Benefits of Using the .NET Framework

.NET provides advantages for everyone involved with the application-development process. The discussion in this section takes into account the people who will be directly affected by you choosing to use the .NET Framework. When making the decision to go with .NET, you will need to consider the benefits for the users, developers, and managers involved with the project.

What's in It for Users

Users will be able to get fast information using XML Web Services and by collaborating via the Internet. Their personal information may be stored in one central database, and they can access it from their work machine, home machine, or maybe even their cell phone.

What's in It for Developers

The .NET Framework allows developers to build the types of applications that users demand. With a common set of system tools, they will be able to write code once and have it delivered to a wide range of devices faster than ever.

Instead of developers having to learn complicated tools such as XML and SOAP, the .NET Framework wraps up these interfaces into an easy-to-use object-oriented structure. This accelerates the learning curve for new developers while allowing advanced developers to create Web applications in a fraction of the time they could before.

Because installations are much easier, time-to-market will diminish for newly developed applications.

What's in It for Managers

Managers are often faced with too many projects, not enough time, and not enough programmers to get their projects done. Because most of the core services are already in place within the .NET Framework, programmers will be able to create applications faster than before, thus allowing more projects to be completed.

In a large corporate environment, managers may also be faced with the challenge of integrating many disparate systems. Using XML can help these different systems talk back and forth. Before the .NET Framework, if systems needed to run across the Internet, getting outside the corporate firewall with proprietary protocols or binary data was difficult, if not impossible. The use of XML in all transmissions within the .NET Framework ensures that you can talk across an open standard such as HTTP.

As companies grow, the need to scale distributed applications becomes an issue. In the .NET Framework, scalability is built in to all core services. Threading across all languages will help with this scalability as well.

Security is another area that will help put managers' minds at ease. There are many different security models in the .NET Framework that should satisfy almost anyone's needs.

.NET also offers benefits for managing personnel resources. For instance, training is always an issue when advanced developers use proprietary or new technologies and new developers are brought in to maintain these systems. The .NET Framework's OOP approach makes learning its classes much easier.

Additionally, with so many languages that can use the .NET Framework, managers will be able to utilize many different programmers with different language skills. Yet, all programmers can use each others' code. This is the ultimate in flexibility and productivity from a manager's standpoint.

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