GREAT 121 IDEA: Ask for Two Business Cards

When you meet an interesting new person, always ask for two business cards. Why? Because you can keep one and look to pass the second one to someone else who might benefit from this person's products or services.

I learned this tip from a veteran networker who attended many networking breakfasts. Asking someone for two cards is also a great icebreaker and is very flattering. Chances are, you will more likely be remembered by the person you just met.

Here is another great business card tip: When you attend a trade show, meeting or conference, always wear a jacket with two pockets. Use one pocket to hold the cards collected from the people you meet and the other to store your cards.

This two-pocket system eliminates fumbling in your purse or wallet to dig out a business card when people are on the move. Don't forget to sit down and sort through the cards at the end of the day. Make notes on the back so you'll remember how to follow up with new contacts.

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