About the Authors

Sharon Schweitzer, J.D., is an international business consultant focusing on intercultural communication and global etiquette for future and current international leaders within Global 2000 companies. Her practice, during earlier years as an employment attorney, involved cultural dynamics and communication within groups and between individuals. Sharon is a popular radio and TV guest, conference speaker, and columnist. She consults throughout the U.S., as well as in Asia, Europe, and the U.K. Sharon's website is www.sharonschweitzer.com

Liz Alexander, PhD, is the multiple award-winning author of 14 books, and co-founder of boutique consulting firm Leading Thought. She directs her gifts and passion to helping aspiring thought leaders harness strategically valuable, actionable insights to grow their businesses and boost revenue. Liz also acts as book strategist and consulting co-author to business leaders, entrepreneurs, and consultants worldwide. Please connect with her at [email protected].

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