Defining and Raising Events

By default, your user control doesn't raise any of its own specific events—it only raises events defined by its base class (UserControl), such as the Load and Unload events. If you want to add your own events, such as the SelectedIndexChanged event, you'll need to add a little more code to the user control's code-behind file.

You'll first need to define the event, adding a declaration for the event including its parameters and return value. Then, you'll need to manually raise the event so that the consumers of your control can react to the event.


The code you're about to add hasn't really changed from VB6, if you've ever raised an event from a class in VB6. You may have noticed the use of the WithEvents keyword when you declared the instance of the user control on the test page—it allows the page to react to events raised by the user control.

Follow these steps to add the SelectedIndexChanged event to the control:

In the Solution Explorer window, right-click DataDropDownList.ascx and select View Code from the context menu.

Immediately below the declaration for mstrTableName, add the following declaration:

Public Event SelectedIndexChanged( _
 ByVal sender As System.Object, _
 ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


By adding the declaration of the SelectedIndexChanged event, you're indicating to consumers of your control that you raise this particular event. Because all event handlers expect to receive two parameters, using these exact specifications, it's important that your event declaration provide the same parameters that the consumers expect.

Once you've declared the event, you must raise it. In this control, you'll need to raise the SelectedIndexChanged event when the user selects a value in the DropDownList control embedded within the user control. That is, in reaction to the SelectedIndexChanged event of the internal control, you need to raise the event to consumers of the user control.

Follow these steps to add code to raise the SelectedIndexChanged event:

From the Class Name drop-down list, at the top-left corner of the module editor window, select ddlList.

From the Method Name drop-down list, at the top right, choose the SelectedIndexChanged event.

Modify the procedure stub Visual Studio .NET creates for you so that it looks like this:

Private Sub ddlList_SelectedIndexChanged( _
 ByVal sender As System.Object, _
 ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
 Handles ddlList.SelectedIndexChanged

  RaiseEvent SelectedIndexChanged(sender, e)
End Sub


The RaiseEvent statement raises a declared event so that consumers of your class can “see” it and react to it. You must pass the parameters defined in the declaration; in this case, you're simply passing the parameters sent to the DropDownList control's event out to the consumer of the DataDropDownList control.

Allowing for Automatic Postback

Because your DataDropDownList control looks and feels like a standard DropDownList control, users will expect it to provide the same postback capabilities. In order to test the control, you'll want to be able to post back immediately after an item is chosen. To make this possible, you need to add an AutoPostBack property to your control, exposing the DropDownList control's AutoPostBack property to consumers.

Add the following property procedure near the other property procedures in the DataDropDownList control's code-behind file:

Public Property AutoPostBack() As Boolean
    Return ddlList.AutoPostBack
  End Get
  Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
    ddlList.AutoPostBack = Value
  End Set
End Property

Retrieving the Selected Item

Your user control also needs to allow users to determine which item was selected, from the SelectedIndexChanged event. To do that, you must add a read-only property to your DataDropDownList class:

Public ReadOnly Property SelectedItem() As ListItem
    Return ddlList.SelectedItem
  End Get
End Property

Reacting to the Event

Now that you've completed all the properties, methods, and events necessary for your user control, you can try out the control on the test page. Follow these steps:

In the Solution Explorer window, right-click DataDropDownListTest.aspx and select View Code from the context menu.

Modify the Page_Load procedure by setting the AutoPostBack property to True:

Private Sub Page_Load( _
 ByVal sender As System.Object, _
 ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
 Handles MyBase.Load

  If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
    With dddlCategories
      .AutoPostBack = True
      .DataTable = "Categories"
      .DataTextField = "CategoryName"
      .DataValueField = "CategoryID"
    End With
  End If
End Sub

From the Class Name drop-down list, at the top left of the module editor window, select dddlCategories.

From the Method Name drop-down list, at the top right, choose the SelectedIndexChanged event.

Modify the procedure stub Visual Studio .NET creates for you so that it looks like this:

Private Sub ddlCategories_SelectedIndexChanged( _
 ByVal sender As System.Object, _
 ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
 Handles dddlCategories.SelectedIndexChanged

  lblCategory.Text = dddlCategories.SelectedItem.Value
End Sub

In the Solution Explorer window, right-click DataDropDownListTest.aspx, select Build and Browse from the context menu, and try out the page. Select an item from the DataDropDownList control, and you should see the corresponding value displayed in the Label control on the page.


It's important to understand that you wouldn't have been able to program against dddlCategories if you hadn't added the declaration in the code module manually. Visual Studio .NET doesn't do this for you when you add a user control. In addition, you can react to events of this control only because you included the WithEvents keyword in the declaration—this VB .NET keyword makes it possible for you to react to events of an object.

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