
Book Description

Not a WordPress guru? No worries! You can become a pro in no time

It seems as though the world revolves around websites and blogs these days, and with WordPress For Dummies, 7th Edition you can join the fun! This easy-to-read book is packed with the information you need to navigate the world of WordPress, and all of the content is updated to keep you up to speed with the latest updates. The insight this resource offers will equip you to take on the art of blogging or running a website with confidence. Whether you're new to the blogging community or you're looking to maximize your website by extending your use of WordPress features, WordPress For Dummies, 7th Edition is a book you need on your shelf.

With state-of-the-art features, WordPress offers effective user support, and the flexibility to merge your creative ideas with more traditional blogging conventions, WordPress has become the go-to resource for bloggers who want to be noticed. Of course, succeeding in the crowded blogging space requires more than simply starting a blog; a working knowledge of your blogging platform goes a long way in creating a successful site. By understanding the platform upon which you're building your blog, you can take advantage of the features and capabilities that will ultimately help your voice be heard.

  • Get setup with a new WordPress.org account

  • Pick the perfect web host

  • Leverage the power of WordPress as a CMS tool

  • Forget one website—manage as many as you want!

  • WordPress For Dummies, 7th Edition is the all-inclusive guide you need to start—and maintain—a WordPress site.

    Table of Contents

    1. Cover
      1. Cover
      2. Foreword
      3. Introduction
        1. About This Book
        2. Foolish Assumptions
        3. Icons Used in This Book
        4. Beyond the Book
        5. Where to Go from Here
      4. Part I: Introducing WordPress
        1. Chapter 1: What WordPress Can Do for You
          1. Discovering the Benefits of WordPress
          2. Choosing a WordPress Platform
        2. Chapter 2: WordPress Basics
          1. Shining the Spotlight on WordPress
          2. Dipping into WordPress Technologies
          3. Using WordPress as a Content Management System
          4. Moving On to the Business of Publishing
      5. Part II: Setting Up WordPress
        1. Chapter 3: Setting Up Blogging Base Camp
          1. Establishing Your Domain
          2. Finding a Home for Your Website
          3. Understanding FTP Concepts
          4. Installing WordPress
        2. Chapter 4: Understanding the WordPress.org Dashboard
          1. Logging In to the Dashboard
          2. Navigating the Dashboard
          3. Arranging the Dashboard to Your Tastes
          4. Finding Inline Documentation and Help
          5. Setting Options in the Dashboard
          6. Configuring the Settings
          7. Creating Your Personal Profile
          8. Setting Your Site’s Format
        3. Chapter 5: Establishing Your Publishing Routine
          1. Staying on Topic with Categories
          2. Examining a Post’s Address: Permalinks
          3. Discovering the Many WordPress RSS Options
          4. Writing Your First Entry
          5. Look Who’s Talking on Your Site
      6. Part III: Flexing and Extending WordPress
        1. Chapter 6: Media Management: Images, Audio, and Video
          1. Inserting Images into Your Content
          2. Inserting Video Files into Your Posts
          3. Inserting Audio Files into Your Posts
          4. Keeping Media Files Organized
        2. Chapter 7: Making the Most of WordPress Plugins
          1. Finding Out What Plugins Are
          2. Exploring the Plugins Included with WordPress
          3. Using Plugins: Just the Basics
          4. Installing Plugins Manually
          5. Uploading and Activating Plugins
          6. Setting Plugin Options
          7. Uninstalling Plugins
          8. Understanding the Open Source Environment
        3. Chapter 8: Finding and Installing WordPress Themes
          1. Getting Started with Free Themes
          2. Activating a New Theme
          3. Browsing and Installing Themes from the Dashboard
          4. Deciding to Use Commercial Themes
      7. Part IV: Customizing WordPress
        1. Chapter 9: Understanding Themes and Templates
          1. Using WordPress Themes: The Basics
          2. Contemplating the Structure of a WordPress Website
          3. Examining the Anatomy of a Template Tag
          4. Getting Familiar with the Four Main Templates
          5. Putting a Theme Together
          6. Customizing Your Blog Posts with Template Tags
          7. Using Tags with Parameters for Sidebars
        2. Chapter 10: Tweaking WordPress Themes
          1. Styling with CSS: The Basics
          2. Changing the Background Color
          3. Using Your Own Header Image
          4. Creating Custom Navigation Menus
          5. Changing Font Family, Color, and Size
          6. Understanding Basic HTML Techniques
        3. Chapter 11: Understanding Parent and Child Themes
          1. Customizing Theme Style with Child Themes
          2. Modifying Theme Structure with Child Themes
          3. Preparing a Parent Theme
        4. Chapter 12: WordPress as a Content Management System (CMS)
          1. Creating the Front Page of Your Website
          2. Adding a Blog to Your Website
          3. Creating Custom Page Templates to Achieve Different Layouts and Styles
          4. Creating Different Sidebar and Footer Templates for Your Pages
          5. Creating Custom Styles for Sticky, Category, and Tag Posts
          6. Adding Theme Support for Built-In Features
          7. Optimizing Your WordPress Site for Search Engines
        5. Chapter 13: Hosting Multiple Sites with WordPress
          1. Considering Web-Hosting Services
          2. Enabling the WordPress Network Feature
          3. Installing the Network on Your Site
          4. Exploring the Network Admin Dashboard Menu
          5. Managing Your Network
          6. Stopping Spam Signups and Splogs
        6. Chapter 14: Upgrading, Backing Up, and Migrating
          1. Getting Notified of an Available Upgrade
          2. Backing Up Your Database
          3. Upgrading WordPress Automatically
          4. Upgrading WordPress Manually
          5. Migrating Your Existing Site to WordPress
          6. Importing from WordPress
          7. Moving Your Website to a Different Host
      8. Part V: The Part of Tens
        1. Chapter 15: Ten Popular WordPress Plugins
          1. AppPresser — Mobile App Framework
          2. Jetpack
          3. Subscribe to Comments
          4. Facebook
          5. All in One SEO Pack
          6. BackupBuddy
          7. WP Super Cache
          8. WooCommerce
          9. Google XML Sitemaps
          10. Sucuri Sitecheck Malware Scanner
        2. Chapter 16: Ten Free WordPress Themes
          1. Hybrid
          2. designPile
          3. Responsive
          4. P2
          5. Annotum Base
          6. Blackbird
          7. iTheme2
          8. Esquire
          9. WP-Creativix
          10. Gridline
      9. About the Author
      10. Cheat Sheet
      11. Advertisement Page
      12. Connect with Dummies
      13. End User License Agreement