
Account issues, 127

Account ownership, 127–128

Account status, 126–127

Acronyms, 150–151

Altruists, 40

Amplified word of mouth, 7

Audience, 11

Authority, 177–178

Boomerangs, 40

Brand advocates, 46

Brand ambassadors, 44

Brand awareness, 19

Brand voice, 77–80, 128

Business-to-business (B2B) market, 23

Business-to-customer (B2C) market, 23

Call-to-action, 153–154

Careerists, 40

Celebrities, 44, 91

Clear and conspicuous disclosures, 98–101

Coca-Cola Company, 133

Co-creation, 14

Collaborative word of mouth, 7

Commitment, 179–181

Communication, 12, 13

Company-generated communication, 16

Competition, 64–66

Compliance, 126–127

Connectors, 40

Consistency, 179–181

Consumer base, 64

Consumer content, 15–16

Consumer feedback, 5

Consumer satisfaction, 20–21

Content marketing, 137–138

Creative strategies, 148–150

Customer services, 81–82

Deception, 93–94

Disclosure format, 109–112

Earned media, 5

Electronic word of mouth, 8–10

Emotional arousal, 146–148

Employee engagement, 70

Endorsers, 109

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 134

EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency

Everyday consumers, 45

Executive buy-in and support, 66–69

Experts, 46

Explicit sharing, 38

Facebook, 199–203

Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

commonly asked questions, 107–112

definition of, 94

disclosure, 96–97

endorsement guidelines for clear and conspicuous disclosures, 98–101

industry regulations, 104–105

material connections, 95–96

meeting guidelines, 107

method of disclosure, 101–104

responsibilities, 98

FTC. See Federal Trade Commission

Hashtags, 154–155

Hipsters, 40

Image attributes, 164–166

Implicit sharing, 38

Independence, 126

Influencer programs, 49–52

Innovation, 72–74

Instagram, 206–207

Intel, 132–133

Legal and regulatory issues, 22. See also Federal Trade Commission (FTC)

Length, 150

Liking, 182–183

LinkedIn, 197–200

Links, 154

Marketing communications, 75–76

Message valence, 146–148

New York Times, 40

Official accounts, 126

Online media, 5

Organic word of mouth, 7

Owned media, 5

Paid media, 5

Paid social influencers, 43–44

Personal accounts, 11

Persuasion principles

authority, 177–178

commitment, 179–181

consistency, 179–181

liking, 182–183

reciprocity, 175–177

scarcity, 178–179

social proof, 181

Pinterest, 207–210

Policy statement, 125

Public information, 63

Quotes, 155–156

Reciprocity, 175–177

Referral programs, 47–48

SAP. See Systems Applications and Products

Scalability, 13

Scarcity, 178–179

Selectives, 40

Social B2B companies, 84–86

Social business

definition of, 60

overview of, 59–60

in sWOM, 22

Social business maturity model

brand voice, 77–80

competition, 64–66

consumer base, 64

customer services, 81–82

employee engagement, 70

executive buy-in and support, 66–69

humanizing brand, 76–77

human resources, 74–75

innovation, 72–74

marketing communications, 75–76

maturity phase, 82–84

presentation of, 61

public information, 63

social connections, 63–64

strategic insights and execution, 71–72

transition phase, 70–82

trial phase, 63–69

Social connections, 63–64

Social consumer

accessing social media, 32–33

definition of, 29–30

description of, 30–32

levels of engagement, 33–34

social influencers, 42–43

social listener, 35–37

social sharers, 37–42

in sWOM, 22

Social influence marketing programs

influencer programs, 49–52

referral programs, 47–48

Social influencer, 42–43

examples, 92–93

Social listener, 35–37

Social media

deception, 93–94

employees on, 105–107

engagement, 20

Social Media Advisory Board, 121–122

Social media engagement pyramid, 33–34

Social media policy

company culture, 120–121

distributing feedback, 125

drafting document, 125

examples of, 132–134

introducing, 130–132

necessity of, 116–119

overview of, 115–116

periodic review, 132

purpose of, 119–120

research, 122–125

Social Media Advisory Board, 121–122

in sWOM, 22–23

Social media policy inclusions

account issues, 127

account ownership, 127–128

account status, 126–127

approved platforms, 125–126

best practices, 129–130

brand voice, 128

legal issues, 127

policy statement, 125

Social proof, 181

Social sharers, 37–42

Social sharing applied, 23

Social word of mouth (sWOM)

company information, 191–193

content, 193–197

cover photograph, 189–190

definition of, 10

examples of, 19–21

explanation of, 10–11

Facebook, 199–203

importance of, 18–19

Instagram, 206–207

LinkedIn, 197–200

Pinterest, 207–210

profile photograph, 190–191

scope of, 12

Twitter, 202–205

typology of, 16

YouTube, 210–215


content and, 142–145

creative strategies, 148–150

keys to successful, 140–142

message valence and emotional arousal, 146–148

overview of, 137–138

in sWOM, 23

textual, 150–152

visual, 156–161

visual analytics and commerce, 162–166

Strong ties, 9

Structuring influencer programs, 50–52

Systems Applications and Products (SAP), 86–87

Target Corporation, 133–134

Termination, 127

Textual storytelling

acronyms, 150–151

call-to-action, 153–154

hashtags, 154–155

length, 150

links, 154

quotes, 155–156

word choice, 152–153

Tourism Australia, social sharing

authority, 184–185

commitment, 185

consistency, 185

liking, 185–186

overview of, 183–184

reciprocity, 184

social proof, 185

Traditional word of mouth, 6–8

Unofficial accounts, 126

Unpaid social influencers, 45–46

User descriptors, 11–12

Visual analytics, 162–166

Visual commerce, 162–166

Visual storytelling

not for options, 160–161

photos and consumption practices, 158–159

popularity, 158

power of images, 156–157

videos and other digital assets, 159–160

Weak ties, 9

WOM. See Word of mouth

WOMMA. See Word of Mouth Marketing Association

Word choice, 152–153

Word of mouth (WOM)

electronic, 8–10

importance of, 3

organic, 7

reasons for, 2–6

social. See Social word of mouth marketing (sWOM)

traditional, 6–8

Word of Mouth Marketing Association (WOMMA), 3

YouTube, 210–215

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