
Image A

AcquireRequestState event, 196

ActionType enum, 181

AddCacheDependency, 106, 107

Add Cache Rule dialog, 99

Address Windowing Extensions (AWE), 260

AddValidationCallback, 110

Add Web Reference dialog, Visual Studio, 174, 175

Adobe Photoshop, 10

AdomdCommand, 357

AdomdConnection, 357


library, 338

Microsoft SQL Server Feature Pack, 355

multiple-row result, GridView, 358359

reference addition, 356

Advanced Output Cache Rule Settings dialog box IIS Manager, 103

Ajax and plain JavaScript, 9

allowCustomSqlDatabase property, 189, 195

Analysis Services Processing Task, 360

Application policies

batch compilation, 258

Check Page.IsPostBack, 255

Check Response.IsClientConnected, 256

chunked encoding, 252253

cross–page postback, 256

custom HttpHandlers

aspx page, 236

BeginProcessRequest() method, 236237

EndProcessRequest() method, 237238

generic handler, 236

IHttpAsyncHandler, 236

custom HttpModules

applications, 228

async operations, 228

BeginAuthenticateRequest Event Handler, 230232

database table and stored procedure, 234235

EndAuthenticateRequest Event Handler, 232233

EndRequest Event Handler, 233234

Global.asax file, 227

Init() method, 229230

PreRequestHandlerExecute Event Handler, 230

requirements, 228229

web.config, registering, 235236

debug mode disabling, 257258

flush1.aspx, 248

OnPreRender() event handler, 249

packet trace, 250252

page adapters, 240242

page base class, 238240

Page.CreateHtmlTextWriter(), 250

page refresh identification, 255

redirects, 246247

Render() method, 248

Response.Flush() method, 248

tag transforms, 245246

Task.Factory.FromAsync(), 249

URL rewriting, 242243

URL routing, 243245

whitespace filtering, 253255

Application thread pool

asynchronous file I/O, 176178

asynchronous page (see Asynchronous page)

asynchronous web requests, 178179

asynchronous web services, 174176

handling timeouts, 172174

synchronous page (see Synchronous page)

AppPools, 413, 418

<asp:Label> controls, 357


application policies (see Application policies)

browser providers

BrowserProvider.cs, 217

HttpBrowserCapabilities, 218

HttpCapabilitiesProviders, 217

Request.Browser.Id, 219

bundling and minification, 212

caching browser-specific pages, 212213

control adapters

ID removal, 215217

lowercase URL, images, 214215

development, 407

dynamic JavaScript, 219

HttpModule, 18

image resizing

App_CodeImageResizer.cs, 222

async keyword, 222

async property, 224

bitmap object, 223

FromSync() method, 223

ImageCodecInfo object, 223

JavaScript markup, 220

master pages

<asp:ContentPlaceHolder> tag, 200, 201

<asp:HyperLink>, 201

Auto ID elements, 201

DOCTYPE Strict, 199

dynamic, 202

MasterPageFile, 200

nested, 201, 202

referencing, 202

in visual studio, 201

multiple domains, 220221

object caching

CacheItemPriority, 115

Database Dependency, 116117

file-based dependency, 115

global scope and indefinite lifetime, 113

HttpContext.Items, 113

thread safe, 114

TimeSpan, 115

WeakReferences, 117118

output caching

custom providers, 111113

database dependency, 107109

disable, 105

outputCache directive, 103

page fragments, 104105

removing items, 106107

substitution caching, 105

validation, 110111

VaryByCustom property, 109

page life cycle, 161163

session (see Session state)

software development process

application policies, 415416

optimization management, 414415

threads and sessions, 414


add ASP.NET folder, 210

asp:Image> tag, 211

precaching themed images, 211

runtime, 211

setting, 209210

skins, 209

static files, 208

themable properties, 210


application thread pool (see Application thread pool)

background worker threads (see Background worker threads)

locking guidelines, 185186

ReaderWriterLockSlim, 185

scalability, 159161

user controls (see User controls)

ASPState database, 188, 189, 195, 196

Asynchronous page

async task execution

after PreRender event, 171

parallel using APM, 170171

parallel using TAP, 171172

asynchronous programming model, 165166

vs. synchronous load tests

configuration file, 167

IIS application thread pool, 169170

load test results, 167169

test script, 167

WCAT tool, 167

task–based asynchronous pattern, 166167

Asynchronous programming model (APM), 165–166, 278

Async point, 163

AsyncTimeout property, 173

Attributes panel, 347

Image B

Background worker threads

BeginInvoke() method, 179

Dispose() methods, 180

lock statement, 180


ActionType, 181182

Dequeue() method, 183, 184

Enqueue() method, 182

Init() method, 183185

QueuePageView() method, 182183, 185

RequestInfo object, 180181

ThreadAbortException, 185

WorkItem class, 181

task serialization, 185

ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem() method, 179

using statement, 179180

Base-64 encode, 84

BeginAsyncHandler method, 185

BeginAsync() method, 165

BeginExecuteNonQuery() method, 165

BeginInvoke() method, 179

Beta-test phase, 402

BinaryFormatter, 197

64-bit memory systems, 260

Bring online immediately option, 366

Browser cache

dynamic content, 66

disable, 67

profiles, 66

VaryByParam, 66

static content, 63

cache-control, 6465

conditional GETs, 63

disable browser caching, 65

Bug bar, 403

Bug tracking, 403

Business intelligence (BI), 337

Image C

CacheDependency object, 116

CacheItemPriority, 115

Cache object, 412

Cache.SetVaryByCustom() method, 412

Cache validation callback, 412


browser cache (see Browser cache)

configure, 63

cookies (see Cookies)

definition, 61

distributed system, 119120

expiration times

dynamic content, 120

flush mechanism, 120

static content, 120

proxy cache (see Proxy cache)

silverlight isolated storage (see Silverlight)

SQL server, 118

ViewState (see ViewState)

web applications, 62

web server (see Web server cache)

Cache at all tiers, 8

Capacity planning, 377

Cascading style sheets (CSS)

minimization, 26


advantages, 43

cascade style, 46

color attribute, 4445

properties, 4344

style properties, 42

round-trip elimination

Add Custom HTTP Response Header, 36

client-side caching, 35

disadvantages, 37

embedded <style> section, 36

<link> tag, 35

page onload handler, 35

proxies and http.sys caching, 37

Set-Cookie HTTP header, 36

web.config file, 36

tableless layout

absolute positioning concepts, 56

benefits, 55

ctr class, 57

<div> tags, 57

liquid layout, 57

three-column tableless layout, 58

CellSet object, 359

Client performance, 13, 60


features, 49

image sprite code, 4950

jQuery, 51

move() function, 5051

server round-trip avoidance, 49

XmlHttpRequest control, 50

background gradients, 25

browser caching, 1819

browser page processing

network connections and initial HTTP request, 1416

page parsing and new resource requests, 16

page resource order and reordering, 1718

compression algorithm, 27

cookie path property, 42

CSS (see Cascading style sheets)

DSL connection, 41

field separator/ASP.NET dictionary cookie mechanism, 42

gate page requests, 3739

gotlogo() function, 26

HTML, 13

minimization, 26

optimizer, 3334

size reduction, 3940

standards, 3435

image optimization

background images, 28

client-side image maps, 31

image compression and dimensions, 2931

image format, 29

image size attributes, 32

image slicing, 31

inline image encoding, 2829

number of images, minimization, 27

transparency style, 27

image sprites and clustering

CSS creation, 47

display: block property, 47

hover selector, 48

image editor, 46

image src property, 48

<img> tag, 48

web page, 48

JavaScript (see JavaScript)

layout and rendering speed, 5153

Lucida Handwriting font, 26

<meta refresh> tags, 32

network optimizations

ASP.NET control adapter, 21

host domain, 19

HTML, 1920

page onload handler, 26

precaching, 5355

Set-Cookie header, 41

<span> tags, 32

.txtlogo span CSS selector, 26

User-Agent string, 41

web site icon file, 32

Clustered and nonclustered index, 416

clustered index addition, 283284

COLUMNSTORE index, 288289

covered index creation, 286287

definition, 280

fragmentation, 287

guidelines, 281282

key lookup process, 280

nonclustered index addition, 285286

performance issues, 280281

tables without index, 282283

Clusters, 379

<col> tag, 411

COLUMNSTORE index, 288289

Command batching

parameterized command string, 267268


adapter.Update(), 265

batch size, 263

DataTable creation, 264

for inserts, updates and deletes, 263264

limitations, 266

results, 265266

SqlCommand object creation, 264265

UpdateBatchSize, 265

UpdatedRowSource, 265

CommandNotification, 107

Common table expressions (CTEs), 290

Community Technology Previews (CTPs), 403

CompletedSynchronously flag, 178

compressionEnabled property, 189

Connection Manager dialog box, 360, 361

Content distribution network (CDN), 5

Context.Items object, 412

Contig software, 10

cookieName property, 189, 195

Cookies, 198

caching mechanism, 76

definition, 76

JavaScript, 76

name/value pairs, 77


compact privacy policy, 8486

domain, 79

expires, 78

HttpOnly, 80

management, 86

path, 7879

read, 81

secure, 80

storing binary data, 8284

session cookie, 77

WCF services, 77

web storage, 87


definition, 372

guidelines, 372

Logins and Ave Users, 374

named categories, 373

perfmon, 372

performance, 376, 377

Performance Monitor Users group, 374

single/multi-instance, 375

types, 372

Cross-site request forgery (CSRF), 71

Image D

Database write performance, 191

DataBind() function, 163

Data generator, 340

Data marts, 368

Data Source View (DSV), 338, 341

Data tier architecture, 368

Data warehouses, 368

dbcc dropcleanbuffers, 349

Defense-in-depth techniques, 96

Define Relationship dialog box, 346

Depth–first development (DFD), 404

Dequeue() method, 183

dhref property, 38

Dictionary cookie, 77

Dimensions, 344

usage panel, 346

Wizard, 344

Disks, 377

benchmarks, 386

controller cache, 385

controller throughput, 384

CrystalDiskMark, 387

elevator algorithm, 384

NTFS fragmentation, 379381

partition design, 381382

performance measurement, 378

platter and heads, 378

RAID options, 382

RAID 0, 382

RAID 1, 382

RAID 10, 383

RAID 3, 383

RAID 5, 382

RAID 6, 383

recommendations, 383

SANs, 385

SSDs, 385

striping, 382

Dispose() methods, 174

DNS servers, 392

<!DOCTYPE> tag, 411

DoDirMonitoringForUnc registry property, 97

Drop outdated cache option, 365

Image E

-E flag, 188

Email,Service Broker

background worker thread, 315316

drawbacks, 314315

message reading and processing, 316319

remote SMPT server, 315

results, 321

web form, message queue, 319321

Enable proactive caching check box, 365

Enable ROLAP aggregations option, 366

EnableSessionState property, 191

EnableViewState property, 209

Encrypted cookies, 82

EndAsyncHandler method, 185

EndAsync() method, 165, 166

EndExecuteNonQuery() method, 166

EndRead() method, 177

EndsWith (tail) match, 80

End-to-End Web page processing, 57

Enqueue() method, 182

Entity Framework(EF), 296, 417

Environment and tools

Author’s web site, 12

cross-browser compatibility, 10

Net Applications, 10

software tools and versions, 1011

terminology, 12

typographic conventions, 12

Escrow, 403

ExecuteCellSet() method, 359

executeInParallel flag, 170, 171

executeInParallel value, 170

ExecuteNonQuery() method, 167

ExecuteRegisteredAsyncTasks() method, 171

Explore Data option, 343

Export Template Wizard, 74

Export, transform, and load (ETL) process, 368, 369

Expression Web, 11

Image F

Failed Request Tracing, 414

Fiddler Web Debugger, 11

FileStream object, 177

FileStream.ReadAsync() method, 177

Firebug, 11

Firefox, 11

Firewalls and Routers, 390

Image G

GetMachine() method, 194, 195

GetPlaceFactsAsync() method, 176

GetResponseAsync() method, 178

GetVaryByCustomString() method, 415

GIF format, 410

gotlogo() function, 26

GzipStream, 84, 189

Image H

<head> section, 17

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, 400

High-impact core architectural, 8

href property, 38

HttpApplicationState object, 412

HttpHandler object, 415

HttpModule, 198, 413, 415

HttpOnly property, 80

http.sys driver, 101

Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) mode, 363

Image I

IAsyncResult, 185

IDisposable objects, 180

IIS 6.0 Resource Kit Tools, 100

Infrastructure and operations, 371

capacity planning, 377

deployment, 393

data tier upgrades, 394

image-based deployment, 395

page compilation, 395

disk subsystems, 377

DNS, 392

firewalls and routers, 390

instrumentation (see Counters)

load balancing, 391

network design, 387

jumbo frames, 388

link aggregation, 389

server monitoring, 396

database perspective, 396

MTTR, 396

performance counters, 397

SCOM, 397

user perspective, 396

window event logs, 397

staging environments, 393

Initialize() method, 194195

Init() method, 183, 185

InProc mode, 188

Internet explorer software, 11

Internet Information Services (IIS) 7.5


advanced settings, 124

multiple web sites, 125

recycling, 125


advantages, 138

compress.config, 140

configuring, 141

content, caching, 142

disadvantages, 138

dynamic compression, 142

enabling, 139140

gzip and deflate algorithm, 140

keep-alives, 142

failed request tracing

content specifying, 153

enabling, 156

FailedReqLogFiles folder, 156


trace conditions defining, 154

trace providers selecting, 155

WWW Server, 154

HTTP issues

applicationHost.config file, 133

ETag header, 137

HTTP 1.1 headers, 138

log parser, 132, 133

404 Not Found errors, 132

redirects, 134135

server header, 136137

X-Aspnet-version header, 135136

X-powered-by header, 135136

performance tuning, 157

request-processing pipeline, 126127

traffic and bandwidth managing

bandwidth throttling, 150152

robots.txt file, 148149

site maps, 149


rewriting, 144147

virtual directories, 143144

web gardens, 125


Add Rule dialog box, 128

Add/Edit Resource Allocation dialog box, 130

Catalog, 127

Catalog AppPool, 128

CPU limitations, 131

CPU time, 130

features, 132

New Process Matching Criteria dialog box, 128, 129

New Resource Allocation Policy dialog box, 131

process matching criteria, 127

Server Manager, 127

Trans, 127

IPartitionResolver interface, 194

ISerializable interface, 197

ISessionIDManager interface, 193

Item Category, 346, 347

Item Subcategory, 346, 347

Image J

JavaScript, 76

grouping and placement

<script async>, 25

<script defer>, 24

images and objects request, 24

inline document.write(), 21, 22

mid-document script, 21

script reorder, 22, 23

minimization, 26

performance optimization, 58

JPEG format, 410

Image K

KeepAlive, 101

Image L

Leaf data, 363

LIKE clause, 196

Link aggregation, 389

Load balancing, 391

network, 391

reverse, 392

LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium, 7576

Lock() method, 113

lock statement, 180, 186

LoginButton_Click, 89

Log Parser, 11

LosFormatter, 75

Lossless images, 410

Image M

maxConcurrentRequestsPerCPU parameter, 169

maxConcurrentThreadsPerCPU parameter, 169

Maximum transmission unit (MTU), 16

MDDBs. See Multidimensional databases

MDX. See Multidimensional Expressions

Measure group data, 363

Measures, 344

Message authentication code (MAC), 71

MethodName property, 105

Microsoft TerraServer system, 174

Microsoft Velocity, 191

Minimize blocking calls, 8

Mirroring, 382

Modulo function, 192

MSF Agile process, 401

M2 testing phase, 402

Multidimensional database (MDDB), 337, 338

calculated member, 347348

cube creation, 344

data source view

client tools installation, 341342

Explore Data option, 343

named calculation, 343

SSDT, 341

deployment and testing, 348349

items and users dimensions, 346347

RDBMS schema, 339340

time dimension, 344346

Multidimensional Expressions (MDX), 338

children, quarter dimension, 353

health category, 353

index, 350

LASTPERIODS() function, 354

NONEMPTY() function, 353

null rows and columns filter, 353

sets, 355

subcategory, 353

SUM() function, 354

TOPCOUNT() function, 352

T-SQL query, 349350

tuple, 353

Vote Ave, 352

WHERE clause, 351

WITH MEMBER clause, 354

Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) mode, 363

Image N

Native Command Queuing (NCQ), 378

.NET Framework, cost, 11

.NET garbage collector (GC), 117

New Named Calculation dialog box, 343

NHibernate, 417

NTFS fragmentation, 418

N-tier architecture, 409

Image O

Object Relational Model (ORM), 296

Office, cost, 11

OLTP system, 367368

OnLoad() style methods, 415

Optimize disk I/O management, 9

OutputCache directive, 102

Image P

PageAsyncTask constructor, 170172

PageAsyncTask object, 165

PageHandler, 162

Page_Load() method, 89, 178

Partition Storage Settings dialog box, 363, 364

Partition resolver, 19495

PartitionResolverType property, 195

P1 bugs, 403

P2 bugs, 403

P3 bugs, 403

P4 bugs, 403

Permanent cookies, 187

PNG format, 410

Port trunking/NIC teaming, 389

Precaching, 118

Primary XML index, 301

Priority zero (P0) bug, 403

Proactive monitoring, 396

ProcessCube.dtsx file, 362

Product Group product, 401

Proxy cache

Accept-Language header, 96

cache-control HTTP header

ASP.NET runtime marks, 94

cookies and authentication, 95

SetCacheability, 95

SetNoServerCaching(), 95

static content, 96

defense-in-depth techniques, 96

filtering and logging, 94

HTTP, 94

invisible, 94

VaryByHeaders, 96

visible proxy, 94

Image Q

Quality-based exit criteria, 402

Queue Length parameter, 169

QueuePageView() method, 182183, 185

QueueUserWorkItem() method, 179

Image R

Random class, 193

ReaderWriterLockSlim, 185186

Read-heavy workloads, 417

Reduce round trips, 8

RegisterAsyncTask() method, 165

Register directive, 211

RegisterScriptableObject(), 92

Relational database management system (RDBMS), 337

Relational OLAP (ROLAP) mode, 363

ReleaseReaderLock() method, 186

ReleaseRequestState event, 196

RemoveOutputCacheItem() method, 106

Render() method, 162

RequestInfo object, 180181, 185

Resolved bugs, 403

ResolvePartition() method, 194195

Resource Governor, 417

Response.IsClientConnected flag, 416

RijndaelManaged Cryptor, 82

ROLAP mode, 367

Image S

SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium method, 7576

Scalability and performance, 2

Secondary techniques, 910

Semaphore object, 181

Serializable classes, 197

Server monitoring, 396

Server.Transfer() method, 415

Service Broker, 417

Session object, 187, 197, 198

Session state

alternatives, 198

full-custom, 196197

HTTP protocol, 187

InProc mode, 188

management, 187

ReadOnly mode, 190191


code testing, 195196

custom session ID manager, 192195

partition resolver, 194195

scaling out, 192

scaling up, 191

serialization cost, 191

selective enabling, 190191

serialization, 197198

session ID, 187188, 196

SQL Server, 188190

StateServer, 188

SessionIDManager class, 193

sessionIDManagerType property, 195

SetLength() method, 178

setTimeout() property, 38

SetValidUntilExpires() method, 111

Showstopper bugs, 403

Silence interval, 365

silence override interval, 365

Silverlight, 198

cookies, 78

isolated storage

application, 9293

deploying and updating, 93

HTML and user’s experience, 9192

LoginButton_Click(), 91

MainPage.xaml.cs, 89

Page_Loaded() method, 89

sample application, 88

site-specific, 87

<TextBox> control, 90

XAML Markup, 8889

Slowly changing dimension (SCD), 369

Software development process

ad hoc process, 400


block diagram, 408

draft diagram, 409

N-tier architecture, 409

SqlDependency type caching, 409

three-tier architecture, 409

tiers, 409

two-tier server architecture, 409


application policies, 415416

optimization management, 414415

threads and sessions, 414

bug tracking, 403

caching, 412413

client performance, 409411

coding, 402

cost, features, schedule, and quality, 400

design phase, 400

establishment, 399

IIS 7.5, 413414

infrastructure and operations, 418419

league, 406407

Microsoft, 400401

organization, 401

principles and method, 409

project phases and milestones, 401402

solid infrastructure, 400

SQL server analysis services, 418

SQL server relational database, 416418

staffing, 400

system architecture, 400

testing, 403

tools, 407408

ultra–fast spin

brown bag talks, 405

depth–first development, 404

formal coding standards, 405

FxCop tool, 406

refactoring code, 405

source code control, 405

unit testing, 404405

user feedback, 403

Solid state disks (SSDs), 9, 385

SqlCacheDependency, 107, 117, 417

SqlCommand, 166, 174, 357

SqlConnection, 166, 174, 357

sqlConnectionString property, 189


object, 417

property, 107

type caching, 409

SQL Server analysis services (SSAS), 418


aggregation queries, 337


definition, 337

updationwith SSIS, 360363

data source, 338

dimensions, 338

disadvatages, 338

DSV, 338

facts, 338

MDDB (see Multidimensional database)

MDX queries (see Multidimensional Expressions)

proactive caching, 338

data storage options, 363364

modes, 364367

slice, 337

staging database, 367369

SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), 11, 341

SQL Server Express, 119

SQL Server Feature Pack, cost, 11

SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), 338, 360

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), 271, 338

SQL Server Relational Database, 416418

command batching (see Command batching)

data access layer

AddBrowserBegin() method, 279

AddBrowserEnd() method, 279

asynchronous programming model, 278

connection and transaction management, 280

data access code, 278

synchronous database commands, 278

task-based asynchronous pattern, 279

data change notifications

change event handler, 322

configuration system, 324326

data registration, 322

mechanism, 322

query restrictions, 322324

SqlCacheDependency class, 322

data paging, 289

code-behind, 292294

common table expressions, 290

markup, 291292

object data source, 294295


output, 295

stored procedure, 292

data partitioning

index addition, 305

Lock Escalation configuration, 305

old data archiving, 306

partition function, 303

partition scheme, 303

SQLEnterprise and Developer, 303

tables, performance issues, 302

test data generation, 304305

data precaching

forms-based data, 277

multiserver load-balanced web tier, 276277

Page-at-a-Time Data, 277278

full-text search

clustered index creation, 307

full-text catalog and index, 307308

full-text queries, 308

rank details, 309

syntax summary, 309310

table creation, 307

T-SQL LIKE clause with wildcard, 306

high availability, 333334

LINQ to SQL, 296

Entity Framework, 296

limitations, 296

Object Relational Model, 296

TIMESTAMP column, 297

T-SQL command, 296

memory management

memory organization, 260

performance impact, 261

reads and writes, 260261

multiple result sets

SqlDataAdapter and dataset, 275276

SqlDataReader.NextResult(), 274275

stored procedure, 274

query and schema optimization, 280

clustered and nonclustered index (see Clustered and nonclustered index)

high-level guidelines, 289

resource governor

advantages, 326

configuration, 327329

testing process, 329330

scaling up vs. scaling out, 330

buffer manager, 332333

memory manager, 333

physicaldisk, 332

processor, 332

scaling out, 331332

scaling up, 330

Service Broker

configuartion, 311

Email (see Email,Service Broker)

poisoned message avoidance, 313

single batch commands, 313

single database server, database object types, 310

stored procedure, 311313

table-based FIFO queues, 314

vs. thread task, 310

time-shift long-running tasks, 310

stored procedures, 261263


BEGIN and COMMIT statements, 270

conn.BeginTransaction(), 269

insert performance, 269

record writing, 268

sql-batch3.aspx, 269

table-valued parameters, 271273

transaction size and length, 269

XML columns (see XML columns)

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS), 338

Sql-sync.aspx, 164

SSAS. See SQL Server Analysis Services

Staging database, 367369

Staging environments, 393

State information. See Session state

State object, 171

StateServer, 188

Storage array networks (SANs), 385

SYN and SYN ACK packets, 16

Synchronous page, 164

vs. asynchronous load tests

configuration file, 167

IIS application thread pool, 169170

load test results, 167169

test script, 167

WCAT tool, 167

scalability, 159161

System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), 11, 397, 419

Image T

Target Server Memory (KB), 333

Task–based asynchronous pattern (TAP), 166167, 279

TCP protocol, 1415

Team Foundation, 401, 403

Technical Assistance Program (TAP), 403

Temporary cookies, 187

Test–driven development (TDD), 404

Three-tier architecture, 409

Timeout property, 189

TimeSpan, 115

Transparent proxy, 7

Two–tier server architecture, 409

Image U

Ultra-fast and ultra-scalable approach

goals, 2

optimization, 3

process, 4

speed and scalability, 2

user experience, 5

Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file, 97

UnLock() method, 113

Update the cache periodically option, 366

<urlCompression> tag, 413

User controls

control output caching

dollar sign, 204

Page_Load() method, 205

PartialCaching attribute, 205

ResolveUrl(), 205

store and retrieve information, 204

VaryByControl, 204

placing, 205

registration, 205

templated controls

ControlsFrame.ascx, 206

<ct:Frame> tag, 208

HeaderText property, 206

OnInit event, 207

OnPreRender event, 207

Using statement, 179180

Image V

Validate() method, 194

VaryByCustom function, 412

VaryByHeaders, 96


control tree, 68

definition, 67

manage, 69

multi-server environment, 70

object, 187

page-rendering process, 68

PreInit event, 68

protecting data integrity

ASP.NET controls, 73

BinaryFormatter, 75

CSRF, 71

EnableViewState, 73

GridView, 72, 73

IP addresses, 72

LoadPageStateFromPersistenceMedium method, 7576

LosFormatter, 75

MAC, 71

SavePageStateToPersistenceMedium method, 7576

session ID, 72

TypeConverter, 75

upload times, 72

validationKey, 71

ViewStateMode, 73

ViewStateUserKey property, 71

visual studio, 7475

server-only objects, 70

__VIEWSTATE field, 69

Vision statement, 402

Visual Studio software, 11

Image W

waitfor command, 173

Wait() method, 183

WeakReferences, 117118, 413

Web architecture model, 5

web.config, 412, 413

Web proxy. See Proxy cache

Web server cache

ASP.NET object caching

CacheItemPriority, 115

Database Dependency, 116117

file-based dependency, 115

global scope and indefinite lifetime, 113

HttpContext.Items, 113

thread safe, 114

TimeSpan, 115

WeakReferences, 117118

ASP.NET output caching

custom providers, 111113

database dependency, 107109

disable, 105

outputCache directive, 103

page fragments, 104105

removing items, 106107

substitution caching, 105

validation, 110111

VaryByCustom property, 109

IIS output caching, 102104

windows Kernel cache

applicationHost.config, 100

dynamic files, 99

enable http.sys caching, 98

kernel-mode HTTP driver, 96

limitations, 9798

performance comparison, 100102

Web storage, 198

WelcomeMessage() method, 92

whitespace filtering, 416

Windows Deployment Services (WDS), 395

Windows performance counters. See Counters

Windows Server, cost, 11

Windows system resource manager (WSRM)

Add Rule dialog box, 128

Add/Edit Resource Allocation dialog box, 130

Catalog, 127

Catalog AppPool, 128

CPU limitations, 131

CPU time, 130

features, 132

New Process Matching Criteria dialog box, 128, 129

New Resource Allocation Policy dialog box, 131

process matching criteria, 127

Server Manager, 127

Trans, 127

Wireshark software, 11

WorkItem class, 181

workItemLockObject, 181

Image X

.xap files, 93

XML columns

basic queries, 300, 302

data modification, 300301

performance perspectives, 297

table creation, 299

XML indexes, 301302

XML schema, 298299

XMLA language, 338

Image Y

YSlow software, 11

Image Z

Zero bug bounce (ZBB), 402

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