
Cloud computing is fundamentally disrupting most aspects of the information technology business. Users no longer buy hardware, storage, or databases. Instead, they rent what they need in a consumption-based model—by the gigabyte per day or hour for storage, by the hour, minute, or even millisecond for compute. For example, as of this writing, users of Amazon Web Service’s Lambda event-driven functional compute service pay $0.0000002 per request, and $0.000000208 per 100 milliseconds of compute time for functions when using 128 MB of RAM, but only after first using up one million requests and 3,200,000 compute-seconds that are provided free of charge each month.

A critical part of this disruption is the radical changes happening in the networking market. For years, networking was the last bastion of the mainframe computing model: vertically integrated, incredibly complex, very slow to evolve, and with ridiculously high margins. Networking has been completely different from the server world, where competition has emerged at every level: the component level, the finished server level, the operating system level, and of course the application stack, which has literally thousands of competitors. Networking has been like a step backwards in time, where one company produced everything from the core ASIC, to the finish router, through to the control software and protocol stack.


FIGURE 1 Comparison of networking equipment and general-purpose servers

What’s changing in the networking world is that there is now a variety of competitors emerging for all components in a networking device, and cloud computing providers have the scale to be able to justify investing in a very well-staffed network engineering team. There now is another way and, consequently, networking costs are falling fast while bandwidth is escalating and latency is improving.

Building networks using custom-designed routers running custom control software and protocol stacks is a substantial undertaking, and only the largest operators have the scale to justify the investment. Those that can support the research and development effort of going to a fully-customized hardware and software networking stack are rewarded with far lower costs and much higher availability. The biggest availability improvements come from focusing the complexity on exactly what is needed to support a single homogeneous but massive world-wide networking plant rather than having to support simultaneously a hodge-podge of diverse networks implemented by generations of networking engineers over decades at enterprises throughout the world.

How does the rest of the world take advantage of this first level of disruption at the physical network level? Primarily at the next level. The second level of change and disruption is loosely described as “software defined networking” or SDN. At this level, a cooperating set of components (networking devices, Hypervisors, network coprocessors on hosts, and so forth) conspire to create networking constructs—CIDR ranges and subnets, IP addresses, LANs, routes, and so on—dynamically and under software control as exposed through APIs. In this area, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud technology is one of the largest and most mature SDN technologies in the industry, but there are many other interesting and important developments and initiatives in this area.

The third level of change and disruption is a further development of the first two, and it is just now beginning to show its presence in AWS. Let’s step back. If you want to define networking behavior in software and you’re dealing with cloud-scale systems, then you’re going to need to dynamically re-write packets in parallel flows at massive scale. Take something as apparently simple as outbound traffic from a private network to the Internet that flows through a network address translation/port address translation (NAT/PAT) gateway. Historically, the NAT/PAT use case was limited to a single networking device because there is a shared state (the port/address mapping table) that all flows need to access constantly. The only way to support large numbers of high-speed connections is to scale up the device, and then availability becomes a challenge—if that single device goes down, all connectivity is lost.

Suppose that we build a distributed state machine—hundreds of cooperating hosts that have a shared state table for NAT/PAT, but one that can operate on the multiple network flows in parallel. That’s exactly what AWS has done with its NAT Gateway service, as I discussed on my blog at the time. And, more recently, AWS launched the Network Load Balancing service, which is in many ways the mirror image of the NAT Gateway service. In those services and many more under development, we take advantage of the scale of the AWS cloud to build highly-available, massively-parallel networking engines on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) itself with customized hardware assist. These engines appear to both sides of the connection as a single IP address—like a giant switch or router. In between the “inner” and “outer” single IP addresses could be dozens or hundreds of powerful hosts pumping packets at their maximum per-host rate, potentially rewriting those packets at line rate, all the while participating in a distributed state machine that has the high availability and massive scalability of parallel and distributed cloud architecture.

Using these and a range of other new technologies, AWS is able to provide a set of powerful networking and security features, dynamically defined by software, supported by hardware assist and delivered very inexpensively. The beneficiaries are every kind of IT consumer, all the way from national governments and large enterprises, to start-ups, non-profits, and small businesses.

I’ve mostly been talking about the guts of our cloud networking system: How it’s built and what’s inside. But the most important thing is not how (which can and will change dynamically under the hood as we constantly iterate and advance our technology) but the what; that is, what you as an IT professional can do with the features that these advanced technologies expose.

In this book, AWS experts will take you through that what. In the following chapters, you’ll begin with the basics and then advance through the most sophisticated networking features that the AWS cloud has to offer. When you complete this study guide, you will have the fundamental knowledge required to succeed on the AWS Certified Advanced Networking – Specialty certification.

The best thing about networking in the cloud is that networking is no longer a static, expensive, and labor-intensive domain managed only by experts and evolved only at great expense in labor and hardware. Networking is now an integral part of developing, deploying, and managing powerful and highly-secure software using modern secure dev/ops approaches. Networking is now open to builders. Now go build!

James Hamilton

Vice President and Distinguished Engineer

Amazon Web Services

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