GREAT 162 IDEA: Plan “In” Days and “Out” Days

As my business flourished and life became more demanding, I really needed a way to structure my weekly schedule.

I came up with this great idea when I was working out of my home office in Sun Valley, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. Because L.A. traffic is such a nightmare, trying to make it to one meeting across the city meant I would be out most of the day.

About five years ago, we moved to Sharon, Vermont, from New York. We live in a former summer camp on 440 acres located about 15 to 20 miles from civilization, if you consider Hanover, New Hampshire, civilization. Similar to Los Angeles, you need several hours to get to and from an appointment.

To maximize productivity, I schedule “in” days and “out” days. Here's how it works: on my “in” days, I don't leave the office, except perhaps to mail a letter at the post office or pick up milk at the Sharon Trading Post—a six-mile round-trip. I spend “in” days writing my various columns, marketing materials, or proposals, returning calls, handling financial matters and paperwork.

On my “out” days, I stay out from morning until night. I schedule backto-back appointments, often ending the day by joining a friend for dinner and a movie in town. During the day, I check e-mail wherever I am, thanks to free public wi-fi, or on my smartphone.

Try this system and let me know if it works for you.

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