GREAT 75 IDEA: Hire a Great Web Designer

If you are in the process of designing or redesigning your site, here are some things to consider:

  • Check out a variety of web sites to see what appeals to you. Figure out what you like and don't like. Some sites take forever to load because they are laden with clunky graphics and animations. The best sites, in my opinion, are very simple and elegant. Make a list of your favorites to share with a designer.
  • Outline all the elements you want to feature on your site. Do you need product photos, audio or video clips? Will your customers be able to place orders and track their shipments?
  • List all the sections of your site and create an outline of each page. Most web site designers base their fees on the number of pages.
  • Once you've outlined what you want to feature on your site, meet with at least two or three designers. Ask friends or colleagues to recommend designers. Contact companies whose sites you like and ask them who designed their sites. Ask for references before you set up any meetings.
  • Before the meeting, go online and review their work. Then, get answers to these questions:
    • Will they actually do the work or farm it out to others?
    • How and when do they expect to be paid? Do they require a deposit?
    • How much do they charge to update and maintain a site? Can you maintain it yourself with a content management system?
    • Will they host your site or find a host for you?
  • Ask for a detailed estimate in writing—including a “site map” that shows you how all the pages flow from the home page.
  • Design and development prices will vary considerably, depending on what you want your site to do. Designing a new web site can cost as little as $600 or as much as $500,000 or more, depending on the complexity. Many Web registration companies, like and Network Solutions, offer free or low-cost, template-based sites. If you are interested in a Word Press site based on a template, Brian Hanson at ( will build one for about $600. He did a fantastic job customizing my YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter pages.
  • Watch out for hidden costs. Don't be afraid to ask questions to really understand everything you'll be paying for.
  • When your site is uploaded, ask the designer for a copy of all the files. The designer doesn't own the site—you do. Having the files protects you from losing all the work if you need to hire someone to take over.
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