Table 11-3 Sample of an Individual Senior Manager’s Developmental Goals
1. Consensus Building
To accomplish this goal, I will be implementing the senior management recommendations outlined during our discussion of my presentation. Specifically, if I experience opposition to a recommendation which I believe should be adopted, I will explore with individual senior management members the source of their resistance and address those concerns directly. In addition, I will try to identify those individuals who concur with my proposal and enlist their support in building consensus. Concomitantly, I will reassess my recommendations in the context of the questions raised and restructure my position to reflect my reassessment. Finally, I will solicit individual “evaluations” of whether I have demonstrated a more effective ability to build consensus.
2. Supporting and Managing Subordinate Development
To improve my skills in this area, I attended a management self-assessment program in which you are evaluated by your subordinates. I am currently reviewing these evaluations and I will meet with the evaluator, discuss the issues raised, and request reevaluations. Concomitantly, I plan to review relevant literature and possibly attend a program on managing professionals. Finally, I will be working with Human Resources on ways to foster employee development and to assess the effectiveness of my efforts.
3. Communication at External Meetings with Potential Strategic Allies
In response to the observation that I speak infrequently at external meetings, I will make a conscious effort to increase my input into these meetings, both to impart information and also to make known to an outside group the thinking of my department. If effectiveness at communicating appears to be a problem when I solicit team members’ feedback after each such meeting, I will seek out remedial courses.
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