Chapter 3
Advanced Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC)


  • Domain 1.0: Design and Implement Hybrid IT Network Architectures at Scale
  • images1.2 Given a scenario, derive an appropriate hybrid IT architecture connectivity solution
  • images1.5 Define routing policies for hybrid IT architectures
  • Domain 2.0: Design and Implement AWS Networks
  • images2.1 Apply AWS networking concepts
  • images2.5 Derive an appropriate architecture based on customer and application requirements
  • Domain 5.0: Design and Implement for Security and Compliance
  • images5.1 Evaluate design requirements for alignment with security and compliance objectives

images In the previous chapter, you reviewed the core components of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). In this chapter, we go deeper into the more advanced features of Amazon VPC. The core components from the previous chapter meet the requirements of most designs, but some environments demand greater security, flexibility, and scalability from the network.

We review Amazon VPC endpoints, IP address features, and some elastic network interface features. We also review some of the design considerations that are important as you start to use and combine these features with other concepts like VPC peering. Some design scenarios include how you would create private access to services over a Virtual Private Network (VPN) with VPC endpoints.

VPC Endpoints

The idea behind the principle of least privilege is that users and services should only have the minimum access required to perform their function. If a user needs read-only access, they should not have permissions that allow modifications. From a networking perspective, if your Amazon EC2 instances only need access to other instances in the same Amazon VPC, they should not have Internet access. How does this concept apply when internal instances need to access public AWS Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) such as Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) or Amazon Redshift? In these scenarios, VPC endpoints can allow instances to access shared resources through a private endpoint in a VPC.

A VPC endpoint lets you privately connect your VPC to an AWS Cloud service without requiring an Internet gateway, a Network Address Translation (NAT) device, a VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect. Instances in your VPC do not require public IP addresses to communicate with AWS resources when using VPC endpoints. Traffic between your VPC and the AWS Cloud service does not leave the Amazon network.

Endpoints are virtual devices. They are horizontally scaled, redundant, and highly available VPC components that allow communication from resources in your VPC without imposing availability risks or bandwidth constraints on your network traffic.

VPC Endpoints and Security

Beyond the principle of least privilege, there are additional use cases for VPC endpoints. For some customers, security and compliance impose strict requirements on resources with access to the Internet. VPC endpoints allow access to public AWS APIs without requiring access to the Internet. VPC endpoints also allow you to define granular access control to services between VPCs or accounts without allowing the broad access provided by VPC peering. The principle of least privilege and controlling Internet access is covered in more detail in Chapter 15, “Risk and Compliance.” Reducing the number of instances or subnets that have Internet access can make security operations simpler, avoiding the complexity involved with NAT and routing policies and reducing the scope of certain audits and compliance checks.

Services such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) allow more granular access when they are accessed over VPC endpoints using bucket policies and endpoint policies. It is possible to limit Amazon S3 bucket access to specific VPC endpoints, which can be configured for specific subnets and instances through routing and security groups.

It is also possible to reduce or eliminate the need for an AWS Direct Connect public Virtual Interface (VIF) if all of the AWS Cloud services that you need to access are available through VPC endpoints. This is another method to reduce public exposure. Details on how to access endpoints over AWS Direct Connect are provided later in this chapter.

VPC Endpoint Policy

VPC endpoints may support a VPC endpoint policy. A VPC endpoint policy is an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resource policy that you attach to an endpoint when you create or modify the endpoint. If you do not attach a policy when you create an endpoint, AWS attaches a default policy for you that allows full access to the service. An endpoint policy does not override or replace IAM user policies or service-specific policies (such as Amazon S3 bucket policies). It is a separate policy for controlling access from the endpoint to the specified service.

VPC Endpoint Overview

There are two types of VPC endpoints that you can use to access services privately. We compare them briefly and then review each endpoint type in more detail.

Gateway VPC Endpoints

A gateway VPC endpoint is a gateway that serves as a target for a route in your route table for traffic destined to an AWS Cloud service. This type of endpoint supports Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB. Gateway VPC endpoints use routes and prefix lists to route privately to AWS Cloud services. Instances using gateway VPC endpoints will resolve the service’s Domain Name System (DNS) to a public address. The route to those public addresses uses the gateway VPC endpoint to access the service.

Interface VPC Endpoints

Interface VPC endpoints (powered by AWS PrivateLink) are implemented as special elastic network interfaces in Amazon VPC. When you create an interface VPC endpoint, AWS generates endpoint network interfaces in the subnets that you specify. Each interface VPC endpoint is specific to a single VPC and uses IPv4 addresses from the local subnets. When you create an interface VPC endpoint, AWS generates endpoint-specific DNS hostnames that you can use to communicate with the service. For AWS services and AWS Marketplace partner services, you can optionally enable private DNS for the endpoint. This option associates a private hosted zone with your VPC. The hosted zone contains a record set for the default DNS name for the service, which resolves to the private IP addresses of the endpoint network interfaces in your VPC. This enables you to make requests to the service using its default DNS hostname instead of the endpoint-specific DNS hostnames.

AWS PrivateLink

AWS PrivateLink is a type of interface VPC endpoint for AWS in addition to customer and partner services. AWS provides access to services such as the Amazon EC2 API and Elastic Load Balancing API with AWS PrivateLink. AWS PrivateLink is a newer and different way to access AWS Cloud services compared to gateway VPC endpoints.

AWS PrivateLink also enables building your own VPC endpoint services. AWS PrivateLink customers and service providers can create private endpoints to resources or services in their own VPC. You can access services in another VPC or account, including service providers and partners that support AWS PrivateLink. Each AWS PrivateLink connection is a relationship between a service consumer and a service provider. Example use cases for AWS PrivateLink include accessing a shared enterprise-provided API across many VPCs or accessing a Software as a Service (SaaS) logging provider’s services with a private connection.

Gateway VPC Endpoints

A gateway VPC endpoint enables you to create a private connection between your VPC and AWS Cloud services without requiring access over the Internet or through a NAT device, a VPN connection, or AWS Direct Connect. Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB have gateway VPC endpoints.

Amazon S3 Endpoints

An Amazon S3 endpoint allows private access to Amazon S3 from your VPC. As shown in Figure 3.1, instances in subnet 2 can access Amazon S3 through the VPC endpoint.

Diagram shows AWS region containing VPC with an address space of, two subnets with different address ranges along with route tables with the local route specified connected to internet via router and internet gateway. Router is connected to S3 bucket via VPC endpoint.

FIGURE 3.1 Amazon S3 endpoint

When you create an Amazon S3 endpoint, a prefix list and a VPC endpoint are created in your VPC. The prefix list is the collection of IP addresses that Amazon S3 uses. It is formatted as pl-xxxxxxxx and becomes an available option in both subnet routing tables and security groups.

The VPC endpoint uses the format of vpce-xxxxxxxx, and it appears as a route destination in your route tables. The subnets that you select when you create the Amazon S3 endpoint will receive a new route for the prefix list directed toward the new gateway VPC endpoint. Table 3.1 shows a sample routing table using gateway VPC endpoints.

TABLE 3.1 Sample Routing Table Using Gateway VPC Endpoints

Prefix Destination local
pl-xxxxxxxx vpce-xxxxxxxx

You can create multiple endpoints in the same VPC. This is used to apply different endpoint policies to allow different access. Because each route table may contain only a single prefix list, you are limited to one endpoint per subnet. If instances in the subnet require different Amazon S3 access policies, consider alternative subnet designs that achieve your desired policy or control outcomes.

The Amazon S3 endpoint uses DNS to direct traffic to the endpoint. You must enable DNS resolution in your VPC.

Amazon DynamoDB Endpoints

Amazon DynamoDB endpoints are very similar to Amazon S3 endpoints. Because Amazon DynamoDB uses gateway VPC endpoints, they use the same concepts of prefix lists and route tables to direct traffic to Amazon DynamoDB.

Like VPC endpoints for Amazon S3, VPC endpoints for Amazon DynamoDB support endpoint policies. An endpoint policy can restrict access to operations such as writes or access to specific tables.

There are some service-specific limitations that endpoints impose that, while out of the scope of this exam, may be important for design. One example is that you cannot access Amazon DynamoDB Streams through an endpoint.

Accessing Gateway Endpoints Over Remote Networks

Gateway VPC endpoints use AWS route table entries and DNS to route traffic privately to AWS Cloud services. These mechanisms only work within a VPC and prevent access to gateway endpoints from outside the VPC. Connections that originate from Amazon VPN or AWS Direct Connect through a Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) cannot directly access gateway endpoints. You also cannot access a gateway endpoint over VPC peering.

In order to overcome transitive routing limitations, you can modify DNS resolution and use a proxy fleet to reach VPC endpoints. Figure 3.2 shows a DNS-based proxy solution that directs traffic from a corporate network to a VPC endpoint for Amazon S3.

Diagram shows corporate DNS connected to corporate datacenter server followed by VPC subnets in multiple available zones and VPC endpoint for S3. VPC subnet includes elastic load balancing and proxy farm auto scaling group units.

FIGURE 3.2 A proxy fleet is configured to access an Amazon S3 endpoint over AWS VPN.

Core components of the solution are Elastic Load Balancing, a proxy farm, and the corporate DNS. The corporate DNS is configured to direct Amazon S3 requests to the CNAME of the load balancer. In this scenario, the destination IP address is a load balancer interface in the VPC. This configuration resolves the transitive routing scenario. The load balancer forwards the traffic to an Auto Scaling group of proxy instances. The proxy instances are placed in a subnet with access to an Amazon S3 endpoint. The proxies can be configured with an additional policy to allow or disallow certain requests, which can augment the level of control that the endpoint policy and Amazon S3 bucket policy provide.

This solution applies to both Amazon S3 and Amazon DynamoDB. The solution will work for VPN and AWS Direct Connect traffic sources.

Securing Gateway VPC Endpoints

VPC endpoint policies can limit what resources, such as buckets or tables, are accessible using the endpoint. When using endpoints for Amazon S3, bucket policies can allow incoming requests from either public connections or specific Amazon S3 endpoints.

Inside the VPC, you can control endpoint access by limiting the subnets with routes to the VPC endpoint. To provide granular access per instance, you can specify the prefix list in an outbound security group rule. The prefix list is not available in a network Access Control List (ACL).

Interface VPC Endpoints

Interface VPC endpoints are a different and more recently added approach to service endpoints. As opposed to gateway VPC endpoints that use routing and prefix lists, interface endpoints are local IP addresses in your VPC. The interface approach simplifies routing and allows for more flexibility. AWS Cloud services supported by interface endpoints include the Amazon EC2 API, Amazon EC2 Systems Manager (SSM), Amazon Kinesis, and the Elastic Load Balancing API.

Interface VPC endpoints appear as an elastic network interface in your VPC. When the interface endpoint is created, AWS creates regional and zonal DNS entries that resolve to local IP addresses within your VPC. This design allows you to switch your connections gracefully from public AWS endpoints to your private VPC endpoints without causing any downtime. Interface VPC endpoints also support connectivity over AWS Direct Connect, enabling applications outside AWS to access AWS Cloud services via the Amazon private network. Interface VPC endpoints are highly available, can deliver high network performance, and are managed by Amazon. These endpoints are powered by a distributed networking architecture called AWS Hyperplane. Hyperplane is not on the exam, but it is an internal AWS architecture used to build services such as NAT gateway, Network Load Balancer, and AWS PrivateLink.

Interface VPC Endpoints

Interface VPC endpoints allow you to access specific AWS Cloud services. This access method is also called AWS PrivateLink for AWS Services. In Figure 3.3, instances in subnet 1 can communicate with Amazon Kinesis through the interface VPC endpoint. Instances in subnet 2 communicate over the Internet through an Internet gateway.

Diagram shows VPC subnet with address connected to Amazon kinesis through VPC endpoint network interface and VPC subnet with address connected to internet through router and internet gateway. Route tables for subnets with destination address are shown.

FIGURE 3.3 An Amazon Kinesis endpoint interface is created using AWS PrivateLink.

The following are some considerations that you should take into account when accessing services over an interface VPC endpoint.

  • You can access a VPC endpoint from AWS Direct Connect; however, you cannot access a VPC endpoint from across an AWS managed VPN connection or a VPC peering connection.
  • For each AWS Cloud service, you can create one interface endpoint in each Availability Zone within your VPC.
  • AWS Cloud services may not be available in all Availability Zones through an interface endpoint.
  • Each endpoint can support a bandwidth of up to 10 Gbps per Availability Zone. Additional capacity may be added automatically based on your usage.
  • Endpoints support IPv4 traffic only.
  • AWS Cloud services cannot initiate requests to resources in your VPC through the endpoint. An endpoint can only return responses to traffic initiated from resources in the VPC.

AWS PrivateLink for Customer and Partner Services

So far, this chapter has discussed how to access AWS Cloud services privately through VPC endpoints, but you may also want to access your own or someone else’s services privately. AWS PrivateLink allows you to access or share a service securely between VPCs or accounts using the Network Load Balancer to create VPC endpoint services. A VPC endpoint service is an interface VPC endpoint that you control and that keeps traffic within Amazon’s private network.

Customers can build microservices architectures and share applications between VPCs, though these use cases may create complex networking challenges that involve many VPCs, granular security requirements, and overlapping addresses. In addition, many hosted services and SaaS offerings are provided on AWS. It is possible to increase the security of accessing these services with the VPC endpoint service.

VPC endpoint service uses private and public DNS, Network Load Balancer, and elastic network interfaces to operate between VPCs. In Figure 3.4, VPC endpoint service is configured between a service provider and service consumer.

Diagram shows VPC A-service consumer with address containing EC2 instance and VPC endpoint network interface connected to VPC B-service provider with address containing network load balancer and a set of instances.

FIGURE 3.4 An endpoint service is created from the service provider VPC to the service consumer VPC. An interface endpoint is created in the service consumer VPC.

The provider has a service that is registered as something like

This name is associated with a Network Load Balancer in the provider’s VPC. The interfaces and IP addresses for this Network Load Balancer are in the consumer’s VPC. DNS will resolve in the consumer VPC to the local IP addresses, which will forward the traffic to the provider’s Network Load Balancer in another VPC. It is recommended to treat this name in a similar manner as Elastic Load Balancing DNS names and to use an alias record to make the endpoint easier to use, such as The Network Load Balancer will perform source NAT using the source IP of the Network Load Balancer. The source NAT allows for providers to connect consumers with overlapping addresses. Providers can determine the source of traffic by enabling proxy protocol on the load balancer or by using application-level identification.

VPC endpoint service functionality is useful for connecting applications across VPCs. Use cases include shared services VPCs, connecting with business partners and customers, and enabling more granular access between applications in different VPCs. The shared services VPC concept is explained in greater depth in Chapter 16 on Scenarios and Reference Architectures.

Comparing AWS PrivateLink and VPC Peering

As discussed in Chapter 2 on Amazon VPC and Networking Fundamentals, VPC peering allows for two Amazon VPCs to communicate. Peering requires the requested VPC to accept the peering request and for both VPCs to configure routing over the peering connection in the applicable subnets.

VPC peering is appropriate when there are many resources that should communicate between the peered VPCs. If there is a high degree of inter-VPC communication and the security and trust levels are similar, VPC peering is a good choice for connectivity.

You can use AWS PrivateLink to simplify multi-VPC network configurations in a variety of scenarios. First, VPC peering allows access to the full VPC. To limit traffic across VPC peers, you can use route table entries and security groups. Even with the availability to reference security groups in a peered VPC in the same region, there is ample room for errors. Moreover, if you are providing a service to multiple VPCs, there are scalability challenges in managing the volume routes and security groups. If you only need to share one application, even across multiple VPCs, AWS PrivateLink significantly reduces overall complexity. AWS PrivateLink allows one-way access on a per-application basis, from the consumer to the provider, solving connectivity between multiple VPCs in a simple way.

Second, peering requires non-overlapping VPC Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) ranges. If multiple VPCs use a common IP range, then they cannot peer directly together. A hub VPC can peer with multiple spoke VPCs that use the same address range, but the hub will only be able to route any particular portion of the overlapping address range to a single peered VPC. AWS PrivateLink supports overlapping CIDR ranges by applying source NAT from the consumer to the provider of the AWS PrivateLink.

Third, there are scale limits associated with VPC peering. A VPC can only peer with 125 other VPCs. AWS PrivateLink scales to thousands of consumers per VPC. The amount of services provided by a single VPC is limited by the amount of Network Load Balancers supported. Providing services can be split into multiple VPCs if they do not have dependencies on each other.

AWS PrivateLink has its own design considerations. AWS PrivateLink only allows the consumer to originate connections to the provider. If bidirectional communication is needed, VPC peering or a reciprocal AWS PrivateLink between the consumer and provider may be required. In addition, traffic to AWS PrivateLink is load balanced, and it inherits the design considerations of Network Load Balancer. For example, Network Load Balancer only supports Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (more about Network Load Balancer design considerations are covered in Chapter 6 on Domain Name System and Load Balancing). In addition, connections from the consumer to the provider go through source NAT, which may prevent applications from identifying the consumer IP address. This behavior is different than the standard Network Load Balancer behavior, where the source IP is preserved.

AWS PrivateLink Service Provider Considerations

This section reviews what is involved with configuring the provider side of a VPC endpoint service (powered by AWS PrivateLink). You may choose to configure a provider endpoint to offer services publicly, to a business partner, or privately within a trusted set of accounts or VPCs.

The first step is to associate a Network Load Balancer with your service. You will need to select the Availability Zones applicable for your service. The Network Load Balancer is responsible for the load balancing, exposing a single address per Availability Zone, and performing source NAT on incoming connections.

You can create an endpoint service after the Network Load Balancer is configured. You will receive the DNS name of your endpoint after creating the endpoint, such as You will also receive the service name that consumers will reference, such as .vpce-svc-0569c51ce317ddfdb.

The consumer will receive multiple endpoint DNS names to allow for a regional name and names for each Availability Zone in which the service operates.

The next step is to allow access to the endpoint. You can whitelist IAM principals such as account or choose to offer the service to all AWS accounts.

AWS PrivateLink Service Consumer Considerations

To consume a VPC endpoint (powered by AWS PrivateLink), you can start by requesting access to a private service with the service name. You may also choose to consume available public endpoints from AWS Marketplace and AWS Cloud services. There may be multiple endpoints available, depending on the service and Availability Zones chosen.

There are multiple ways to reach a VPC endpoint. You may want to enable split-horizon DNS with the private DNS name, available for AWS Cloud services and AWS Marketplace endpoints. Split-horizon DNS configures a private hosted zone with the appropriate DNS entries to map the service name to the created endpoints. This will map a DNS entry such as to You may also choose to do this yourself or use your own DNS solution for your own endpoint services using Amazon Route 53 private hosted zones.

Each VPC endpoint will have both a regional DNS name and a DNS name for each Availability Zone. The consumer has the choice of using the services local to each Availability Zone to increase performance. If DNS is not supported or causes application issues, it is possible to hardcode endpoint IP addresses into applications. Similar to Elastic Load Balancing, you are not charged for traffic crossing Availability Zones.

Security of the VPC endpoint is the consumer’s responsibility. Traffic can only connect from the consumer to the provider. Only responses to connections originating from the consumer are possible.

Accessing a Shared Services VPC

There are multiple scenarios where you may need to access services that are in a different VPC. You can use interface VPC endpoints, for example, to access AWS Cloud services. You can also access services provided by third parties or partners. If your organization has common access requirements across many VPCs, it is helpful to centralize common or shared services. You can use AWS PrivateLink to access privately shared central services, which may be called “Services VPC,” “Shared Services VPC,” “Administrator VPC,” or similar names. These common resources may include authentication, provisioning, or security services.

Figure 3.5 illustrates what a shared services VPC may look like.

Diagram shows shared service VPC using network load balancer connected to three application VPCs in which one application VPC has a subnet and endpoint elastic network interface and others have two subnets each.

FIGURE 3.5 A shared service uses a Network Load Balancer and AWS PrivateLink to provide endpoint services into spoke VPCs.

In Figure 3.5, there is a dedicated VPC for shared services. There are two instances running in two subnets that are targets for a Network Load Balancer. There is a single service in the shared services VPC in this example, but in practice there could be many other services. The service is shared to three consumer VPCs that have private access to the shared service. Each can use the VPC endpoint DNS name to access the service. This design pattern allows the organization to deploy and operate core services centrally, such as authentication, logging, monitoring, code pipeline tools, and other administrative and security services.

Depending on organizational requirements, there could be multiple “services VPCs,” or they may be segmented further by function such as security, networking, administrative tools, incident response, and more. VPC endpoints offers greater scale and address flexibility than VPC peering. This model scales to thousands of consumer VPCs, and it allows for the consumer VPCs to have overlapping IP addresses. VPC endpoint connectivity originates from consumers toward the provider services. Provider services cannot initiate connections to the consumer resources. VPC peering or other connectivity methods are needed for provider-initiated communication.

Transitive Routing

Transitive routing was briefly mentioned earlier in the context of accessing gateway VPC endpoints over VPN and AWS Direct Connect. It is important that you understand transitive routing in the context of AWS network functionality. It is worth repeating the VPC routing requirements again.

If the source of a packet is not an interface in the local VPC, the destination of the connection must be the IP address of a network interface local to the VPC. The destination or source of the packet must be an interface local to the VPC or the traffic will be dropped.

One exception to this guideline involves the VGW. The VGW, by default, will re- advertise any routes it receives over VPN or AWS Direct Connect to all other peers. This functionality is called CloudHub, and it is covered in Chapter 4 on Virtual Private Networks and Chapter 5 on AWS Direct Connect. CloudHub allows traffic that arrives at the VGW from an AWS Direct Connect peer or AWS VPN peer to connect to other AWS VPN or AWS Direct Connect destinations. You cannot change the CloudHub routing behavior of a VGW.

Proxies, routers, Amazon EC2 VPN, and NAT instances can enable more flexible connectivity to and from external networks. When these devices receive a packet and forward it to the next hop, the retransmitted packet will then have a source of the Amazon EC2 instance instead of the external network. This behavior requires disabling the source/destination check.

Routing Across Peered VPCs

A common pattern to solve transitive routing scenarios is to use instances in each VPC to proxy or forward the traffic by providing a local network interface as the destination for remote networks. Inside a VPC, it is common for route tables to target firewalls, proxies, and caching servers to process or inspect network traffic.

This routing design changes when VPC peering is used. As typically defined in the route table, traffic destined to the remote VPC CIDR range uses the peering connection (pcx-xxxxxxxx) as its target. It is not possible to route traffic to a network interface in the peered VPC.

An example of this behavior would be a firewall in a shared services VPC. If all Internet-bound traffic must pass through the firewall, you would configure subnet route tables to forward Internet-bound traffic to the instance. If the firewall is in another VPC, you cannot configure a route to a network interface over VPC peering. To provide these types of architectures, there is a detailed review with approaches such as the transit VPC in Chapter 16 and other architectures reviewed later in this book. There are also routing options involving cross-account elastic network interfaces that provide a solution in limited scenarios, which is covered later in this chapter.

IP Addressing Features

There is a review of Elastic IP addresses, IPv6 addressing, and the different options for private and public addresses in Chapter 2. There are some additional IP addressing features that you should understand, such as resizing an Amazon VPC and NAT options.

Resizing a VPC

One of the first design decisions that you must make when creating your VPCs on AWS is the IPv4 CIDR range. There are options for what address type you would like to use, including RFC1918 addresses, public addresses, and other addresses such as RFC6598. We recommend RFC1918 addresses when possible, but there are reasons to use other ranges. The second choice is how large the CIDR range should be.

Historically, AWS has recommended starting with a large CIDR range so that you avoid the work of redesigning connectivity associated with exhausting the available IPv4 addresses. Allocating large blocks of IPv4 addresses to multiple VPCs can be challenging if you are constrained on available IPv4 address space.

The resize VPC feature allows you to add up to five additional IPv4 CIDR ranges to your VPC. You can submit a request to increase the limit higher than five. This feature allows for IPv4 expansion in VPCs that have exhausted their addresses and reduces the design tradeoffs involved with starting with smaller CIDR ranges.

Resizing VPC Considerations

New VPC CIDR ranges cannot overlap with the existing CIDR range or the CIDR range of any current VPC peer. In addition, the new ranges must be more specific than any currently-defined static route in the VPC route tables. Dynamic routes propagated by the VGW do not cause a conflict, and any new CIDR ranges will be automatically preferred because they are local routes. There are also restrictions on which CIDR ranges can be defined, depending on the original CIDR range configured for the VPC.

Figure 3.6 illustrates the changes to the local routing table when you add a new CIDR range. A new local route was added in this case for You must have space for additional route entries in your route tables, since new local routes are added. In addition, the VGW will begin advertising the new address range. You can define a new CIDR range ranging from a /16 to a /28. This means that you can effectively create ranges up to a /14 or /15 using individual /16 ranges. Advertisements from the VGW will not summarize contiguous address ranges.

Left diagram shows VPC with one CIDR block that contains two subnets and route table with destination address Right diagram shows VPC with two CIDR blocks that contains three subnets and route table with destination addresses and

FIGURE 3.6 An example of adding a CIDR range to an existing VPC. New subnets can use the new CIDR addresses.

Only new subnets can use the new address space; subnets created before the added CIDR ranges cannot use the new addresses.

IP Address Features

IP addresses are typically simple, but there are a few edge cases which you can control.

Reclaiming Elastic IP Addresses

There may be a scenario where you have accidentally released an Elastic IP address when you still have dependencies on the public address. Human error and automation errors can both cause this issue. There is a method through the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) to make a request to reclaim a previously-owned Elastic IP address. Success is best-effort, which means AWS will try to reclaim the address, but it is not guaranteed if another customer is already using the public address. This feature is not for auto-assigned public IP addresses—only Elastic IP addresses.

Cross-Account Network Interfaces

There are some network scenarios that benefit from extending a networking interface from an instance into another account. The cross-account network permission grants an AWS-authorized provider account permission to attach a customer network interface to an instance in the provider account. The provider account must be whitelisted by AWS to provide this functionality.

An example use case for this feature is Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS). Customers want to modify and control the elastic network interface of the Amazon RDS instances, but they should not have access to the instance itself. In the Amazon RDS scenario, the instance is in a VPC managed by AWS, and the elastic network interface is in the customer VPC.

This capability also allows customers to define VPC route table entries pointing to the elastic network interface of an instance in another account. This makes the elastic network interface capable of routing to an instance in another VPC or account.

Design Considerations

There are good reasons why AWS has widely used Elastic Load Balancing to provide availability and reliability for services as opposed to single network interfaces. The cross-account network interface does not provide high availability or fault tolerance. When a cross-account network interface is used, such as in the case of Amazon RDS, it is important that there is fault tolerance built in at the application level. It is also important to understand that a network interface is specific to a subnet and Availability Zone, which means that the cross-account interface must reside in the same Availability Zone as the provider’s instance.

Other design factors are scalability and cost effectiveness. Instances have a fixed number of interfaces, generally between 2 and 15. If a provider uses cross-account network interface functionality to more endpoints than there are interfaces, the provider must create additional instances to support the volume. Moreover, the number of interfaces available to a given instance is typically proportional to the amount of memory and CPU. It may not be cost effective to use high-end instance types simply for the density of network interfaces.

In summary, a cross-account network interface is a useful feature if you are interacting with a low level of abstraction. That said, this type of low-level control can cause architectural problems if used improperly, which is why it requires whitelisting.

Comparison with VPC Peering and VPC Endpoints

Cross-account network interfaces effectively move the instance out of the VPC while maintaining a network interface for communication. In that perspective, you are dealing with a single instance for each network interface. The benefits of cross-account network interfaces are the simplicity of the connectivity and the ability to treat the connectivity like any other network interface. The challenge is that network interfaces by themselves do not scale well or have any built-in availability.

VPC peering and VPC endpoints are both designed to allow many instances to communicate to many instances over VPC boundaries. One large difference is that VPC peering is generally available for anyone to use, while cross-account network interfaces are limited to whitelisted provider accounts. You can’t point a route entry to a network interface that exists on the other side of a VPC peering connection. VPC peering allows more broad access between the two VPCs.

VPC endpoints (powered by AWS PrivateLink) are unidirectional and apply source NAT to incoming traffic. There may be use cases that require routing, require bidirectional communication, are not compatible with load balancing, or are not compatible with NAT.


In this chapter, you learned about advanced VPC components, VPC endpoints, transitive routing, and IP address features. These features may not be used by all customers, but they are important to understand for use cases that require additional security, agility, or scale, or for specific application architectures.

We reviewed VPC endpoints that come in both interface and gateway types. Gateway VPC endpoints allow you to connect to services but do not exist as a networking component in your VPC. Interface VPC endpoints are elastic network interfaces, private IP addresses, and DNS names that allow you to access AWS Cloud services privately from within your VPC.

AWS PrivateLink is an extension of interface VPC endpoints, and it allows you to create your own endpoints or consume endpoints that others have created. The endpoints use Network Load Balancer and DNS to provide private access.

We also reviewed the way that routing works within a VPC in the transitive VPC section. This section has examples to illustrate the ways that you can make complex routing work in AWS.

Overall, this chapter sets up the platform for the more advanced architectures and concepts in the rest of the book. Every service on AWS uses networking in some way, and understanding the core mechanics will allow you to conceptualize more complex architectures better.

Exam Essentials

Understand the security benefits of VPC endpoints. The principle of least privilege means that you should offer as little access as needed. Restricting access to resources over private connections limits the overall attack and vulnerability surface. Endpoints simplify connectivity and make it easier to create granular access.

Understand the different types of VPC endpoints. There are gateway and interface endpoints. Gateway endpoints are reached through a route table entry and use a prefix list to define access to public IP addresses. Interface endpoints are network interfaces inside the VPC with private IP addresses and use DNS names to direct traffic to the network interfaces. Gateway and interface endpoints provide different features to restrict access.

Understand how to access VPC endpoints from external networks. Different design patterns are used for accessing VPC endpoints from external networks. Gateway endpoints require a proxy for access originating outside the VPC. Interface endpoints are accessible over AWS Direct Connect but not over VPN or VPC peering.

Understand how to secure VPC endpoints. VPC endpoint policy allows more granular access for specific resources or actions. VPC endpoint policy extends what is possible with route entries, prefix lists, security group rules, and network ACLs. Additional policies such as Amazon S3 bucket policies can also be used to restrict access.

Understand how AWS PrivateLink works. AWS PrivateLink is a type of interface VPC endpoint. It uses a Network Load Balancer to distribute traffic to a shared resource. The endpoint has multiple DNS names for regional and zonal access.

Understand the difference between AWS PrivateLink and VPC peering. VPC peering is a coarser method of providing access for two VPCs. AWS PrivateLink is a scalable way to provide access to a single service for many VPCs. VPC peering does not support overlapping addresses, and it is more difficult to use to create specific access at an instance level. VPC endpoints are also more suited for VPC relationships that have different trust levels.

Understand the difference between consumer and provider requirements for VPC endpoints (powered by AWS PrivateLink). Providers must define a set of attributes for their endpoint and associate a Network Load Balancer. The consumer is responsible for securing the endpoint. The consumer can also choose among the regional DNS name, zonal DNS name, or a direct IP address.

Understand transitive routing and the limitations of VPC routing. If traffic arrives externally from a VPC, the destination must be a network interface in the local VPC. The exception is that traffic arriving on a VGW may leave via another VGW route. Transitive routing affects traffic that arrives or leaves via an Internet gateway, NAT Gateway, VPC peering, gateway VPC endpoint, DNS services, AWS Direct Connect, or AWS VPN. There are many permutations of this routing behavior that are important to understand for the exam.

Understand how to add IPv4 CIDR ranges to a VPC. There are some caveats around what types of addresses you can add, prefix lengths (/16 to /28), and how adding CIDR ranges works. Each new prefix adds a local route, and the new prefix cannot overlap or conflict with existing VPC routes.

Understand Elastic IP features. It is possible to reclaim an accidentally-released Elastic IP address in some circumstances, such as if another customer has not used a released address.

Understand cross-account network interfaces. Cross-account network interfaces are for whitelisted partner accounts to use. Using cross-account network interfaces requires understanding of the availability and scalability tradeoffs of network interfaces and which types of applications are appropriate for this feature. Additionally, you should understand the benefits and design tradeoffs versus VPC peering and VPC endpoints.

Resources to Review

For further review, visit the following URLs:


In this section, you will configure some more advanced VPC features that will help solidify the concepts introduced in this chapter.

For assistance completing these exercises, refer to the Amazon VPC User Guide located at and the Amazon EC2 User Guide located at

Review Questions

  1. Which of the following is a security benefit of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) endpoints?

    1. VPC endpoints provide private connectivity that increases performance to AWS Cloud services.
    2. VPC endpoints limit access to services from the Internet, reducing who can access the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) and services that AWS provides.
    3. VPC endpoints provide greater availability and reliability than public endpoints, which increases security by limiting access for Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and other attacks.
    4. VPC endpoints provide private access, limiting the number of instances that require Internet access.
  2. You are configuring a secure access policy for your Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket. There is a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint and Amazon S3 bucket policy that restricts access to the VPC endpoint. When browsing the bucket through the AWS Management Console, you do not have access to the buckets. Which statement is NOT true?

    1. This is expected behavior.
    2. Your corporate web proxy may be blocking access to downloading objects.
    3. The objects are still available via the Amazon S3 VPC endpoint.
    4. You must specifically enable AWS Management Console access as part of the Amazon S3 VPC endpoint policy.
  3. You have created a centralized, shared service Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for your organization. It uses VPC peering, and you have been asked to evaluate AWS PrivateLink to optimize connectivity. Which of the following design considerations are true? (Choose two.)

    1. Applications that require the source IP address will have access to the source IP through AWS PrivateLink.
    2. The scalability of VPC peering is higher for high-bandwidth applications. This allows for faster transfers and more spoke VPCs.
    3. AWS PrivateLink is only appropriate for solutions that originate requests to the services VPC. Services in the shared VPC cannot initiate connections to spoke VPCs.
    4. AWS PrivateLink supports more connected VPCs than VPC peering.
    5. AWS PrivateLink will increase the overall performance capability of the shared services by using a Network Load Balancer.
  4. You have configured an AWS PrivateLink connection between your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and the VPC of a business partner’s hospital. The hospital has specialized applications that staff developed in-house; some were developed more than 10 years ago. The hospital is trying to enable access to your private service but is having problems connecting to your service. Which of the following are possible solutions? (Choose two.)

    1. The hospital is sending traffic over User Datagram Protocol (UDP). They must find a way to send traffic over Transmission Control Protocol (TCP).
    2. The hospital application does not support Domain Name System (DNS). They can manually specify the IP address of the VPC endpoint.
    3. VPC endpoints are not supported by applications that do not support DNS names.
    4. It is possible that the hospital applications need to support the appropriate authentication methods to use VPC endpoints in their VPC.
    5. Create an IP Security (IPsec) Virtual Private Network (VPN) through the VPC endpoint to enable tunneling of all traffic types for better compatibility.
  5. You have configured a new Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) endpoint in your Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). You have created a public Amazon S3 bucket so that you can test connectivity. You can download objects from your laptop but not from instances in the VPC. Which of the following could be the problem? (Choose two.)

    1. Domain Name System (DNS) was not enabled for the subnets, so you must enable DNS.
    2. There are not enough free IP addresses in your subnet, so you must choose a larger subnet or remove unused interfaces and IP addresses.
    3. The VPC endpoint is attached to a public subnet, and you must configure the endpoint for a private subnet.
    4. The route to the Amazon S3 prefix list is not in the routing table for the instance’s subnet.
  6. You have configured private subnets so that applications can download security updates. You have a Network Address Translation (NAT) instance in each Availability Zone as the default gateway to the Internet for each private subnet. You find that you cannot reach port 8080 of a server on the Internet from any of your private subnets. Which are the most likely causes of the problem? (Choose two.)

    1. The inbound security group does not allow port 8080 outbound.
    2. The NAT instances are blocking traffic to port 8080.
    3. The NAT instances have run out of ports to NAT traffic.
    4. The inbound network Access Control List (ACL) blocks traffic to port 8080.
    5. The remote server is blocking access from your instances.
  7. You have created three Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) named A, B, and C. VPC A is peered with VPC B. VPC B is peered with VPC C. Which statement is true about this peering arrangement?

    1. Instances in VPC A can reach instances in VPC C by default.
    2. Instances in VPC A can reach instances in VPC C if the correct routes are configured.
    3. Instances in VPC A can reach instances in VPC C if they use a proxy instance in VPC B.
    4. Instances in VPC A can reach instances in VPC C if they set their routes to an instance in VPC B.
  8. You have configured a consumer Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoint for a remote authentication service hosted by a business partner using AWS PrivateLink. The endpoints have been whitelisted and configured on the consumer and provider. Some instances are not able to access the private authentication service. Which of the following could cause this issue? (Choose two.)

    1. The prefix list to the VPC endpoint is not configured in all subnets.
    2. The instances do not have enough network interfaces to connect to the provider endpoint.
    3. The instances are not using the correct Domain Name System (DNS) entry to reach the VPC endpoint.
    4. The outbound security group of the instances does not allow the authentication port.
    5. The route to the endpoint does not include all of the provider’s IP addresses.
  9. You are trying to create a new Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). You try to add a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range, but the additional CIDR range is not being applied. Which of the following could solve this issue? (Choose two.)

    1. Delete unused routes if you are at the maximum allowed routes.
    2. Delete unused subnets if you are at the maximum allowed subnets.
    3. Delete unused, additional VPCs if you are at the maximum allowed VPCs.
    4. Define a valid CIDR range based on the original VPC CIDR.
    5. The additional CIDR range is currently being used by another VPC.
  10. You have defined your original Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) as Your on-premises infrastructure is defined as You have configured a route to on-premises as in your VPC route table. You have added a new CIDR range of to your VPC. Users on-premises say that they can no longer reach the original addresses. Which of the following is true?

    1. The route should be defined for to allow more granular routing to on-premises devices.
    2. The new CIDR range should be contiguous to the existing VPC CIDR range.
    3. New CIDR ranges cannot be more specific than existing routes.
    4. This is a valid configuration, so the issue is not related to the CIDR configuration.
  11. You run a hosted service on AWS. Each copy of your hosted service is in a separate Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and is dedicated to a single customer. Your hosted service has thousands of customers. The services in the dedicated VPCs require access to central provisioning and update services. Which connectivity methods can enable this architecture? (Choose two.)

    1. Use VPC peering between the dedicated VPCs and the central service.
    2. Reference security groups across VPCs but use Network Address Translation (NAT) Gateways for inter-VPC access.
    3. Use AWS PrivateLink to access central services from the dedicated VPCs.
    4. Make the central services public. Access the central services over the Internet using strong encryption and authentication.
    5. Create a VPN from the Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) in each hosted VPC to the VGW in the provisioning VPC.
  12. Your networking group has decided to migrate all of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) instances to Which of the following is a valid option?

    1. Add a new Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range to the VPC. Change the existing addresses of instances to the space.
    2. Change the initial VPC CIDR range to the CIDR.
    3. Create a new VPC. Use VPC peering to migrate workloads to the new VPC.
    4. Perform Network Address Translation (NAT) on everything in the space to the space using NAT Gateways.
  13. Your organization has a single Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for development workloads. An open source Virtual Private Network (VPN) running on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance is configured to provide developers with remote access. The VPN instance gives users IP addresses from a Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) range outside the VPC and performs a source Network Address Translation (NAT) on received traffic to the private address of the instance. Your organization acquired a company that also uses AWS with their own VPC. You have configured VPC peering between the two VPCs and instances can communicate without issue. Which of the following flows will fail?

    1. An incoming connection from one user on the VPN to another user on the VPN.
    2. A virus scan from an instance in the acquired VPC to a user connected through VPN.
    3. An Application Programming Interface (API) request from a VPN user to an instance in the acquired VPC.
    4. A web request to the Internet from a user connected through VPN.
  14. Which of the following services can you access over AWS Direct Connect? (Choose two.)

    1. Interface Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) endpoints
    2. Gateway VPC endpoints
    3. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance metadata
    4. Network Load Balancer
  15. Some people in your company have created a very complicated and management-intensive workflow for automating development builds and testing. They have requested those involved in creating it not to repeat this workflow more than once. The security organization, however, wants every developer to have their own account to reduce the blast radius of development issues. What is the best design for providing access to the development system?

    1. Provide one large Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Configure network Access Control Lists (ACLs) and security groups so that the blast radius for developers is limited.
    2. Ask the developers simply to automate the deployment of their build system and make it a distributed system. Deploy a copy of this in each developer VPC to prevent any blast radius or complexity problems.
    3. Deploy the development system in a central VPC. Allow developers to access the system through AWS PrivateLink.
    4. Deploy the development system in a central VPC. Extend network interfaces with cross-account permissions so that developers can route their code to the development system.
  16. An administrator was using an Elastic IP address to perform Application Programming Interface (API) calls with a business partner. The business partner whitelisted that IP in their firewalls. Unfortunately, the administrator ran a script that they did not understand which deleted the instance; the public address is no longer available. The administrator has submitted an API call to recall the Elastic IP address, but the address is not being returned. What could be the cause of this issue? (Choose two.)

    1. The IP was auto-assigned rather than an assigned Elastic IP address.
    2. The Elastic IP address was not tagged correctly for recall.
    3. The IP was never owned by the account.
    4. It is not possible to recall an Elastic IP address after it has been released.
    5. The associated instance has the maximum number of assigned Elastic IP addresses.
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