
I’ve always loved to make things, for as long as I can remember. When I was 5, I used to check out a book from the library over and over again about making dollhouse furniture from things around the house. I was particularly entranced by instructions on how to make a lamp using a golf tee as the base, putting a piece of clay inside a toothpaste cap (the lampshade), and sticking the spike of the tee into the clay. It made the cutest mid-century looking lamp! Ever since then, I’ve been fascinated with making delightful things out of easy-to-find materials.

Making things is part of being human—it nourishes us, invites play into our busy lives, and adds to our sense of well-being. As we get older, life becomes more complex, and finding the time and space to make things becomes more of a challenge. It isn’t impossible, though. By scaling projects down to a manageable—or even small—size and using common materials, we can remove the barriers to creating.

That’s what you’ll find in this book: mostly smaller, stepped-out projects that are meant to inspire delight and smiles. From antique-inspired spun cotton figures and a buoyant murmuration sculpture to high-five pop-ups, you will discover new things to make and give to friends and family who appreciate funny and sweet handmade gifts. The projects are jump starts for your imagination. Have fun and see where your inspiration takes you!

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