1. Where to Start
      2. Development Process
      3. League
      4. Tools
      5. Architecture
      6. Checklists
      7. Summary
    18. Glossary
    19. Index