List of Listings

Chapter 2. Building your first .NET Core applications

Listing 2.1. Program.cs from the Hello World application

Listing 2.2. hwapp.csproj from the Hello World console application

Listing 2.3. hwwebapp.csproj package reference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.All

Listing 2.4. Program.cs for an ASP.NET Core web application

Listing 2.5. Trimmed-down Startup.cs file for a Hello World web application

Listing 2.6. Add RuntimeIdentifiers to the hwapp.csproj file

Listing 2.7. Dockerfile for Hello World console application

Listing 2.8. Command to build Hello World console application container image

Listing 2.9. Running the Hello World console application Docker container

Listing 2.10. Modifying Program.cs for Docker container deployment

Listing 2.11. Modifying Dockerfile for Docker container deployment

Chapter 3. How to build with .NET Core

Listing 3.1. csproj showing the TargetFramework property

Listing 3.2. Contents of the CsvReader.cs file

Listing 3.3. Program.cs for CsvParser

Listing 3.4. A test of how order of properties works in MSBuild

Listing 3.5. Target declaration with no AfterTargets attribute set

Listing 3.6. Removing code file from compilation

Listing 3.7. Default definition for the Compile ItemGroup

Listing 3.8. Marvel.csv—contents taken from string in Program.cs

Listing 3.9. Program.cs modified to load Marvel.csv

Listing 3.10. Modifying a csproj to copy a file to the build output

Listing 3.11. Embedding a file in an assembly

Listing 3.12. Modifying Program.cs to read the embedded file

Listing 3.13. Three types of dependencies shown in a project file

Listing 3.14. CsvParser.csproj with multiple target frameworks

Listing 3.15. .NET CLI commands to specify a build property that affects dependencies

Chapter 4. Unit testing with xUnit

Listing 4.1. Contents of Calculator.cs

Listing 4.2. Contents of IRule.cs

Listing 4.3. Contents of WeekendRule.cs

Listing 4.4. Modifying BizDayCalcTests.csproj to reference the BizDayCalc project

Listing 4.5. WeekendRuleTest.cs using Fact

Listing 4.6. WeekendRuleTest.cs using Theory

Listing 4.7. WeekendRuleTest.cs using InlineData with multiple parameters

Listing 4.8. WeekendRuleTests.cs using [MemberData]

Listing 4.9. Contents of HolidayRule.cs

Listing 4.10. Contents of USHolidayTest.cs

Listing 4.11. USHolidayTest with Console.WriteLines

Listing 4.12. CSV parsing code from chapter 3

Listing 4.13. CSV parsing code from chapter 3 modified to close the CSV file

Listing 4.14. CSV parser library unit test using dispose pattern

Listing 4.15. Example class fixture for the business-day calculator

Listing 4.16. Contents of USRegionTest.cs

Listing 4.17. USRegionFixture with a collection fixture

Listing 4.18. USRegionTest with collection fixture

Listing 4.19. Exclude other tests besides USRegionTest.cs

Listing 4.20. USRegionTest using ITestOutputHelper

Listing 4.21. Test output appears only when tests fail

Listing 4.22. USRegionTest.cs with traits

Chapter 5. Working with relational databases

Listing 5.1. Including the SQLite dependency in the project file

Listing 5.2. SQLite test code

Listing 5.3. Contents of SampleScmDataFixture.cs

Listing 5.4. Modifying UnitTest1.cs to use SampleScmDataFixture

Listing 5.5. Dependencies to add to the SqliteScmTest.csproj

Listing 5.6. Code for the PartType class that will hold the data for each part

Listing 5.7. Code for the ScmContext class that will get data from the data store

Listing 5.8. Modifying WidgetScmDataAccess.csproj to include System.Data.Common

Listing 5.9. Modify UnitTest1.cs to test for the part created in SampleScmDataFixture

Listing 5.10. Code to create tables in SampleScmDataFixture

Listing 5.11. InventoryItem class

Listing 5.12. Adding code to the ScmContext class for inventory items

Listing 5.13. Test method to verify InventoryItem objects are populated correctly

Listing 5.14. Using a LINQ expression to populate the PartType of an InventoryItem

Listing 5.15. Contents of PartCommand class

Listing 5.16. Method to add a part command to the database

Listing 5.17. AddParameter method creates DbParameter objects

Listing 5.18. GetPartCommands method: reads all the PartCommand rows in the table

Listing 5.19. Method to update the part count in the InventoryItem table

Listing 5.20. Method to delete the PartCommand row from the table

Listing 5.21. Creating the Inventory class

Listing 5.22. Updates the inventory counts based on the PartCommands

Listing 5.23. Test if the part commands correctly update the inventory count

Listing 5.24. Method to get a DbTransaction object from the ScmContext object

Listing 5.25. Update the inventory counts based on the PartCommands

Listing 5.26. Update DeletePartCommand and UpdateInventoryItem

Listing 5.27. Order class

Listing 5.28. The CreateOrder method

Listing 5.29. Unit test to verify that CreateOrder is transactional

Listing 5.30. Change project to .NET Core for System.Transactions

Listing 5.31. CreateOrder rewritten to use TransactionScope

Listing 5.32. Order class

Listing 5.33. Code to add in UpdateInventory

Listing 5.34. Reading the Order records from the table

Listing 5.35. OrderPart helper method to hydrate the Order object and create the order

Listing 5.36. Test that UpdateInventory creates an Order when part count is zero

Chapter 6. Simplify data access with object-relational mappers

Listing 6.1. Modify WidgetScmDataAccess.csproj to add Dapper dependency

Listing 6.2. ReadParts from chapter 5 compared with the Dapper version

Listing 6.3. ScmContext class rewritten to use Dapper

Listing 6.4. Creating a row in the Order table with System.Data and Dapper

Listing 6.5. CreateOrder method rewritten to use Dapper

Listing 6.6. Implementation of DataAccessFactory

Listing 6.7. Factory modified to use Type object

Listing 6.8. Factory modified to make the host supply the implementation object

Listing 6.9. Contents of the IScmContext interface

Listing 6.10. ScmDataAccess.csproj contents

Listing 6.11. SqliteDal.csproj contents

Listing 6.12. SqliteScmContext class—a SQLite implementation of IScmContext

Listing 6.13. Adding DI to SqliteScmTest.csproj

Listing 6.14. SampleScmDataFixture class using DI

Listing 6.15. Creating transient objects instead of using a singleton

Listing 6.16. Test SCM data-access layer using Dapper, SQLite, and DI

Listing 6.17. Changing the GetRequiredService extension method call to an equivalent

Listing 6.18. Add Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration reference to test project

Listing 6.19. SampleScmDataFixture using configuration to get the connection string

Listing 6.20. config.json file with the SQLite connection string

Listing 6.21. Copy the configuration file to the output folder

Listing 6.22. InventoryItem.cs modified for use with EF

Listing 6.23. Supplier.cs modified for use with EF

Listing 6.24. EfScmContext—ScmContext modified for use with EF

Listing 6.25. EfScmDataAccess.csproj modified for EF and EF migration tool

Listing 6.26. EfScmDalTest.csproj file modified to support the EF migration tool

Listing 6.27. Test exercising some EF functionality

Chapter 7. Creating a microservice

Listing 7.1. Adding Markdown Lite as a package reference

Listing 7.2. Test console application using Markdown Lite

Listing 7.3. Modifying the default web template project file

Listing 7.4. Program.cs for the Markdown Lite service starts the web server

Listing 7.5. A Startup.cs file for the Markdown Lite service that sets up MVC

Listing 7.6. MdlController accepts Markdown text and returns HTML

Listing 7.7. Copy to project output, remove Markdown Lite reference

Listing 7.8. Using HttpClient to call a web service, POST a file, and read the response

Listing 7.9. Synchronous Convert method blocks a thread waiting for request content

Listing 7.10. Asynchronous Convert method that doesn’t block the thread

Listing 7.11. Creating IConfigurationRoot object to get the configuration on startup

Listing 7.12. Code to read the Azure storage account information from configuration

Listing 7.13. Example config.json file for the Markdown service

Listing 7.14. config.json for connecting to the Azure emulator

Listing 7.15. GetBlob converts Markdown content from Azure Blob Storage to HTML

Listing 7.16. Signature for the GetBlob method

Listing 7.17. Create an HttpRequestMessage GET BLOB request to Azure storage

Listing 7.18. Create authentication header for Azure storage using shared account key

Listing 7.19. GetBlob using helper methods to create HTTP request

Listing 7.20. Console application that calls Markdown service’s Azure storage operation

Listing 7.21. Operation to upload a BLOB to Markdown service’s BLOB storage account

Listing 7.22. GetAuthHeader method modified to allow content-length specification

Listing 7.23. CreateRequest method changed to allow content-length specification

Listing 7.24. Curl command to test the PutBlob operation

Listing 7.25. C# client code to test the PutBlob operation

Listing 7.26. HttpGet operation can also list containers and BLOBs

Listing 7.27. Modifying helper methods to support listing BLOBs and containers

Listing 7.28. DeleteBlob operation to delete a BLOB from a container

Chapter 8. Debugging

Listing 8.1. launch.json allows you to configure the debugger for your application

Listing 8.2. tasks.json defines how to perform tasks such as build and test

Listing 8.3. An example of a test that you’ll need to debug

Listing 8.4. Modifying catch to wrap the original exception

Listing 8.5. Contents of ScmConsole.csproj

Listing 8.6. Making SqliteDal.csproj a self-contained app on Windows

Listing 8.7. Program.cs for the ScmConsole app will create an order, like in the unit test

Listing 8.8. Output when hitting access violations and then the AggregateException

Listing 8.9. Printing an exception and an inner exception

Listing 8.10. Selected output from the !clrstack command

Listing 8.11. Viewing the Order object (elided)

Listing 8.12. Using the !dumpheap command with a type filter

Chapter 9. Performance and profiling

Listing 9.1. A SimpleWriter class that writes comma-separated values to a stream

Listing 9.2. Modifying the project file for CsvWriterUnitTests

Listing 9.3. Unit test for SimpleWriter

Listing 9.4. nuget.config file with local feed

Listing 9.5. Add reference to xUnit.Performance in the CsvWriterPerfTests project file

Listing 9.6. Program.cs modified to start the xUnit.Performance test harness

Listing 9.7. PerfTests class with a test of the SimpleWriter class

Listing 9.8. Measures the performance of writing to a file instead of memory

Listing 9.9. Adding method to SimpleWriter

Listing 9.10. Adding benchmark tests to the PerfTests class

Chapter 10. Building world-ready applications

Listing 10.1. TempControl class holds temperature information

Listing 10.2. Program file to simulate writing a log message

Listing 10.3. String resources for the sample application

Listing 10.4. Generate a resource file from strings.restext and embed it

Listing 10.5. File to simulate writing a log message modified to use ResourceManager

Listing 10.6. String resources for the sample application for the Spanish-Mexico culture

Listing 10.7. Modify ResX and EmbeddedResource groups to support multiple files

Listing 10.8. Applying es-MX culture code with ResourceManager

Listing 10.9. Program.cs tests the Controller

Listing 10.10. Controller class

Listing 10.11. Add a reference to Microsoft logging extensions

Listing 10.12. Custom logger implementation for the air conditioner controller

Listing 10.13. RobustLoggerProvider—a custom logger provider implementation

Listing 10.14. Logger extension method for chaining

Listing 10.15. The air conditioner controller’s Telemetry class

Listing 10.16. Updated strings.restext

Listing 10.17. The air conditioner controller’s Telemetry class

Listing 10.18. strings.restext modified to use substitution for the temperature value

Listing 10.19. Setting the culture on the current thread

Listing 10.20. Adding a reference to the localization extension in ACController.csproj

Listing 10.21. Controller class modified to initialize the localizer factory

Listing 10.22. Telemetry class modified to use the localizer

Listing 10.23. Telemetry output using robust logger and string localizer

Listing 10.24. Resource file with Arabic version of telemetry logs

Listing 10.25. ACController.csproj modified to get resources from resources subfolder

Listing 10.26. Set the current culture to Arabic to test that the resources work

Listing 10.27. Modifying RobustLogger class’s Log method to use invariant culture

Listing 10.28. ACControllerEventSource is a custom event producer

Listing 10.29. Add singleton instance of ACControllerEventSource

Listing 10.30. Change the LogStatus method in Telemetry to emit events

Listing 10.31. EventSource.restext default resource file

Listing 10.32. Arabic-localized resource file

Listing 10.33. Adding files to Resx and EmbeddedResource item groups

Listing 10.34. EventListener that writes to the console

Listing 10.35. Using the ConsoleEventListener in the main program

Listing 10.36. Listen for EventSource events, and write them to the logging extension

Listing 10.37. Telemetry class simplified to only use the EventSource

Listing 10.38. Controller class that uses LoggerEventListener

Chapter 11. Multiple frameworks and runtimes

Listing 11.1. Program.cs for your test of the .NET Portability Analyzer

Listing 11.2. New method that implements the suggestion from the Portability Analyzer

Listing 11.3. EventProvider .NET Framework sample

Listing 11.4. Writes events using EventSource

Listing 11.5. Program.cs refactored to use the new EventSource

Listing 11.6. csproj for sample with .NET Framework support

Listing 11.7. Program.cs rewritten to use preprocessor directives

Listing 11.8. csproj with net45 instead of net46

Listing 11.9. Program.cs using NET45 instead of NET46

Listing 11.10. Errors when building for .NET Framework 4.5

Listing 11.11. csproj with framework-specific buildOptions

Listing 11.12. Enumerating multiple runtimes in csproj

Listing 11.13. Interop.WindowsPid.cs—code to get the process ID on Windows

Listing 11.14. Interop.LinuxPid.cs—code to get the process ID on Linux

Listing 11.15. Contents of PidUtility.cs

Listing 11.16. Contents of Program.cs

Listing 11.17. Xplat.csproj modified to indicate support for only two runtimes

Chapter 12. Preparing for release

Listing 12.1. What Newtonsoft.Json.csproj might look like

Listing 12.2. Project Bar references project Foo

Listing 12.3. Contents of the Bar.nuspec file

Listing 12.4. Project Bar packaging its project references

Listing 12.5. Empty nuget.config file

Listing 12.6. nuget.config file with local feed

Listing 12.7. Full name of the System.Core assembly in the .NET Framework

Listing 12.8. Project file with signing options turned on

Listing 12.9. Project file with delay-signing options turned on

Appendix B. xUnit command-line options

Listing B.1. Command-line options for xUnit

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