Fuzzy Numbers and Their Arithmetic

Fuzzy numbers are a mathematical formulation of vague statements about real numbers. For example, a statement expressing that a number is approximately 2 is modeled by a fuzzy number. Fuzzy numbers are of great importance in fuzzy systems and toward the end of this chapter, we are going to discuss how we can construct fuzzy numbers from real‐world data, and how these numbers can be used.

3.1 Fuzzy Numbers

Fuzzy (real) numbers are a special kind of fuzzy sets that have been introduced by Zadeh [311].

Clearly, every fuzzy number is a convex fuzzy set since all α‐cuts are closed intervals. Also, the core of a fuzzy number images should be a singleton, and we will denote its only element by images. Fuzzy numbers can be either positive or negative:

A special case of fuzzy real numbers are the discrete fuzzy numbers. A fuzzy subset of images is a discrete fuzzy number if its support is finite. If images is a discrete fuzzy number and images, then there is an images such that images. In the rest of this section, we present the various types of nondiscrete fuzzy numbers, and we mostly follow the categorization and the definitions presented in [159].

If the universe on which a fuzzy set is defined is the set images of complex numbers, then fuzzy sets are called fuzzy complex numbers [40]. The α‐cuts of a fuzzy complex number images are


where images and, when images, then we separately specify


Although the theory of fuzzy complex numbers is quite interesting, we are not going to present its details in this book.

3.1.1 Triangular Fuzzy Numbers

A triangular fuzzy number is a fuzzy set whose graph is a triangle. Usually, one specifies such a fuzzy number using the notation images, where images is the only element of the core of the fuzzy number and corresponds to the images‐coordinate of the point that lies at the intersection of the altitude and the base, images is the length of the line segment from images to the vertex that lies to the left of it, and images is the length of the line segment from images to the vertex that lies to the right of it. Figure 3.1 depicts a triangular fuzzy number and its “coordinates.” A triple images defines a fuzzy number that is characterized by the following membership function:

A triangular fuzzy number tfn(3, 3, 2) which is a fuzzy set whose graph is a triangle.

Figure 3.1 A triangular fuzzy number.

Alternatively, this membership function can be expressed as follows:


In fact, this alternative formulation can be easily used to draw any triangular fuzzy number.

3.1.2 Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers

Trapezoidal fuzzy numbers are, of course, fuzzy sets but since their core contains more than one element, they cannot be classified as fuzzy numbers. However, it is absolutely reasonable to view these fuzzy sets as fuzzy intervals. On the other hand, it is a fact that the term trapezoidal fuzzy number is persistently used in the literature (e.g. see Ref. [20] and references therein). A trapezoidal fuzzy set is completely characterized by four real numbers images. We will use the notation images to specify the fuzzy set that is characterized by the following membership function:

Graph depicting a trapezoidal fuzzy set (10, 20, 60, 95); the four numbers of the quadruple correspond to the x-coordinates of the four vertices of the resulting “trapezoid”.

Figure 3.2 A trapezoidal fuzzy number.

Figure 3.2 depicts the trapezoidal fuzzy set images. Note that the four numbers of the quadruple correspond to the images‐coordinates of the four vertices of the resulting “trapezoid” in this specific order.

3.1.3 Gaussian Fuzzy Numbers

Gaussian fuzzy numbers are characterized by membership functions that are some special kind of a Gaussian function. The general form of these functions is


Usually, one specifies a Gaussian fuzzy number using the notation images, where images is the only element of the core of the fuzzy number, and images and images are the left‐hand and right‐hand spreads that correspond to the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution, see Figure 3.3. The membership function that characterizes any Gaussian fuzzy number has the following general form:


A quasi‐Gaussian fuzzy number consists of a Gaussian fuzzy number whose membership degree is set to zero for images and for images, respectively. A quasi‐Gaussian fuzzy number will be written as images and, in general, the following function characterizes any quasi‐Gaussian fuzzy number:

Graph depicting a bell-shaped curve for a Gaussian fuzzy number gfn(3,1,1.5)  whose membership degree is set to zero.

Figure 3.3 A Gaussian fuzzy number.


Note that the fuzzy number has nonzero membership values within a specific range.

3.1.4 Quadratic Fuzzy Numbers

A quadratic fuzzy number is yet another general form of a fuzzy number. We specify such a fuzzy number using the notation images. The membership function of any quadratic fuzzy number is parameterized by these three numbers:


Figure 3.4 shows exactly to what the three parameters correspond.

Graph depicting a quadratic fuzzy number qfn(4, 2, 5), which is parameterized by three notations.

Figure 3.4 A quadratic fuzzy number.

3.1.5 Exponential Fuzzy Numbers

Exponential fuzzy numbers are yet another type of fuzzy numbers. Their membership function has the general form1:


Here images and images are the left and right spread of images, respectively, and images represents a tolerance value. We will specify an exponential fuzzy number using the notation images. Figure 3.5 depicts an exponential fuzzy number.

3.1.6 imagesimages Fuzzy Numbers

Didier Dubois and Henri Prade [109] have introduced a special form of fuzzy numbers that are dubbed imagesimages fuzzy numbers. The name derives from the fact that the graph of the membership function consists of two parts: the left and the right curve that meet at point images. Figure 3.6 shows a typical example of an imagesimages fuzzy number. In general, the membership function of an imagesimages fuzzy number has the following form:

Graph depicting an exponential fuzzy number efn(1, 0.5, 1.0, 0.4) using a set of notations.

Figure 3.5 An exponential fuzzy number.

Graph depicting an L–R fuzzy number 〈3, 1, 2〉 consisting of two parts: a left and a right curve that meet at point (x, 1).

Figure 3.6 An imagesimages fuzzy number.


Clearly, not all functions can be used in place of the images and images functions. In particular, these functions must have the following properties for all images:

  1. images and images for all images;
  2. images;
  3. images and images; and
  4. images and images are decreasing in images.

For example, in the case of the fuzzy number depicted in Figure 3.6, we have used:


3.1.7 Generalized Fuzzy Numbers

A generalized fuzzy number2 images is a fuzzy subset of images that satisfies the following conditions:

  1. images is a continuous mapping from images to the closed interval images;
  2. images when images;
  3. images is strictly increasing in images;
  4. images when images;
  5. images is strictly decreasing in images;
  6. images when images.

Here images is supposed to be the degree of confidence of some expert's opinion. If images, then the generalized fuzzy number images is called a normal trapezoidal fuzzy number. If images and images, then images is called a crisp interval. If images, then images is called a generalized triangular fuzzy number. If images and images, then images is called a real number.

3.2 Arithmetic of Fuzzy Numbers

Given two fuzzy numbers images and images, does it make sense to compute their sum, their difference, their product, and their quotient? The answer to this question is that all four arithmetical operations have been extended so to make the operations images, images, images, and images meaningful when images and images are fuzzy numbers. In particular, there are two methods to compute the operation images: one method is defined using operations on intervals, while the other method is using the extension principle.

3.2.1 Interval Arithmetic

Before we can proceed to the presentation of the methods of doing fuzzy arithmetic, we first have to learn some of the basics of interval arithmetic. In general, if images and images are two closed intervals and images denotes any of the four arithmetic operations, then

For example, if images and images and images denotes addition, then


which equals images, because the end points are elements of the intervals and from this it follows that images and images.

Using Eq. (3.2), the four arithmetic operations on closed intervals are defined as follows:


and, provided that images,


Any real number images can be considered as a degenerated interval images. Thus, if images, images, and images, then images because images, and images because images.

3.2.2 Interval Arithmetic and α‐Cuts

All α‐cuts of a fuzzy number are closed and bounded intervals. Assume that images and images are two fuzzy numbers and images is one of the four arithmetic operations. Then, the fuzzy set images is defined using its α‐cut images as


for all images. In case we want to divide two fuzzy numbers, it is necessary to ensure that images for all images. In general, it would be useful to be able to use all α‐cuts. For instance, if images and images, then


Of course, here we have shown how to compute specific α‐cuts and not how to compute new fuzzy numbers. However, we know from Theorem 2.3.2 that the union of all α‐cuts of some fuzzy set makes up the set itself. Thus, knowing all α‐cuts of the sum of two fuzzy numbers means that we can easily compute the new fuzzy number.

3.2.3 Fuzzy Arithmetic and the Extension Principle

The four arithmetic operations between fuzzy numbers can also be defined using the extension principle. The idea is that operations on real numbers are extended into operations on fuzzy real numbers. Assume that images and images are two fuzzy numbers. Then, we can define the four arithmetic operations between images and images for all images as follows:


The technique described for discrete fuzzy numbers can be extended to nondiscrete fuzzy numbers, but it is more difficult to proceed.

3.2.4 Fuzzy Arithmetic of Triangular Fuzzy Numbers

For certain kinds of fuzzy numbers, there are special methods that can be used to compute any of the four arithmetic operations easily. This is true for triangular fuzzy numbers. Given two triangular fuzzy numbers images and images, then the four arithmetic operations are defined as follows [70]:

  • Addition.images;
  • Subtraction.images;
  • Multiplication.images;
  • Division.images.

3.2.5 Fuzzy Arithmetic of Generalized Fuzzy Numbers

Assume that images and images are two generalized fuzzy numbers. Then, their addition is defined as follows:


Also, images is defined as follows:


The multiplication images is equal to images, where


The inverse of the fuzzy number images is


where images, images, images, and images are all nonzero positive numbers or nonzero negative numbers. If images, images, images, images, images, images, images, and images are all nonzero positive real numbers, then


It was demonstrated [85] that these operations are problematic (e.g. addition does not yield the exact value). Thus, a more general description of generalized fuzzy numbers was proposed. In particular, the number images is written as follows:


where images is the degree of confidence with respect to a decision‐maker's opinion. The various arithmetic operations are defined as follows:

  • Addition.images, where
  • Subtraction.images, where
  • Multiplication.images, where
  • Division.images, where

    and images, images, images, images, images, images, images, and images are positive real numbers.

3.2.6 Comparing Fuzzy Numbers

Unfortunately, we cannot directly compare two fuzzy numbers images and images. However, we can compare them indirectly by using the operations images and images, that are obtained from the known images and images operations by using the extension principle as follows:


for images. One can use these definitions to compute the minimum and maximum of any two fuzzy numbers, but nevertheless the computations can be easy only in certain cases. Thus, we need a better mechanism to compute these two operations. Chih‐Hui Chiu and Wen‐June Wang [74] proved two theorems that make the computation of these two operations easier. The first theorem can be used to compute images.

The second theorem can be used to compute images.

Dug Hun Hong and Kyung Tae Kim [163] found another easier way to compute the minimum and maximum of many fuzzy numbers at the same time. Their result is based on a theorem that uses the following notation:


3.3 Linguistic Variables

The concept of a linguistic variable4 was introduced by Zadeh [311313]. According to Zadeh, a linguistic variable is a special kind of variable whose values are not numbers but words or, more generally, sentences in a natural language (e.g. English or Greek). For instance, the temperature of a room is a linguistic variable whose linguistic values include the terms “freezing,” “very cold,” “cold,” “cool,” “mild,” “moderate,” “warm,” “very warm,” and “hot.” Other examples of linguistic variables are the age of people, where possible linguistic values include the terms “young,” “old,” and “middle‐aged,” and the speed of a car, where possible linguistic values include the terms “fast,” “slow,” and “stationary.”

More formally, a linguistic variable is characterized by a quintuple images, where images is the name of the variable, images is the set of terms of images, that is, a set of linguistic values of images, which are fuzzy sets on the universe images, images is a syntactic rule for generating the names of values of images, and images is a semantic rule for associating each value with its meaning, that is, the membership function that characterizes the fuzzy set. Figure 3.8 depicts the linguistic variable temperature.

Any word like the word “very” that modifies a linguistic value like “cold” is called a linguistic hedge. For example, the words “quite,” “very very,” “not so,” etc., all count as linguistic hedges. A linguistic hedge can either intensify or lessen the meaning of a linguistic value. For example, if images is the fuzzy set associated with the linguistic value “cold,” then images could be the fuzzy set associated with the linguistic value “very cold.” Similarly, if images is the fuzzy set associated with the linguistic value “hot,” then images could be the fuzzy set associated with the linguistic value “very hot.” The linguistic hedges and the atomic linguistic variable set (i.e. the “basic” words that characterize a linguistic variable) are put together to create the linguistic values. And this is exactly a possible syntactic rule for generating linguistic values.

Graph depicting four curves for varying room temperature as a linguistic variable quantified by some linguistic values: Very cold, cold, cool, and mild.

Figure 3.8 Room temperature as a linguistic variable quantified by some linguistic values.

3.4 Fuzzy Equations5

A fuzzy equation is one where both the unknown variables and the coefficients are fuzzy numbers. For example, the equation

where images, images, and images are triangular fuzzy numbers, is the simplest possible fuzzy equation. It is rather tempting to try to solve this equation using techniques we use to solve ordinary algebraic equations. However, this is not possible because images and so images! For example, if images, then images, as can be easily verified using the method described in Section 3.2.4.

3.4.1 Solving the Fuzzy Equation images

In what follows, we present three methods to solve Eq. (3.5). The Classical Method

This method can be used to compute the solution to an equation, when a solution exists. Assume that images, images, images, and images, images. Then, we replace the variables in Eq. (3.5) with the α‐cuts:


Next, we need to solve this equation for images and images using interval arithmetic (see Section 3.2.1). When the intervals images define the α‐cuts of a fuzzy number, then we get the solution to Eq. (3.5). Note that images and images specify α‐cuts of a fuzzy number when

  1. images and images are continuous;
  2. images is monotonically increasing for images;
  3. images is monotonically decreasing for images; and
  4. images.

There is no guarantee that this procedure will yield a solution to Eq. (3.5), but if it does produce a solution, then this will satisfy the initial equation.

Although we managed to solve this equation using this method, most equations cannot be solved using this technique. Fortunately, there are two more methods which can produce approximate solutions to Eq. (3.5). The Extension Principle Method

As the name of this method suggests, this method uses the extension principle to solve equation images. The method is based on a procedure that is used to extend any crisp function images to a fuzzy function images. According to this procedure, the crisp function images is extended to its fuzzy counterpart images as follows:


This equation defines the membership function of images for any triangular fuzzy number images in images. Also, if images is continuous, then there is a way to compute the α‐cuts of images. Assume that images. Then,


If we have a crisp function with two independent variables, then we assume that images, where images and images. Then, we extend images to images as follows:


Provided images is continuous, we can compute the α‐cuts with the following equations:


As an exercise, explain how one can fuzzify a crisp function with four independent variables.

The second method by which we try to solve Eq. (3.5), assumes that the crisp solution is a function of three independent variables. Therefore, all that we have to do is to fuzzify the “function” images using the function fuzzification procedure we just described. Clearly, the solution we are looking for is the fuzzy number images, where zero does not belong to the support of images. The fuzzy number images can be computed using the following equation:


Since images is continuous, we can compute the α‐cuts images, where

Clearly, the α‐cuts will be images. The solution will be a triangular fuzzy number. However, there is no guarantee that the computed solution will satisfy the initial equation. If images does not exist, then the solution of the equation is images! The α‐Cuts Method

A third method to solve equation images is to use α‐cuts and interval arithmetic. In particular, the solution of the equation is assumed to be


This equation can be simplified into



if images for all images. This method always yields the solution


but, again, there is no guarantee that the computed solution will satisfy the initial equation. If images does not exist and it is difficult to get images, then we can use images as an approximate solution.

3.4.2 Solving the Fuzzy Equation images

The fuzzy quadratic equation has the following form:

For triangular fuzzy numbers images, images, images, and images, the solution of this equation will be also a triangular fuzzy number. The fuzzy quadratic equation does not have the form images just because the left‐hand side of this equation can never be exactly equal to zero. If we allow complex solutions, then the crisp equation images has two solutions, which implies that the fuzzy equation might have solutions that are fuzzy complex numbers, nonetheless we are not interested in fuzzy complex solutions. As in the case of the equation images, there are three methods to solve Eq. (3.15). The Classical Method

Assume that images, images, images, images, and images. Then, we substitute these α‐cuts into Eq. (3.15) and solve for images and images. In order to proceed, we need to know whether images, images, and images. Suppose that all these numbers are positive. Then,


The solution images exists if the α‐cuts images, where


are of a triangular fuzzy number. This means that images and images, for images and images. In addition, the solutions must be real numbers, so this means that


Naturally, if images and images or images and images, we may get different results, provided all conditions are met. The Extension Principle Method

This solution fuzzifies the quantities images and images and the α‐cut of images, when we are working with images, is images, where


for images. The α‐Cuts Method

This method is employed when it is difficult to compute the images and images in the previous equations. The solution images is computed by substitution of images, images, images, and images into images or images. Here, we work with images, and we assume that the α‐cut of images is images, where



3.5 Fuzzy Inequalities

A fuzzy inequality is an expression like images or like images, where images, images, and images are triangular fuzzy numbers. However, the problem here is, what do the expressions images and images really mean? Unfortunately, there is no unique definition and this means that a possible solution will depend on how we choose to define these two relational operators.

A number of different definitions is presented in [44], but it seems there is no standard definition. Here is a simple definition:


Based on this, we agree that images if images, but images, where images is a fixed number, such that images. Let us say that images. Then, images if images and images. We write images when both images and images are not true. Moreover, images means that images or that images.

In order to solve the inequality images, we first try to compute the number images. Suppose we are going to use α‐cuts and interval arithmetic to compute images. Then, the solution for images to images or images depends on the definition of “images.” However, since there is no standard definition but only proposals, there is no reason to further discuss possible solutions.

3.6 Constructing Fuzzy Numbers

We have shown how to deal with fuzzy numbers, but we have said nothing about how one can actually construct them from real‐world data. Chi‐Bin Cheng [73] presented a relatively simple method that can be used to construct a triangular fuzzy number. In particular, he explained how one can construct a triangular fuzzy number images from the grades given to images, which can be an object, a performance, etc., by a group of experts. We can assume that each expert graded images with a number in the range from 0 to images. Moreover, images are the scores that images different experts gave to images. In addition, we require that images for at least one pair of grades images and images.

The first thing we would like to compute is the number images. For this, we build the images matrix images, where each images. This matrix holds the distances between various images, and it is used to locate images. The average of the relative distances, for each images, is given by images. This average distance is used to measure the proximity of images to images. Next, we want to determine the degree of importance of each images. So, we build an images pair‐wise comparison matrix images, where


Because images is obtained from a comparison of distances, it turns out that it is perfectly consistent. Assume that images is the true degree of importance of images. Then, because of the consistency of images,


Suppose that images is a column vector of images, where images. Then,


which means that images is an eigenvalue of images and images is the corresponding eigenvector. It holds that


and we conclude that


From this we can finally compute images:


Now we need to compute images and images.

This last equation can be written as follows:


Also, let images be


These last two equations can be solved to yield


Obviously, images and images.

We use the average deviation that is calculated from the sample scores to approximate the value of images:


The quantity images can be computed approximately as follows. Assume that images is the weighted average of the scores that are less than images and images the weighted average of the scores that are greater than images. Also, let


Next, we compute images and images:


Finally, we can approximately compute images by


Assume that images, images, for all images and images. Then, the method described cannot be used since this condition violates the assumptions of the method. However, the membership function of the corresponding fuzzy number can be constructed easily:


The scores given by the experts are between 0 and images, therefore, the support of a fuzzy number constructed from these scores cannot be outside this range. Thus, the triangular fuzzy number is defined as follows:


3.7 Applications of Fuzzy Numbers

There are many nontrivial applications of fuzzy numbers and Michael Hanss's monograph [159] describes some very interesting applications. In this section, we present a few applications of fuzzy numbers so as to demonstrate their usefulness.

3.7.1 Simulation of the Human Glucose Metabolism

It is an undeniable fact that diabetes mellitus type I can seriously affect the quality of a patient's life. Since diabetes is the result of a problematic human glucose metabolism, it is of paramount importance to know the main characteristics of glucose metabolism. Naturally, we first need to develop a mathematical model of the metabolism and then use it in simulations so to check its usefulness. Michael Hanss and Oliver Nehls [160] examine such a model and find ways to improve the model by introducing fuzzy numbers. First, let us briefly present the model and then we can see how fuzzy numbers can be introduced.

Generally speaking, the human glucose metabolism model for patients with diabetes mellitus type I is divided into two parts: (i) the part that describes the inflow images of insulin into blood as a result of a subcutaneous insulin injection, and (ii) the part that describes the inflow images of glucose into blood as a result of food consumption. The second part is divided into two submodels: (i) the submodel that describes metabolisms in the stomach, and (ii) the submodel that describes the metabolism in the intestine. The outputs of these models are combined in a simplified model to predict the amount of in‐blood glucose images at time images.

When a patient injects insulin, it appears in two modifications in the subcutaneous depot. These are described by a hemisphere with radial coordinate images: as dimer insulin with concentration images and as hexamer insulin with concentration images. The uptake of insulin into the blood is only affected by dimer insulin. However, the injected external insulin is a solution of pure hexamer insulin. The following equations describe the model:




and the model parameters


and the initial and boundary conditions


The model for the concentration images of carbohydrates in the stomach of volume images is given by


with the initial conditions


and the parameters


The input parameters images, images, and images designate the amount of carbohydrates, proteins, and fat in the ingested meal.

The model for the concentration images of carbohydrates in the intestine of radius images and length images is given by


with the initial and boundary conditions


and the parameters


The simplified model for the amount of in‐blood glucose images is described below:


The sensitivity parameters images, images, and images can be considered as constants for a multiple images of the time interval images. Typically, the time interval is chosen to be images and the sensitivity parameters are considered as constant for about one hour, that is, images.

From the description so far, it is obvious that the parameters images and images have values that lie within a specific range, which means that they are vague values by definition. In addition, it is next to impossible to predetermine the amount of carbohydrates images. So the model needs at least three fuzzy numbers that are represented by quasi‐Gaussian fuzzy numbers:


The various values have been chosen based on the data presented in the original model, while images and the nutritional content of carbohydrates in the ingested food is usually an integer multiple of the bread unit. Finally, the initial condition for the in‐blood glucose is set to


3.7.2 Estimation of an Ongoing Project's Completion Time

For any project it is a good planning strategy to try to anticipate all possible cases that may delay its realization. However, no matter how good we plan a project, it is quite possible that some unexpected things may occur that might eventually delay the realization of the project. Therefore, we need a tool that can be used to analyze a situation and make some sort of predictions. The “obvious” solution is to use probability theory, as noted by Dorota Kuchta [184]. However, it seems that this approach is not useful since it assumes that we can verify certain hypotheses about the probability distributions of activity duration times. Clearly, if we know these times in advance, then we do not need probability theory. As an alternative approach to the solution of this problem, Kuchta suggested the use of fuzzy numbers since they make it easy to describe several criteria that influence the actual duration of a project's activities.

Kuchta's fuzzy numbers are a special form of triangular fuzzy numbers. In particular, she defines a fuzzy number images as a triplet images whose analytic form is as follows:


Here images is called the mean value, while the variability measures images and images measure the uncertainty linked to the assumption that the unknown magnitude images will be equal to images. Model of a Project

Each project should be understood as a set of activities


Clearly, the members of this set may have dependencies between them (e.g. images should happen before images, or images and images use the same resources, etc.). At the beginning, we provide an estimation of each activity's duration, but when the project is implemented, the mean value of an activity's duration may depend on a number of factors. Such factors are the weather, the mood in the activity team, the skills of the activity team, the attitude of certain stakeholders, etc. Unfortunately, most of these factors cannot be measured, although they may strongly influence the duration of an activity. The set of all these factors will be


For each images, we will denote by images the impact of images on the estimation of the mean values of the durations of project activities at time images, where images is a point beyond which the project cannot go (Kuchta calls it time horizon) and 0 is the planning phase of the project. Apart from these factors, it is quite possible to have factors that affect the uncertainty (variability) in the estimation of an activity's duration. The set of these “other” factors will be written as follows:


It is quite possible that images is in an one‐to‐one correspondence with images. However, this does not imply that in all cases, the sets are in an one‐to‐one correspondence. Also, all images will represent the impact of the corresponding factors on the uncertainty of the estimates of the duration of the activities of the project at a given moment images. These two sets are clearly different, and the elements of the first one affect the duration of an activity and can be used to determine the most possible value of the duration. The elements of the second set affect the variability of the estimate around the mean value. For instance, in construction projects, the weather plays a decisive role in the determination of the duration of certain activities and may affect the mean value of the estimated completion time entirely (forecasts of long rainy periods or long sunny periods often affect the mean values in different ways). However, other factors like technical problems or the experience of the team members, do not have such a strong impact on the completion of a project but affect the precise determination of the completion time. Therefore, one should take into account their variability in both directions.

For each activity images, images will be the estimate of the duration of this activity at a moment images before this activity has been finished:

where images, images, and images are invertible functions from and into the set of nonnegative real numbers, images, and images and images are not necessarily different indices from the set images. From this equation, it is clear that all three parameters, that is, the mean value of the estimates as well as its variability measures, depend on exactly one parameter. Although this may seem like a limitation, in most real‐life cases, one major factor can be selected: one for the mean value and one for each of the two variability measures. Also, according to Eq. (3.16) the duration of each activity is vague.

When realizing a project, one should be able to update the estimates of the duration of activities which have not been started yet, and thus to update the estimate of the total duration time of the project. For this we need a set of selected control moments


where images and images. Depending on the nature of the project, the intervals images for images might be smaller if the project is risky, or they might be bigger if the project is not risky. At a moment images, images, images will denote the estimated total completion time of the project at this given moment. images is actually the maximum of the estimated lengths of all the paths in the project network, using the actual completion time of the activities which have been completed at moment images, and using the estimated duration time of the activities that have not been completed in the form of fuzzy numbers derived from Eq. (3.16):


In order to get a reliable and informative estimate images at each control moment images, it is necessary to have the best possible estimates images of the durations of those activities images that have not been completed at images. Kuchta has proposed an algorithm for updating the estimates images, but we will not describe it here. Our purpose was to show the use of fuzzy numbers in specific problems and not to show how specific problems can be solved completely.


  1. 3.1 Using Eq. (3.1) draw the triangular fuzzy numbers images and images.
  2. 3.2 Evaluate the following in interval arithmetic:
    1. images;
    2. images;
    3. images;
    4. images;
    5. images.
  3. 3.3 Evaluate in interval arithmetic each of the following expressions: images and images for images equal to each of the intervals images, images, and images.
  4. 3.4 Assume that images and images. Find the fuzzy numbers images, images, and images using the method described in Section 3.2.2.
  5. 3.5 Redo the previous exercise using the method described in Section 3.2.4.
  6. 3.6 Complete Example 3.2.3 by calculating images.
  7. 3.7 Solve equation images using the classical method when images, images, and images.
  8. 3.8 Verify that the equation images has no classical solution when images, images, and images.
  9. 3.9 Assume that five experts assign the following five scores:

    Construct the corresponding triangular fuzzy number.


  1. 1   We have used the definition presented in [159] to draw an exponential fuzzy number, but the result was totally wrong. However, the definition presented in [24] yielded a real exponential fuzzy number. Thus, the definition of exponential fuzzy numbers is borrowed from [24].
  2. 2   We use the description presented in [71], since the original paper that introduced generalized fuzzy numbers was not available to us.
  3. 3   For reasons of brevity, we just omit to specify the infinite numbers that have membership degree equal to zero.
  4. 4   This term has also been used in linguistics, where a linguistic variable is a linguistic item that has identifiable variants. For example, the fishing is sometimes pronounced as “fishin.” The final sound of this word is the linguistic variable (see Ref. [295] for a full discussion).
  5. 5   The exposition that follows is based on [44, 48].
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