

Accountants and Auditors, 2, 32–35, 359–360

Advertising, Marketing, Promotions, Public Relations, and Sales Managers, 3, 35–39

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources interest area, 310

Animal Care and Service Workers, 3, 39–42

applications, filling out, 322

Architecture and Construction interest area, 310–311

Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications interest area, 311

Athletes, Coaches, Umpires, and Related Workers, 2, 42–46


Barbers, Cosmetologists, and Other Personal Appearance Workers, 2, 46–48, 361

Best Jobs series, 14

Bill and Account Collectors, 3, 48–50

Billing and Posting Clerks and Machine Operators, 3, 50–51

Biological Scientists, 4, 51–54

Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Auditing Clerks, 3, 54–56

Business, Management, and Administration interest area, 311


career alternatives, exploring, 7

career planning benefits, 6

career portfolios, 355–356

career specialists, tips for using this book, 8

Cargo and Freight Agents, 4, 56–57

Carpenters, 3, 57–60

Child Care Workers, 3, 60–63

chronological resumes, 325–329, 331

Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians, 4, 63–66

cold contacts, 318–319

combination resumes, 329, 333

Computer and Information Systems Managers, 3, 66–68

Computer Network, Systems, and Database Administrators, 2, 68–71, 362

Computer Software Engineers and Computer Programmers, 2, 72–75

Computer Support Specialists, 3, 75–77

Computer Systems Analysts, 2, 77–79

Construction Equipment Operators, 4, 79–82

Construction Laborers, 2, 82–85, 363

Construction Managers, 3, 85–87

Cooks and Food Preparation Workers, 4, 88–91

Correctional Officers, 4, 91–94

Cost Estimators, 2, 94–97

Counselors, 3, 97–101

counselors, tips for using this book, 8

cover letters, writing, 335–338

Customer Service Representatives, 2, 101–103, 364–365


Dental Assistants, 2, 103–105, 366

Dental Hygienists, 2, 105–107

Dentists, 4, 107–110

Desktop Publishers, 3, 110–112


earnings, benefits of education, 5

Earnings section (job descriptions), 12–13, 26

economic sensitivity of jobs, 20–21


alternatives, exploring, 7

benefits, 5–6

employment projections, 394

levels, defined, 396

Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement section (job descriptions), 10–11, 25

Education and Training interest area, 311

Electricians, 3, 112–115

electronic resumes, 334

employers, tips for using this book, 8


metropolitan areas with fastest growth, 399–400

projections through 2018, 383–398

employment agencies, 322–323

Employment section (job descriptions), 11, 25

Engineers, 3, 115–123, 367–368

Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook, 14

Environmental Scientists and Specialists, 3, 123–126

Essential Job Search Data Worksheet, 347–352

Exploring Careers, 14


Finance interest area, 311

Financial Analysts, 3, 126–128

Fire Fighters, 3, 128–130

Fitness Workers, 2, 130–133

follow-up, 344–345

Food and Beverage Serving and Related Workers, 3, 133–137, 369

40 Best Fields for Your Career, 313


geographically concentrated jobs, 23–24

metropolitan areas with fastest employment growth, 399–400

goods-producing industries, employment projections, 385

Government and Public Administration interest area, 311

Graphic Designers, 4, 137–140

Grounds Maintenance Workers, 2, 140–143

growth rate vs number of new jobs, 391–394


hazardous conditions of jobs, 22–23

Health Science interest area, 311–312

Heating, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers, 2, 143–146

Home Health Aides and Personal and Home Care Aides, 2, 147–149

Hospitality and Tourism interest area, 312

Hotel, Motel, and Resort Desk Clerks, 4, 149–150

Human Resources, Training, and Labor Relations Managers and Specialists, 2, 150–156, 370–371

Human Service interest area, 312


indoor vs outdoor work, 21–22


employment projections, 385–388

jobs within, 313–314

Information Technology interest area, 312

Instructional Coordinators, 3, 156–157

instructors, tips for using this book, 8

Insurance Sales Agents, 4, 157–161

interest areas, top jobs in, 310–313


as job search tool, 320–323

online resumes, 324–325, 330

Interviewers, Except Eligibility and Loan, 4, 161

interviews, 339–344


JIST Cards, 319–320

Job-Match Grid, 15–30

Job Outlook section (job descriptions), 11–12, 25

job-related skills, 307, 316

job search. See Quick Job Search

job seekers, tips for using this book, 8

Job Title section (job descriptions), 9


defining ideal job, 307–316

economic sensitivity, 20–21

geographically concentrated, 23–24

growth rate vs number of new jobs, 391–394

hazardous conditions, 22–23

high-paying with many openings, projections, 397–398

metropolitan areas with fastest employment growth, 399–400

outdoor vs indoor work, 21–22

physically demanding work, 22

within industries, 313–314

within interest areas, 310–313


labor force, employment projections, 384

Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security interest area, 312

Lawyers, 3, 161–165

librarians, tips for using this book, 8

Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses, 2, 165–167


Maintenance and Repair Workers, General, 3, 167–169

Management Analysts, 2, 169–172

Manufacturing interest area, 312

Market and Survey Researchers, 2, 172–175

Marketing, Sales, and Service interest area, 312

Medical and Health Services Managers, 3, 175–177

Medical Assistants, 2, 178–180

Medical Equipment Repairers, 4, 180–182

Medical Records and Health Information Technicians, 3, 182–183, 372–373

Medical Scientists, 3, 183–186

metropolitan areas with fastest employment growth, 399–400


Nature of the Work section (job descriptions), 9–10, 24

networking, 317–318

New Guide for Occupational Exploration, 14, 313

Nursing and Psychiatric Aides, 2, 186–188


occupational groups, employment projections, 388–391

Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH), 14, 313

Occupational Therapists, 3, 189–191

Office and Administrative Support Worker Supervisors and Managers, 3, 191

Office Clerks, General, 3, 192–193

The 100 Fastest-Growing Careers list, 2–4

O*NET Codes section (job descriptions), 9

O*NET Dictionary of Occupational Titles, 14

online resumes, 324–325, 330

Operations Research Analysts, 4, 193–196

outdoor vs indoor work, 21–22

owning your own business, 315


Paralegals and Legal Assistants, 2, 196–199, 374

Personal Financial Advisors, 2, 199–201

Pharmacists, 3, 201–203

Pharmacy Technicians and Aides, 2, 203–205

phone scripts, JIST Cards as, 320

Physical Therapist Assistants and Aides, 3, 205–207

Physical Therapists, 3, 207–209

physically demanding work, 22

Physician Assistants, 3, 209–211

Physicians and Surgeons, 2, 211–214

Plumbers, Pipelayers, Pipefitters, and Steamfitters, 3, 215–218

Police and Detectives, 4, 218–222

population, employment projections, 383–384

portfolios, 355–356

Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists, 4, 222–224

Projections Data section (job descriptions), 12, 25

Public Relations Specialists, 2, 224–227


Quick Job Search, 13, 301–302

career portfolios, 355–356

defining ideal job, 307–316

Essential Job Search Data Worksheet, 347–352

follow-up, 344–345

identifying key skills, 302–307

information resources, 353–354

interviews, 339–344

job search methods, 316–323


contributor contact information, 357–358

examples, 359–381

writing, 324–338


Radiologic Technologists and Technicians, 4, 227–229

Real Estate Brokers and Sales Agents, 3, 229–232

Receptionists and Information Clerks, 3, 232–234

Recreation Workers, 4, 234–236

Registered Nurses, 2, 236–241

Related Occupations section (job descriptions), 13, 26


books, 14, 353–354

for employment projections, 395

resume contributor contact information, 357–358

Sources of Additional Information section (job descriptions), 13, 26

Respiratory Therapists, 4, 241–243


contributor contact information, 357–358

examples, 326–327, 331–334, 359–381

JIST Cards, 319–320

mailing vs posting, 323

writing, 324–338

Retail Salespersons, 3, 243–245


salary, negotiating, 343–344

Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, 4, 245–248, 375–376

Science Technicians, 4, 248–252

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics interest area, 313

Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, 3, 252–255, 377–378

Security Guards and Gaming Surveillance Officers, 3, 256–258

self-employment, 315

self-management skills, 303–304

service-providing industries, employment projections, 386–388

Significant Points section (job descriptions), 9


computer skills, 6

determining, 15–20

identifying key skills, 302–307

job-related skills, 307, 316

self-management skills, 303–304

transferable skills, 305–307

skills resumes, 329, 332

Social and Human Service Assistants, 2, 259–260

Social Workers, 3, 260–264

Sources of Additional Information section (job descriptions), 13, 26

Stock Clerks and Order Fillers, 4, 264

Surgical Technologists, 3, 264–266

Surveyors, Cartographers, Photogrammetrists, and Surveying and Mapping Technicians, 4, 266–269


Taxi Drivers and Chauffeurs, 4, 269–272

Teacher Assistants, 3, 272–275

Teachers—Kindergarten, Elementary, Middle, and Secondary, 3, 275–279, 379–380

Teachers—Postsecondary, 3, 279–282

Teachers—Preschool, Except Special Education, 3, 282–284

Teachers—Self-Enrichment Education, 2, 284–286

Teachers—Special Education, 3, 286–288

thank-you notes, 344

training. See education

Training, Other Qualifications, and Advancement section (job descriptions), 10–11, 24–25

transferable skills, 305–307

Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics interest area, 313

Truck Drivers and Driver/Sales Workers, 3, 289–292, 381


Veterinarians, 4, 292–295

Veterinary Technologists and Technicians, 3, 295–297

want ads, 322

Water and Liquid Waste Treatment Plant and System Operators, 4, 298–300

Work Environment section (job descriptions), 24

Young Person’s Occupational Outlook Handbook, 14

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