Chapter 2. Building your first .NET Core applications

This chapter covers

  • Installing the .NET Core SDK
  • Using the .NET CLI
  • Creating and executing a .NET Core application

In this chapter, you’ll learn how to set up your development environment, create an application, and deploy that application to another machine. You’ll start by installing the .NET Core SDK, which includes the .NET Command-Line Interface (CLI) that’s used throughout this book. From there, you’ll create a console application and an ASP.NET web application. Then you’ll deploy those applications.

Note for early adopters

If you’ve experimented with .NET Core in the past, you may have used DNVM, DNU, or DNX. Although these tools were useful in the beginning, they had a few problems and inconsistencies. They have been deprecated in favor of the .NET CLI.

2.1. The trouble with development environments

There’s something special about development environments. They accumulate a combination of tools, files, and settings that allow your application to work perfectly during development but fail mysteriously everywhere else. Testers get frustrated when I tell them, “It works on my machine.” I’ve been in several situations where a test was “flaky,” sometimes working and sometimes not, only to discover that one of the build machines in the pool didn’t have a component installed.

Making software behave consistently from development to test to production starts with the development framework. .NET Core is designed to be self-contained. It doesn’t depend on Windows-specific resources like the .NET Framework—the .NET CLI is consistent on each OS. Plus, .NET Core is tailored to containers. The same container can be used for development, test, and production, reducing the friction traditionally experienced when crossing these boundaries. In the following sections, we’ll explore the key features of .NET Core that produce a consistent developer experience.

2.2. Installing the .NET Core SDK

.NET Core can be installed on Windows, several Linux distros, macOS, and Docker.

An easy-to-remember URL for .NET is Interestingly, you won’t find much mention of the word “Core” on the .NET site. This is to clarify for newcomers to .NET that .NET Framework, .NET Standard, and .NET Core are all part of one large family. Go to the .NET site, click the Get Started button, and pick the operating system you’re working on.

2.2.1. Installing on Windows operating systems

There are two methods for installing on Windows: Visual Studio and command line. Visual Studio 2017 comes with everything you’ll need for .NET Core development, and the Community edition is free. It installs the .NET SDK, which has the command-line tools as well. Because the command-line tools are universal to all operating systems, this book will focus on that version. The Get Started portion on the .NET site covers both the .NET SDK and Visual Studio installations.

2.2.2. Installing on Linux-based operating systems

The process for installing .NET Core on Linux varies depending on the distro. The instructions change constantly, so by the time this book goes to print, any instructions I included here would likely be out of date. See Microsoft’s .NET site (, click the Get Started button, choose “Linux,” and pick your Linux distribution for the latest instructions.

2.2.3. Installing on macOS

.NET Core supports OS X version 10.11 and later. The best way to install is with the .pkg file available for download from the .NET site ( Click the Get Started button and choose “macOS.”

You can also install Visual Studio for Mac, which will have the option to install the .NET Core SDK.

2.2.4. Building .NET Core Docker containers

When working with Docker, you only need to get the “dotnet” base image, which includes the .NET SDK. Simply run the following command using the Docker CLI:

docker run -it microsoft/dotnet:latest
Getting started with Docker

If you’re not familiar with Docker, I encourage you to check out Docker in Action by Jeff Nickoloff (Manning, 2016). You can get started with Docker by going to and downloading the Docker Community Edition. The Docker site includes lots of easy-to-follow documentation for installing Docker and running containers.

2.3. Creating and running the Hello World console application

The .NET Core SDK includes a sample Hello World application, and the instructions for creating it are the same on every platform. Execute the following commands on the command line or terminal:

mkdir hwapp
cd hwapp
dotnet new console

The command dotnet new console creates a new Hello World console application in the current folder. When new versions of .NET Core are released, it can be helpful to run this command to see if there are any updates to the fundamental pieces of .NET Core.

The dotnet new console command creates two files: Program.cs and hwapp.csproj. Program.cs should look similar to the following listing.

Listing 2.1. Program.cs from the Hello World application
using System;

namespace hwapp
  public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
      Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

This is a straightforward C# program. If you’re familiar with C#, you’ll know that the same code will work in other versions of .NET.

The hwapp.csproj file gets its name from the folder it was created in. The following listing shows the contents of this file.

Listing 2.2. hwapp.csproj from the Hello World console application
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">



The csproj file describes the project. By default, all source code files in the project folder are included, including any subfolders. .NET Framework developers may be used to seeing each source code file listed explicitly in the csproj, but since the convention for .NET projects is to keep all the files under the project folder, .NET Core by default includes everything in the project folder. The OutputType property indicates that this project is an executable application.

2.3.1. Before you build

You now have the Hello World code and the project description, but there’s a critical step that needs to take place before you build or run your application. You need to restore your packages. You have a set of dependencies for your project, and each dependency is a package that may also have its own dependencies. The package-restore step expands the full tree of dependencies and determines which versions of each package to install.

The command to restore packages is dotnet restore. Try running it to see how it works. If you’re adding a new package reference to your csproj, it’s a helpful command for testing whether the reference is correct.

The .NET Core SDK keeps a local cache of the packages you use. If a particular version of a package isn’t in the cache, it’s downloaded when you do the package restore. Since .NET Core 2.0, the .NET Core SDK will perform a restore implicitly where necessary.

2.3.2. Running a .NET Core application

When you’re using the .NET Core SDK, your application will be built automatically when needed. There’s no need to worry about whether or not you’re executing the latest code.

Try running the Hello World application by executing dotnet run at the command line or terminal.

2.4. Creating an ASP.NET Core web application

Now that you’ve tried the Hello World console application, let’s look at a Hello World ASP.NET Core application. This application will create an HTTP service that returns “Hello World” to a GET request.

ASP.NET is the web framework for .NET, and ASP.NET Core is a new version built from the ground up for .NET Core. In this book, I’ll briefly introduce ASP.NET Core. To learn more about ASP.NET Core, check out ASP.NET Core in Action by Andrew Lock (Manning, 2018).

First, create a new .NET Core application. Create a new folder called hwwebapp. Execute dotnet new web in the hwwebapp folder. Inside the folder, you’ll find the following files:

  • hwwebapp.csproj
  • Program.cs
  • Startup.cs
  • wwwroot

The hwwebapp.csproj file has a package reference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.All, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 2.3. hwwebapp.csproj package reference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.All
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">


    <Folder Include="wwwroot" />                    1

      Include="Microsoft.AspNetCore.All"             2
      Version="2.0.0" />


  • 1 You won’t use this folder in this example.
  • 2 PackageReference references a NuGet package.

2.4.1. ASP.NET Core uses the Kestrel web server

Web applications need a web server, and Kestrel is the web server that was built for ASP.NET Core. It can be started from a console application and is included as part of the Microsoft.AspNetCore.All metapackage (a package that references a bunch of other packages). In the following listing, Kestrel is included as part of the default WebHost builder.

Listing 2.4. Program.cs for an ASP.NET Core web application
using Microsoft.AspNetCore;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;                        1

namespace hwwebapp
  public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)

    public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
      WebHost.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)                   2
        .UseStartup<Startup>()                             3

  • 1 The usings are trimmed to only what’s needed.
  • 2 Starts the Kestrel web server
  • 3 References the Startup class in Startup.cs

2.4.2. Using a Startup class to initialize the web server

Next, let’s look at the Startup class referenced from Program.cs. This class is used by ASP.NET to define how requests will be handled. Your web service will simply return “Hello World” in the response.

The Startup.cs file included with the template includes more than is necessary. The following listing shows a trimmed-down version of this class.

Listing 2.5. Trimmed-down Startup.cs file for a Hello World web application
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;

namespace hwwebapp
  public class Startup
    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app,            1
      IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory)
      loggerFactory.AddConsole();                             2

      if (env.IsDevelopment())
        app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage();                      3

      app.Run(async (context) =>
        await context.Response.WriteAsync(                    4
          "Hello World")

  • 1 These are created by dependency injection, covered in chapter 6.
  • 2 Log messages go to the console.
  • 3 Exceptions are hidden from web pages except in development mode.
  • 4 Responds to all requests with “Hello World”

Whereas the Program class starts the web server, the Startup class starts the web application.

There’s a lot of stuff to unpack in listing 2.5. This book doesn’t delve deeply into ASP.NET Core, but anonymous methods, async/await, dependency injection, and logging are all covered in later chapters.

For those not familiar with C#

If you aren’t familiar with C#, the => may be confusing. This is used to create an anonymous method—anonymous meaning that it has no name. The arguments for the method go on the left side of the =>, which is the HttpContext in listing 2.5. The method definition goes on the right side. If the method needs only one line and returns a value, you can forgo the brackets, return, and ; and keep only the expression.

In this case, you want to write “Hello World” in the HTTP response and return the asynchronous Task object. We’ll cover the subject of tasks later in the book.

Pros and cons of anonymous methods

Anonymous methods in C# can provide a huge productivity boost. In addition to making code more readable, there’s another often-overlooked benefit: you don’t have to figure out a name for a method. I’m surprised by how much time I spend thinking about how to name various artifacts in my code.

Some of the drawbacks to anonymous methods are evident in debugging. Anonymous methods still get names in stack traces, just not recognizable ones. It’s also difficult to manually create breakpoints on or in anonymous methods from a debugger when you don’t know the method name.

2.4.3. Running the Hello World web application

To run the web application, execute the dotnet run command at the command line, just as before. This starts the web server, which should produce output like the following:

Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /hwwebapp
Now listening on: http://localhost:5000             1
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.

  • 1 The web address for the app

The output of dotnet run includes the web address for the Kestrel server. In this example it’s http://localhost:5000. Open a browser and navigate to this address. Figure 2.1 shows the Hello World web application running in the browser.

Figure 2.1. Hello World web application in the browser

2.5. Creating an ASP.NET Core website from the template

In the previous section, you created a minimal ASP.NET Core web application. That may be a useful starting point for creating a service, but a website requires a lot more work. The .NET Core SDK includes a template for ASP.NET Core websites to help get you started. If you’re familiar with ASP.NET development in Visual Studio, this is closer to the New Project scenario.

To use the template, start from a new folder called “hwwebsite,” and in that folder, execute this command: dotnet new mvc. List the contents of the folder, and you’ll find a lot more files than you created in the previous template.

Run the dotnet run command to get the web server started as before. Then visit http://localhost:5000 in your browser to see the default website.

2.6. Deploying to a server

Now that you’ve written some applications, you can try deploying them to a server. .NET Core was designed to deploy by simply copying files. It helps to know where these files come from.

In figure 2.2, the .NET CLI package contains some assemblies that are installed into the dotnet folder. They’re enough to power the .NET CLI (command-line interface) but not much else. When the SDK does the restore, it determines what packages it needs to download based on your dependencies. Kestrel is an example of a dependency that isn’t part of .NET Core but is necessary to run an ASP.NET application. The .NET CLI downloads these dependency packages from a package store called NuGet and stores them centrally, so you don’t have to download them for every project you write.

Figure 2.2. Locations of components and assembly files for .NET Core

2.6.1. Publishing an application

The .NET CLI provides a way to consolidate all the binaries needed to deploy your application into one folder. From the folder containing the Hello World console application (hwapp), execute dotnet publish -c Release from the command line or terminal. The console output indicates to which folder the binaries are published.

Change to the publish folder under the output folder. There should be four files:

  • hwapp.deps.json
  • hwapp.dll
  • hwapp.pdb
  • hwapp.runtimeconfig.json

Copy these files to another machine that has the .NET Core SDK installed. Then, to execute the application, run the command dotnet hwapp.dll from the folder containing the copied files.

In this example, only the binaries built for the project, and any included packages, are published. This is called a framework-dependent deployment. When you deploy the files from the publish folder, you need to have the .NET Core SDK installed on the target machine.

Publishing a self-contained application

There’s another way to create an application that will include all of the .NET Core assemblies, so it can run on a machine that doesn’t have the .NET Core SDK installed. This is called a self-contained application.

To create a self-contained application, you’ll first need to be explicit about what runtimes your application can run on. This is done by adding the RuntimeIdentifiers property to your project file, as shown in the following listing.

Listing 2.6. Add RuntimeIdentifiers to the hwapp.csproj file
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">

Now you can create a self-contained application by using the runtime identifier in the publish command, as follows:

dotnet publish -c Release -r linuxmint.17.1-x64

Listing the contents of the binRelease etcoreapp2.0linuxmint.17.1-x64publish folder will reveal a lot of files. Figure 2.3 illustrates what this publishing step looks like.

Figure 2.3. How files used by .NET Core applications are published

Packages are stored either in the local .NET CLI cache or in a NuGet package library. The restore process pulls all the files to the cache. The dotnet publish command with the runtime option collects all the files necessary, including the binaries built from your project code, and puts them into the publish folder. The full contents of this folder can then be copied to other machines or containers.

2.6.2. Deploying to a Docker container

Deploying to a Linux, macOS, or Windows machine is all the same—copy the contents of the publish folder to a folder on the target machine. If you’re not deploying a self-contained application, the only prerequisite for the target machine is having the .NET Core SDK installed. For Docker, the same general theory applies, but you’ll typically want to create a container with your application.

Earlier, you used Microsoft’s .NET Core container by executing the following command from the Docker CLI:

docker run -it microsoft/dotnet:latest

You get the latest .NET Core container from Docker Hub by using microsoft/dotnet:latest.

To create a new Docker container with the application, you’ll start with the .NET Core container, copy your published application’s files, and tell it to run the application.

First, open a command prompt with the Docker CLI. Change to the folder containing the Hello World console application, and then create a new text file in the current folder called Dockerfile. Insert the text from the following listing.

Listing 2.7. Dockerfile for Hello World console application
FROM microsoft/dotnet:latest
COPY bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/publish/ /root/
ENTRYPOINT dotnet /root/hwapp.dll

Save and close the Dockerfile file. Then execute the following Docker CLI command to build the container.

Listing 2.8. Command to build Hello World console application container image
docker build -t hwapp .

Now you can run the container with the following command and see that your application is working.

Listing 2.9. Running the Hello World console application Docker container
$ docker run -it hwapp
Hello World
Deploying the web application

The barebones ASP.NET Core web application you created earlier (hwwebapp) will need some adjustments before it can work on Docker. First, modify the Program.cs file as shown in the following listing.

Listing 2.10. Modifying Program.cs for Docker container deployment
using Microsoft.AspNetCore;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;

namespace hwwebapp
  public class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)

    public static IWebHost BuildWebHost(string[] args) =>
        .UseUrls("http://*:5000/")                        1

  • 1 Add this line.

The added line allows URLs other than http://localhost:5000. Because the application is being deployed to a container, you’ll need to test it by pinging it from outside the container.

You also need to configure Docker to open the port. To do this, you’ll first need to edit the Dockerfile, as shown in the following listing

Listing 2.11. Modifying Dockerfile for Docker container deployment
FROM microsoft/dotnet:latest
COPY bin/Release/netcoreapp2.0/publish/ /root/
EXPOSE 5000/tcp                                     1
ENTRYPOINT dotnet /root/hwwebapp.dll

  • 1 Opens port 5000

Build and run the application and Docker container with the following commands:

dotnet publish -c Release
docker build -t hwwebapp .
docker run -it -p 5000:5000 hwwebapp

To test the web application, use localhost with port 5000 in your browser: http://localhost:5000.

2.6.3. Packaging for distribution

.NET Core makes it easy to package your library or application so that others can use it in their applications. This is accomplished through the dotnet pack command.

Try this out on the Hello World console application. Go to the hwapp folder and run dotnet pack -c Release. This command will create a hwapp.1.0.0.nupkg file.

The .nupkg file produced by the dotnet pack command is a NuGet package. A lot of the dependencies you use in your .NET Core applications will come from NuGet packages. They’re a great way of sharing code both privately and publicly. We’ll cover these in more depth in chapter 12.

2.7. Development tools available for .NET Core

Microsoft typically released new versions of the .NET Framework in tandem with updates to Visual Studio. This meant that the files involved in .NET projects didn’t need to be human-readable, because the IDE would take care of that work. When Microsoft started building .NET Core, they needed simple files that developers could edit directly with text editors. They relied on JSON and created a custom build system.

In the long term, maintaining two different build systems would be costly and confusing, so even though developers loved the new JSON-based .NET Core build system, the Microsoft team needed to incorporate it back into their existing build system, called MSBuild. The chief complaint against MSBuild was about the complexity of the project files. Luckily, MSBuild is flexible enough that the .NET Core team could address this concern.

The .NET Core project files use a lot of techniques to reduce the file size and complexity so that developers can more easily edit them by hand. This means you can use any text editor you want for writing your .NET Core applications, instead of needing to use Visual Studio. The range of development tools includes everything from full-featured IDEs to vi, notepad, or butterflies (see For this book, you’ll only need a basic text editor and a command prompt. But you can also try out some of these editors to improve your experience.

2.7.1. OmniSharp

OmniSharp is a family of open source projects whose goal is to enable building .NET in the most popular text editors. It does this with tools, editor integrations, and libraries. OmniSharp provides plugins for all kinds of text editors:

  • Atom (
  • Sublime (
  • Brackets (
  • Emacs (
  • Vim (
  • Visual Studio Code (

As an example, install the OmniSharp extension for Visual Studio Code.

OmniSharp for Visual Studio Code

Visit from your browser and download Visual Studio Code. After installing it, you can run the command code . from a new terminal or command line window to open Visual Studio Code on the current folder.

Mac users need to take an extra step: open the Command Palette from the View menu, and type in “shell command” to find “Install ‘code’ command in PATH”.

When you open a C# file with VS Code for the first time, it will prompt you to install an extension. The one entitled “C#” is the OmniSharp extension. This extension should be all you need to build, run, and debug .NET Core applications—assuming you’ve already installed the .NET SDK.

Also note that VS Code has an integrated terminal that can be configured to Windows Command Prompt, PowerShell, or Bash. You can also have multiple terminals open at the same time. This makes it easier to try out the various .NET CLI commands used throughout this book.

2.7.2. Visual Studio for Mac

Developers who may have worked with Xamarin Studio in the past will recognize Visual Studio for Mac as being Xamarin Studio rebranded. VS for Mac has several editions, including a free community edition.

Building Xamarin apps on Windows

If you want the Xamarin Studio experience but aren’t on Mac, Xamarin is an option you can choose from the Visual Studio 2017 installer.

Creating new projects in Visual Studio for Mac is done through the New Project wizard (shown in figure 2.4). You can use this instead of the dotnet command-line options. Also note that VS for Mac will perform restores for you.

Figure 2.4. Visual Studio for Mac’s New Project wizard

2.7.3. Visual Studio 2017

Visual Studio has always been the flagship development environment for Microsoft. It only runs on Windows and has been synonymous with Windows and the .NET Framework for many years. Only in recent releases has Visual Studio started to support other languages, such as Python and JavaScript. You can use the preview .NET Core tooling in Visual Studio 2015, but it doesn’t come with support. Visual Studio 2017 has a free Community Edition that includes .NET Core and Xamarin tooling. You can find it at

With Visual Studio, you don’t need to use the dotnet command-line commands. For example, the New Project wizard shown in figure 2.5 replaces the dotnet new functionality.

Figure 2.5. Visual Studio 2017 Community edition New Project wizard

Right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer to find some of the other commonly used .NET CLI commands. Figure 2.6 shows what’s available.

Figure 2.6. Right-click menu for a .NET Core project in Visual Studio 2017

Note that dotnet restore isn’t mentioned anywhere. That’s because Visual Studio will automatically detect when a restore is needed. There’s no explicit Run command, but you can use the traditional F5 or Ctrl-F5, as with any other Visual Studio project.

Additional resources

I introduced a lot of concepts in this chapter. Here are some helpful links where you can find out more information about the subjects and products we touched on:


In this chapter you learned how to get started with .NET Core by doing the following:

  • Installing the .NET Core SDK
  • Learning basic .NET CLI commands
  • Building both a console application and an ASP.NET Core web application
  • Preparing applications for deployment and distribution

These are all fundamental skills for developing with .NET Core. Here are a few tips to keep in mind:

  • The dotnet new command makes it easy to get a template for starting a new project. It’s also nice if you need a quick reference.
  • Whenever you make changes to the dependencies, you can run the dotnet restore command to get the packages immediately.
  • Use the Yeoman generator for more customizable templates.

You’ll practice more with the .NET CLI commands (restore, new, run, publish, and pack) throughout the book. In the next chapter, we’ll get into the details of the project files and you’ll learn how to build more substantial applications with .NET Core.

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