Transcoding Assets

Encore provides several levels of control for transcoding your video and audio assets into DVD-compatible formats:

  • You can transcode your materials into DVD-compliant formats before importing them into Encore. For example, you can transcode your clips before exporting them from Premiere Pro (using the same compression engine also used in Encore), and then Encore can use them directly without any further processing. You also can reuse material transcoded in other Encore projects in this way by copying them from the Sources/Transcodes folder in your project directory.

  • You can just sit back and have Encore transcode your materials automatically using the default settings. Encore sets the Transcode Settings field in the Project window to Automatic, and then uses appropriate compression settings based on the amount of material in your project.

    By default, Encore waits until you first build your project to begin encoding all its contents. Once you have imported all the clips, however, you can manually start the compression process by choosing File Transcode Transcode Now. Encore then transcodes your clips in the background as you continue to work (or go off and take a break).

  • For more control over the compression parameters used for each clip, you can apply one of the predefined compression presets (use File Transcode Transcode Settings). In this way, you can specify that specific clips be encoded at higher quality—for example, because they are more difficult to encode. Or you can choose to encode some clips at lower quality to save room on the disc, especially if they are easier shots such as a simple talking head.

  • Finally, you can take total control over the transcoding of your clips by defining your own transcode presets (use File Transcode Edit Project Transcode Presets). Encore provides detailed control over video and audio compression formats and parameters for your clips.

Transcode presets

To override the default Automatic transcoding for your clips, you can apply a predefined preset, or a preset that you have created. Select one (or more) clips in the Project window, and choose File Transcode Transcode Settings, and then a preset from the list (or use the right-click context menu, or the Properties window). See Figure 8-5.

Choose a transcode setting preset to explicitly specify the compression options applied to individual clips.

Figure 8-5. Choose a transcode setting preset to explicitly specify the compression options applied to individual clips.

The available predefined presets are:

NTSC DV High Quality 4Mb VBR 2 Pass
NTSC DV High Quality 7Mb VBR 2 Pass
NTSC DV High Quality 8Mb CBR 1 Pass
NTSC DV Low Quality 4Mb CBR 1 Pass
NTSC Progressive High Quality 7Mb VBR 2 Pass

The preset names describe the key parameters, as outlined in Table 8-1. We’ll talk about these options in more detail shortly.

Table 8-1. Transcode preset descriptions




Output Format


Indicates the broadcast resolution and frame rate of the video.

Output Sequence

DV or Progressive

Indicates the output video sequence type, either DV (interlaced) or progressive (non-interlaced).


4–8 Mbps

The target amount of compressed data: the number of bits that are decoded per second to sustain the video and audio.

Bitrate Type


Indicates if the file has a constant bitrate (CBR) encoding or a variable bitrate (VBR) encoding.


1 or 2

Determines the number of times the encoder will analyze the data to compress it.

Bit budgeting

When it comes to transcoding, you have a number of choices as to how to compress your project. However, the one limitation that you can’t escape is the storage capacity of the disc you are producing. If you are creating a two-hour video that needs to fit on one single-sided, single-layer, 4.7GB DVD-5, you may find yourself running short on space. As a result, you’ll probably find yourself tweaking some of the compression settings to ensure that you have an acceptable degree of quality for your content while still fitting all those bits onto the disc. You also need to accommodate all the other material on the disc, including menus (with motion video and audio), subtitles, as well as and data folders. This is called bit budgeting.

DVD data rates typically are specified in megabits per second, or millions of bits per second (Mbps). Note the lowercase “b”. Be sure not to read this as megabytes per second—we’re only talking about bits here. You should also be aware that Encore will not encode video at a bitrate lower than 2 Mbps, nor will it encode video at a bitrate higher than the DVD maximum of 9 Mbps. (A typical bitrate on a DVD is from 4 to 8 Mbps.) Finally, remember that you don’t have to worry about bit budgeting unless you’re running out of space—the pie chart in the Disc tab of the Project window can help you determine how much space you’ve used and how much is left. So, if you’re not running out of space, it’s often best to just let Encore handle the compression and not trouble yourself with it.

In the event that you have to start budgeting, however, here are step-by-step instructions for determining what target and maximum encoding rates you should tell Encore to use.

  1. Determine the total space on your disc. Refer to Table 8-2 to determine the total amount of space that is available. Most commercial DVDs use the dual-layer, 8.54GB DVD-9 format, so we’ll use the same for our example.

    Table 8-2. DVD disc capacities


    Capacity in megabits

    Capacity in bytes

    Standard CD



    80-minute CD



    Original DVD-R authoring capacity


















  2. Calculate how much space is taken by audio. Refer to Table 8-3 to determine how much space is occupied, on average, by audio. Multiply the bitrate of the audio encoding by the number of seconds of audio that will be stored on the disc.

    Table 8-3. DVD audio rates




    Dolby Digital

    128–448 Kbps (.128 Mbps–.448 Mbps)

    Stereo is typically 192 Kbps (.192 Mbps), while Dolby Digital AC-3 surround is 448 Kbps (.448 Mbps).

    MPEG Audio

    64 Kbps (.064 Mbps)–384 Kbps (.384 Mbps)

    NTSC discs cannot have only MPEG audio.


    1.536 Mbps

    Constant bitrate.

    Let’s assume in our example that we have two 120-minute audio streams that accompany our video (let’s say, English and Spanish streams), both using Dolby Digital AC-3 surround. That means we have 7200 seconds at .448 Mbps for a total of 3225.6 megabits of audio per stream. Multiplying by 2 for each language we offer gives us 6451.2 megabits:

    	(60 seconds/minute x 120 minutes) = 7200 seconds
    	7200 seconds x .448 Mbps = 3225.6 megabits per audio stream
    	3225.6 megabits per audio stream x 2 audio streams = 6451.2
  3. Calculate how much space is taken by subtitles and motion menus. Total the number of seconds that are taken by each in your project and then refer to Table 8-4 to calculate the total space used. You can ignore other elements, such as still menus, when it comes to calculating this total.

    Table 8-4. Subtitle and motion menu rates





    .010 Mbps per subtitle track.

    Be sure to include all subtitle tracks.

    Motion menus

    Average is around 8 Mbps of motion menu

    For our example, we’ll assume that we have two subtitle tracks, at .010 Mbps, that span each 120 minute audio stream. So, that means we have 7200 seconds of subtitles for each track, each of which occupy 72MB, for a total of 144MB. We have no motion menus, but if we did, we’d multiply the number of seconds total times 8 Mbps to get the approximate size:

    	(60 seconds/minute x 120 minutes) = 7200 seconds
    	7200 seconds x .010 Mbps = 72 megabits per subtitle track
    	72 megabits per subtitle track x 2 tracks = 144 megabits
  4. Determine how much space any DVD-ROM content will occupy. This is very simply to do; just right-click on each of the folders that plan to include on the DVD-ROM, and choose Properties. Then, refer to the number of bytes next to the Size on Disk that is given to calculate the storage needed. Be sure to multiply the total number of bytes that is given by 8 to arrive at the number of bits.

    For this example, we’ll assume that the DVD-ROM content occupies 200MB:

    	200 megabytes x 8 bits per byts =megabits
  5. Calculate how much space is available for video. You can do this by subtracting the total amount of space taken up by the audio, subtitles, motion menus, and DVD-ROM contents from the capacity of the target DVD type. In addition, you should subtract around 4% of the total capacity of the disc to account for overhead associated in creating the disc:

    	68320 Mb - 6,451.2 Mb for both audio tracks–144 Mb for both
    	subtitle tracks - 1,600 Mb for additional DVD-ROM capacity–2732.8
    	Mb (4% of capacity of disc) = 57392 megabits available for video
  6. Calculate your target video date rate. Divide the Space Available for Video by the total number of seconds of video you have. A general rule of thumb is that if you arrive at a video data rate of 6 Mbps or less, you should consider using variable bitrate (VBR) encoding instead of constant bitrate (CBR) encoding. Also, 2-pass VBR results in better compression than 1-pass VBR.

    	57392 megabits / 7200 seconds of video = 7.97 Mbps video data rate
  7. Calculate your maximum video date rate. Subtract the constants representing the data rates listed above for each audio, subtitle, and motion menu element from the maximum DVD date rate of 9.8 Mbps. So, in our example, we have two audio tracks, two subtitle tracks, and zero motion menu elements.

    	9.8 Mbps–(.448 + .448 + .010 + .010) = 8.884 Mbps max video data

Transcode settings

If you need to define your own presets (or would like to review the settings used for transcode presets), choose File Transcode Edit Project Transcode Presets to display the Project Transcode Presets dialog. This dialog is shown in Figure 8-6.

The Project Transcode Presets dialog includes the top Format section to manage presets, plus five tabs down the left side to display and edit detailed compression and processing options.

To view an existing preset, choose it from the drop-down Preset list. Encore also displays an associated Comment field to help document the presets.

Use the Project Transcode Presets dialog to review the existing transcode presets, and to define your own presets with custom compression settings.

Figure 8-6. Use the Project Transcode Presets dialog to review the existing transcode presets, and to define your own presets with custom compression settings.

To create your own presets, on the other hand, I recommend starting with an existing preset and then editing the settings. Encore changes the preset name to Custom to indicate that it has been changed. At that point, use the icons at the top right of the dialog to Save the preset, Import a saved preset, or Delete the current preset.

The top Summary tab displays a summary screen of all the current settings, including the Video and Audio formats, and optional Pre- and Post-Encoding Tasks. Click the other tabs to edit the associated settings. Encore displays informational tips about each field in the status bar at the bottom left of the dialog. Note that Encore also displays an estimate of the resulting compressed file size at the bottom right. This is a handy number to look at if you’re budgeting your bits on the DVD.

Video transcoding settings

Let’s take a closer look at some of these transcoding settings. Click the Video tab to edit the video compression options, as shown in Figure 8-7.

Use the Video tab of the Project Transcode Presets dialog to edit the video compression parameters.

Figure 8-7. Use the Video tab of the Project Transcode Presets dialog to edit the video compression parameters.

The Video transcoding settings are divided into three groups: the Basic Video Settings for frame rate and quality, the Bitrate Settings for the data rate of the encoded video, and the GOP settings for the Group Of Pictures structure of the MPEG-2 data stream.

Basic Video Settings

You can use the Basic Video Settings section of the Video tab to specify the basic video characteristics and compression quality, as shown in Figure 8-8.

The Basic Video Settings specify the base video format and compression quality.

Figure 8-8. The Basic Video Settings specify the base video format and compression quality.

These are the options that you can adjust:


The encoding quality for the video, in a range from 1.0 (low) to 5.0 (high). While this is a general scale, a higher setting will require more processing time to work harder to increase the video quality.

Frame Rate (fps)

Displays the output frame rate for the video, in frames per second. This is determined by the project, for either NTSC or PAL.

Field Order

The interlaced field structure for the output video, either Upper or Lower (as appropriate for NTSC or PAL), or None (Progressive) for non-interlaced video.

Bitrate Settings

Use the Bitrate Settings to specify the target data rate for the output video, and associated encoding process. The bitrate settings are shown in Figure 8-9.

Bitrate Encoding

This is the compression processing technique used to create the output video. The frames can be compressed at a Constant Bit Rate (CBR), or at a Variable Bit Rate (VBR). For VBR, the compression can be done using 1 or 2 Pass processing of the input frames, as discussed in more detail below.

The Bitrate Settings specify the processing and data rate for the compression.

Figure 8-9. The Bitrate Settings specify the processing and data rate for the compression.

Minimum Bitrate (Mbps)

This indicates the lower limit on the video data rate, in Mbps.

Target Bitrate (Mbps)

This is the target video data rate for the compressed sequence. Depending on the difficulty of the input material, this may have peak variations from the minimum to the maximum rates. The bitrate can range from 2.0 to 9.0 Mbps, but more typically is in the range of 4 to 8 Mbps.

Maximum Bitrate (Mbps)

This indicates the highest video data rate for the compressed sequence. A comfortable maximum bitrate provides some headroom for the compressor when dealing with a difficult sequence.

The Bitrate Encoding parameter defines two attributes of the compression process: constant or variable bit rate, and single- or two-pass encoding.

Bitrate Encoding

This is the compression processing technique used to create the output video. The frames can be compressed at a CBR, so that each frame is the same size, or at a VBR, so that the compressed data for each frame varies in size.

Constant Bit Rate (CBR)

This compression option adjusts the amount of compression applied to each frame as needed to keep the video data flowing at a constant rate. As a result, quality can visibly vary during a sequence, especially with more difficult material (with more detail, fast motion), or at lower bitrates. CBR can work well at higher bitrates, when the data rate is large enough to accommodate the type of material being encoded without producing visible artifacts such as blockiness.

Variable Bit Rate (VBR)

This compression option adjusts the number of bits used to store each frame. The VBR approach allocates more bits as needed for more difficult frames, using available bits from easier frames, which then can result in more consistent quality. However, VBR compression still needs to stay within an overall bitrate limit or range.

1 Pass

One-pass VBR encoding processes the input frames in a single pass. This limits the ability to optimize the allocation of bits across adjacent frames.

2 Pass

Two-pass VBR encoding processes the input frames in two passes. The first pass can analyze and compress the frames and collect statistics, and then the second pass can re-allocate the available bits between difficult and easy frames, resulting in a higher quality result. This additional processing also can do a better job of adjusting the compressed frame sizes to remain within the overall bitrate limits.

GOP Settings

The GOP Settings are used to specify the internal structure of each Group Of Pictures used in the MPEG-2 compressed video format. These settings are shown in Figure 8-10.

The GOP Settings specify the frame structure of each Group Of Pictures.

Figure 8-10. The GOP Settings specify the frame structure of each Group Of Pictures.

What is a GOP? Well, the MPEG-2 format segments runs of consecutive frames into groups, called a Group Of Pictures (GOP). The frames within each group then are compressed with reference to each other. MPEG-2 takes advantage of the fact that adjacent frames, appearing only 1/30th of a second after the previous (for NTSC), often look very similar. Very often the background remains basically the same from frame to frame, with some foreground objects moving against it. Or the camera may be panning across a scene, so most of each frame also appears in the previous frame.

Some video compression algorithms compress each frame individually, using an intraframe approach to only use information within the frame itself. These approaches exploit spatial redundancy within individual frames, such as blank walls, blue sky, and smaller patches with similar color and texture. For example, Motion JPEG video compression essentially compresses each individual frame using the same JPEG compression algorithm used for still images.

MPEG-2 and other interframe approaches break the frame boundary and exploit the temporal redundancy between consecutive frames by using information from adjacent frames. These motion compensation approaches therefore can achieve significantly higher compression ratios than intraframe approaches.

MPEG-2 compression subdivides each frame into blocks, and then uses blocks of information from adjacent frames to build up the next frame (as possible), and then adds in the details that have changed in the new frame. If not much has changed between frames (as in an interview shot with a fixed camera against a still background), only a small amount of additional data is needed to compress adjacent frames (a bonus for VBR encoding). If there is a lot of change between frames (e.g., with a moving camera, fast action, trees waving in the background), then the compression will require significantly more bits to add in this new detail. And, if the bitrate is set too low, the result will be the familiar visible blocks in the compressed frames where the compression ran out of bits and could not fully recover the original frame.

The MPEG-2 compression approach uses a rather sophisticated approach to employ information not just from the previous frame, but also from several frames before, and even from the following frames. Frames are predicted from their neighbors, by finding and reusing similar areas, which may even have moved within the frame.

However, this kind of relative encoding does introduce errors, which would propagate and grow if all frames were compressed relative to each other. In addition, video does contain scene cuts and other fast changes that cannot be encoded using intraframe methods.

As a result, MPEG-2 also regularly includes stand-alone frames with intraframe encoding. Called I frames in MPEG-2, these frames can be decoded independently, and therefore are useful for providing random access for jumping into the video stream (i.e., for DVD chapter points), and for providing fast forward and reverse playback.

MPEG-2 is designed to encode video using a regular pattern of frame types:

  • I (intra) frames use intraframe encoding, using just the information within the frame itself.

  • P (predicted) frames use intraframe encoding, using information from the nearest previous I or P frame.

  • B (bidirectional) frames also use intraframe encoding, but use information from both previous and following frames.

The trick with MPEG encoding is to find a good mix of these frame types to trade off the compression quality and size. I frames are significantly larger, but provide the best quality. P frames are smaller, but introduce some errors from motion compensation. B frames are smallest, but also have the most errors as they are generated from frames which themselves may be predicted. At low bitrates, you may even see a visible pulsing pattern when you play back the compressed frames, between the higher-quality I frames and the lower-quality B frames.


Encore shows the GOP structure of MPEG-2 clips in the Timeline. Since chapter points can only be set at an I frame, Encore marks the start of each GOP with a mark in the time ruler, which is visible when you zoom in. If you set a chapter point at any other location, Encore adjusts it to the nearest I frame. This is not an issue with AVI files not yet converted to MPEG: you can set a chapter point at any frame, and it will be honored when the video is compressed. The GOP structure will also be adjusted accordingly.

A Group Of Pictures (GOP), then, is a contiguous run of frames, starting with an I frame, and with a regular pattern of P and B frames. This pattern is specified in the GOP Settings section of the Project Transcode Presets using two values, M and N:

  • M Frames is the number of B frames between consecutive I and P frames. This can range between 2 and 8, with the default 3. You typically want to avoid too many consecutive lower-quality B frames.

  • N Frames is the number of frames between I frames. This can range from 8 to 18, but must be a multiple of the M value. Again, a longer GOP provides better compression with more P and B frames, but at a loss in quality compared to more regular full I frames.

Audio transcoding settings

After you’ve finished setting the Video Transcode settings, click the Audio tab to edit the audio compression options. These options are shown in Figure 8-11.

Use the Audio tab of the Project Transcode Presets dialog to edit the audio compression format and parameters.

Figure 8-11. Use the Audio tab of the Project Transcode Presets dialog to edit the audio compression format and parameters.

The audio transcoding settings are divided into three groups: the Audio Format Settings for the base audio compression format, the Basic Audio Settings to display the base characteristics for the selected format, and the Bitrate Settings to specify the data rate of the audio data stream.

Encore supports three audio compression formats, as shown in Table 8-5.

Table 8-5. Audio transcoding formats

Audio Format

Basic Settings


Dolby Digital

Stereo, 48 kHz

128 to 448 kbps


Stereo, 16-bit, 48 kHz


MPEG-1, Layer II

Stereo, 16-bit, 48 kHz

64 to 384 kbps

Audio Format Settings

Use the Audio Format Settings menu to select the audio compression format, as shown in Figure 8-12.

Select the base Audio Format for encoding the audio.

Figure 8-12. Select the base Audio Format for encoding the audio.

The available options are:

Dolby Digital

Also called AC-3, Dolby Digital is a high-quality format designed for multi-channel surround-sound audio. It is the most popular format for commercial movies on DVD, since it is compressed and still provides great quality sound. Encore supports stereo encoding in Dolby Digital.


This is technically MPEG-1, Layer II audio compression. This is a work-horse audio compression format from the MPEG-1 video specification, in the same family as MP3 (MPEG-1, Layer 3).


PCM, or Pulse Code Modulation, is an uncompressed audio format, and is the same format used for CD Audio.

When choosing audio formats, remember that NTSC discs must contain at least one track in either PCM or Dolby Digital format. This was an issue before Dolby Digital encoders were generally available in DVD authoring tools, since the uncompressed PCM format can take up a lot of space that you might rather use for more video, and the only available alternative, MPEG, was officially not permitted to be used as the only audio track on a DVD-Video disc. Dolby Digital is now a much better choice, since it is highly compressed and also provides great quality.

Basic Audio Settings

The Basic Audio Settings display the base characteristics for the selected format (see Figure 8-13). This information varies for each format.

Encore displays the characteristics for the selected audio format under the Basic Audio Settings.

Figure 8-13. Encore displays the characteristics for the selected audio format under the Basic Audio Settings.

These are the settings:

Audio Mode / Output Channels

This is Stereo for all three formats.

Sample Size

The sample size is 16 bits per sample for PCM and MPEG.


The frequency is 48 kHz sample rate for all three formats.

Bitrate Settings

Use the Bitrate Settings to specify the data rate of the audio data stream, in thousands of bits per second (kbps). This applies only to the compressed formats (Dolby Digital and MPEG), and not to PCM, which is uncompressed and therefore uses a fixed data rate. See Figure 8-14.

Set the bitrate for the compressed audio formats.

Figure 8-14. Set the bitrate for the compressed audio formats.

Pre-Encoding Tasks

To improve video compression quality, Encore offers two filters as optional Pre-Encoding Tasks: Deinterlace and Video Noise Reduction. You can use these to pre-filter the input clips to clean up the video and remove artifacts, therefore improving the quality of the compressed video (since the encoder will not need to be wasting bits to replicate noise).

To apply the pre-encoding filters, click the Pre Encoding Tasks checkbox. Encore displays the Pre Encoding Tasks tab, with fields to apply the filters and set their parameters, as shown in Figure 8-15.

To apply a filter, select it from the Add Filter drop-down menu. Encore lists the applied filters below, with an eye icon to enable or disable them. Below the filter names is an areas with the filter parameters, and a preview area to view the results of the selected filter. Click the trash icon on the right to delete the selected filter.

Enable the Pre Encoding Tasks checkbox to apply filters before video encoding.

Figure 8-15. Enable the Pre Encoding Tasks checkbox to apply filters before video encoding.

You can drag the horizontal bars between the panes in the dialog, especially to enlarge the preview area, as shown in Figure 8-16.

Add pre-encoding filters, adjust their parameters, and preview the result below.

Figure 8-16. Add pre-encoding filters, adjust their parameters, and preview the result below.

Video Noise Reduction

Video Noise Reduction removes random noise from the input frames, such as introduced during video capture or from analog tape dropouts. Ideally, noise reduction is performed by finding spurious pixels that are dramatically different from the adjacent area or neighboring frames. However, values that look like noise may well be real information from a textured scene.

You can adjust the Noise Reduction slider between 0.0 up to 100.0 to apply more aggressive filtering to larger areas around each pixel. The result of this filtering is that blurring of the frames may occur, more visibly with the higher values. See Figure 8-17.

Apply Video Noise Reduction to reduce random noise in the video, although this can blur the frames.

Figure 8-17. Apply Video Noise Reduction to reduce random noise in the video, although this can blur the frames.


DeInterlace filters the two interlaced fields that make up a NTSC or PAL video frame to remove the interlacing and create a non-interlaced, or progressive, frame.

Interlaced video, such as DV, creates each frame from two consecutive fields, captured one after another. Each frame of DV video is 720 pixels by 480 lines at approximately 30 fps for NTSC, while each field is half the height, at 720 pixels by 240 lines, and double the rate, at around 60 fps. Each pair of alternating lines in an interlaced video frame comes from different fields captured at slightly different times: the upper line of each pair from one field, and the lower pair from another. However, depending on the video format, the upper or the lower lines could be captured first.

Consequently, interlaced video frames with fast motion can look very bad when viewed as a still image, with every other line ripped apart by a panning camera or a fast foreground object.

Interlacing was initially introduced in the early days of television as a work-around that enabled the existing technology to capture video at a fast enough frame rate. Its legacy carries forward today in television broadcasts and displays, and the associated video cameras and recording equipment (such as VHS tape and DV camcorders).

As a result, the MPEG-2 digital compression format supports encoding each field of a frame separately, and the DVD-Video format supports storing and displaying interlaced compressed digital video. This makes great sense, of course, when displaying video on television displays. However, computer displays and high-end video monitors are native progressive displays, refreshing an entire full frame at a time, with no interlacing of alternate fields. Interlaced DVD material is therefore converted to progressive on these displays using software or hardware digital processing, and also taking advantage of the fact that movies on DVD originated as progressive frames of film stock.

If your DVD is intended for display on a computer or other progressive monitor, and not on regular television, you can perform de-interlacing as a pre-encoding step to store the compressed video on the DVD in a native progressive format. Specify the Field Order of the fields: Upper or Lower first.

Post-Encoding Tasks

Encore also provides an additional Post-Encoding Tasks option, which can create a more detailed log file with information about the transcoding process. This is shown in Figure 8-18.

Enable the Post Encoding Tasks checkbox to create a detailed output log file.

Figure 8-18. Enable the Post Encoding Tasks checkbox to create a detailed output log file.

As previously, click the Post Encoding Tasks checkbox to enable it, and select the Log File Details option from the drop-down menu. Then check the desired information from the Log File Details. Encore creates text log files (named with the clip name, format, .log) under the Sources/Transcodes directory of your project folder with the saved project file. These include information and statistics from the video and audio encoding for the associated clip.

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