
Book Description

A study of cryptologic documents dealing with the issue of American pre-knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack.

Table of Contents

  1. Preface and Acknowledgments
  2. Foreword
  3. Background: Interwar U.S. – Japan Relations and Cryptology
    1. United States-Japan Relations, 1919 – 1940
    2. Japanese Diplomatic and Naval Cryptography and American Code-breaking between the Wars
    3. United States - Japan Relations Worsen, 1940 – 1941
  4. Intercepted Japanese Diplomatic Messages Reveal a Warning System, 19 November – 28 November 1941
    1. The Cryptography of the J-19 System
  5. The Hunt for the Winds Execute Message, 28 November – 7 December 1941
    1. The Search Begins – 28 November 1941
    2. Tokyo Sends More Orders about Destroying Cryptographic Material
  6. The Winds Controversy: Myth and Reality
    1. Captain Laurance F. Safford – In the Eye of the Controversy
    2. Safford Searches for the Missing Winds Execute Message
    3. Safford's Detailed Claim about the Winds Execute Message – February 1946
    4. Safford Tells His Story
    5. Examining Safford's Version(s) of Events
    6. The Case of Captain Alwin Kramer's Changing Testimony
    7. What the Japanese Said about the Winds Execute Message
    8. What the British and Dutch Radio Monitors Heard
    9. The Winds Controversy Resurfaces: Ralph Briggs' Claim
    10. The Winds Execute: The Final Casting
  7. Afterword: The Winds Message, American Cryptology, and History
  8. Exhibits
  9. Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations
  10. Sources and Selected Bibliography
    1. National Archives and Records Administration and National Security Agency
    2. Private Archival Collections
    3. Hearings and Government Publications
    4. Selected Bibliography