Chapter 3. Assets and Projects

As we discovered in Chapter 1, the first things that we need to do after creating a project are to import assets and then create elements. Assets and elements are, in effect, the building blocks of your DVD project, and it’s important to understand exactly how Adobe Encore DVD imports, layers, composites, transcodes, and burns your prize video and audio to disk. So, before we go any further, let’s tackle the first question that many Encore novices ask, which is…

What Assets Can I Import?

Encore can import three basic kinds of digital media asset files to include in your DVD productions: video clips, audio clips, and still image files (for slide shows). You also can import media files to use in menus, with still or motion video backgrounds, background audio, buttons, and other graphical elements. In Encore, you import media assets into the Project tab, and then create the playable elements of your DVD as timelines, with a video clip or series of still images, plus multiple tracks of audio and subtitles. You also can use the Encore Library palette to store and organize menu assets shared among multiple projects.

We typically think of media assets in terms of the file type, such as AVI or QuickTime (MOV) video, Wave (WAV) or MP3 audio, and bitmap (BMP) or Photoshop (PSD) still images. Encore can import these common file formats, and more. However, the DVD specification has strict rules for the formats and characteristics of the media material stored on the disc, including compression formats, resolutions, and frame rates. As a result, these kinds of general media file formats will need to be transcoded (converted) into DVD-compliant formats that are compatible with the DVD specification (i.e., MPEG-2 video).

It’s your choice whether to transcode before or after importing your assets: Encore can transcode your media files for you, or you can transcode your media files first, and then import them into Encore in DVD-compliant format. In either case, the basic characteristics of your material, such as video resolution and frame rate, must still be compatible with the DVD specification.

There’s also one more twist in working with media files under the Microsoft Windows architecture: the difference between the file format (i.e., AVI) and the compressed data format used within the file. Even if an application such as Encore understands the file format, it still cannot read the media data unless the corresponding codec (compressor/decompressor) module is installed on your system. That’s why you may find the same file is playable on one Windows machine but not on another: along the way somebody installed an application or library that included a compatible codec for the specific compression format used to encode the video or audio data stored in the file.

Encore uses the standard Windows operating system components to read and decode common media file formats, so it can take advantage of the Windows Media architecture and all the codecs installed on your system.

The quickest way to tell if a video file is supported on a specific machine is to play it in the standalone Windows Media Player (as used in Chapter 2 to play DVDs). You should be able to just double-click the file in Windows Explorer to play it, if the file type is associated with the Windows Media Player (the file is shown with the Media Player icon). If Windows can play the file through its DirectShow libraries, Encore will be able to import it. If Media Player cannot play the file, you may have to search online to try to find and download the appropriate codec. Or you may need to go back to the person who created the file to find out how it was created and to get the associated codec.

If you want a precise listing of the codecs currently installed on your system, select Help System Info. This brings up a simple dialog that displays a list of the codecs that Encore can use, as shown in Figure 3-1.

The system information dialog shows the codecs recognized by Encore.

Figure 3-1. The system information dialog shows the codecs recognized by Encore.

The list can be rather lengthy, and many of the names there probably won’t make sense to you. However, if you know you need a specific codec when importing assets into Encore, this is the definitive place to check.

Let’s dig deeper into the requirements for the three primary types of assets that you will use in your DVD projects: video, audio, and still images.


Due to the requirements of the DVD specification, Adobe Encore DVD will accept only video with specific resolutions and frame rates, which depend on the television standard that you are using to author your DVD. These constraints are shown in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1. Supported input video formats




Resolutions (horizontal x vertical)

720 x 480

720 x 486

704 x 480

720 x 576

704 x 576

Frame Rates (frames per second)






If you try to import a video file that doesn’t have the correct resolution or frame rate for the television standard that you choose, you’ll get an error dialog similar to the one shown in Figure 3-2.

Encore will only allow you to import video files with the correct resolution (NTSC resolution error shown).

Figure 3-2. Encore will only allow you to import video files with the correct resolution (NTSC resolution error shown).

Any imported video files, whether DVD-compliant or not, must have DVD-compatible resolution and frame rates, as was shown in Table 3-1. Note that Encore will not attempt to scale incoming video into the correct resolutions for you.

On the other hand, when the video is output to NTSC or PAL using the DVD-Video format, Encore will always convert it to the resolution and frame rates shown in Table 3-2. Converting to resolution is fairly easy. If you import video with these alternate resolutions, Encore will simply crop or matte the frames to the DVD-Video standard resolutions of 720 x 480 (NTSC) or 720 x 576 (PAL).

Table 3-2. Output DVD-compliant video formats





720 x 480

720 x 576

Frame Rates

29.97fps interlaced

25fps interlaced

However, you might be wondering how Encore converts differences in frame rates for incoming NTSC media at film frame rates (24, 23.976, or 23.978fps) to the necessary 29.97fps NTSC video output rate. Well, as it turns out, the DVD specification helps out. It supports 24fps (film rate) video, but only by using a special MPEG-2 repeat field flags to have the video fields display correctly at the television frame rate. Hence, when you import an NTSC file with a 24 (or 23.976 or 23.978fps) rate, Encore will immediately transcode the file to the DVD-compliant MPEG-2 format at 29.97fps.

You’ll be relieved to know that the DV format (a common output format of digital camcorders) conveniently shares the output resolutions listed in Table 3-2, so importing DV video into Encore is quick and painless. As discussed in Chapter 8, you then can customize how Encore transcodes your clips to MPEG, adjusting the compression quality and data rate as desired.

Encore can import four major video file formats, as shown in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3. Supported input video file formats




AVI (.avi)

Original Audio/Video Interleave format developed by Microsoft for use with the Windows operating system.

The AVI format can use a number of codecs. Be sure the codec used inside the AVI file is installed on the system.

WMV (.wmv)

New Windows Media Video format developed by Microsoft for use with the Windows operating system.

Like AVI, Windows Media supports multiple compression formats.

MPEG (.mpg, .mpeg, .m2v, .mpe, .mpv, .m2s)

Moving Picture Experts Group format, which results in high compression levels by eliminating data that your eyes are not likely to notice.

Although the DVD specification supports other reduced MPEG-2 resolutions and some MPEG-1 formats, Encore is focused on the fullscreen formats of Table 3-2.

MOV (.mov)

QuickTime format promoted by Apple Computer for use on both Apple Macintosh and Windows operating systems.

The QuickTime format can use a number of codecs. Be sure the codec used inside the MOV file is installed on the system.

Note that unlike MPEG, the Windows AVI and WMV formats and the Apple QuickTime MOV file format are “wrappers” of compressed data. This means that the data inside the files (audio and/or video) can be compressed with any codec supported by the associated Windows DirectShow libraries and QuickTime architecture. For more information about the format of a specific media file, display the file properties in Windows Explorer, or view the properties in Premiere Pro.

To start experimenting with importing media files into Encore, start a new project (choose File New Project), and then import some clips (choose File Import As Asset, or just double-click an empty area in the project window). Then try importing an acceptable AVI file into a project.

Once you’ve done so, click the file in the Project tab to select it, then look at the Properties palette as shown in Figure 3-3. (You can use the Window Properties menu item to show the Properties palette if it is not currently visible.) Note that if the file contains only video, Encore lists the Media Category as “Video.” If it contains both video and audio streams, it lists the Media Category as “Video & Audio.” The Transcode setting also says “Automatic,” which indicates that the AVI file will be automatically transcoded to a compatible format before being burned onto a DVD. Clicking the Transcode drop-down menu will show you a number of transcode options that you likely won’t understand yet, such as “NTSC DV High Quality 4MB VBR 2 Pass.” Don’t worry; we’ll discuss those later in the book.

Encore automatically transcodes directly imported DV-AVI files to MPEG format.

Figure 3-3. Encore automatically transcodes directly imported DV-AVI files to MPEG format.

Because Encore uses the Windows DirectShow video architecture, it can also import Windows Media files (WMV), again at the resolutions listed in Table 3-1. To help when importing a Windows Media file using the Import as Asset dialog, choose “Video File (.avi, .wmv)” under “Files of Type” to list and select the file (see Figure 3-4).

When you import QuickTime files, Encore will immediately transcode them to use in your project. With AVI and Windows Media files, Encore can postpone the transcoding so that you can preview the project with the original files, and then customize the compression options when you are ready to transcode them.

Importing DVD-compliant video

In the old days of DVD authoring (that would be just two or three years ago), DVD tools required that you first use a separate application to transcode all your assets into DVD-compliant formats before you could import and use them in the DVD authoring tool. While Encore now does this transcoding automatically for you, allowing you to import the file types shown earlier, there are still times when it makes sense to do the transcoding first. For example, if you plan to keep a clip around on disk and use it in multiple projects, you’ll probably want to transcode it once, and then store the smaller MPEG file on disk so you can reuse it without any further processing or duplicating disk space.

Importing other video files into Encore.

Figure 3-4. Importing other video files into Encore.

If you import your own MPEG-2 file, Encore will check it for compliance with the requirements of the DVD specification (including resolutions and a subset of the full generality of the MPEG syntax). If the file is DVD-compliant, Encore can use it directly in the project without transcoding. Otherwise, Encore will transcode it (if possible) just like any other noncompliant file.

You can import DVD-compliant MPEG-2 material in two ways:

  • MPEG-2 Elementary files, with the video and audio exported in separate files (typically stored as an M2V file and a separate WAV file)

  • MPEG-2 Program streams, with the video and audio multiplexed into a single file (typically stored as a single MPG file)


If you have imported an MPEG-2 file into Encore, you probably noticed that it took some time to import. This is because Encore needs to parse through the entire file to find the GOP (Group of Picture) boundaries so that they can be displayed in the timeline as possible locations for chapter points. Encore then saves this information so that the project can access the file in the future without this delay.

To import a DVD-compliant MPEG-2 clip, use the File Import as Asset option. In the file dialog, select Files of Type, MPEG Video. Once the file is imported, note that Encore lists the file type as “MPEG video” inside the Project tab, and places the words “Don’t Transcode” under the Transcode Settings. This means that Encore has confirmed that the file is DVD-com-pliant and will not have to be transcoded. See Figure 3-5.

Import MPEG-2 video clips that are already DVD-compliant.

Figure 3-5. Import MPEG-2 video clips that are already DVD-compliant.

Fullscreen and widescreen video

Here’s an interesting question: if the MPEG-2 output of Encore—the video frame stored on a DVD disc—is a fixed size for video, how do we generate both regular and widescreen video images? To better understand this, we need to introduce two new concepts: screen aspect ratios and pixel aspect ratios.

Let’s take a look at screen aspect ratios—sometimes called display aspect ratios—first. As we saw in Chapter 2, regular television has a screen aspect ratio of 4:3. That is, the entire display screen itself is rectangular: four units (just pretend that those units are squares of some size) wide and three units high. Most of the televisions available today, as well as those sold over the past 50 years or so, use a 4:3 aspect ratio, which is often called a fullscreen aspect ratio. Newer, widescreen televisions, on the other hand, have also gained favor with consumers over the past few years, as they simulate the theatrical aspect ratios of feature films. These televisions have a 16:9 aspect ratio, which is often known as a widescreen aspect ratio.

DVD video frames are stored at the same image resolution (720 x 480 for NTSC or 720 x 576 for PAL) whether the video is intended for standard or widescreen display. But that doesn’t mean that they should be displayed at that resolution. In fact, if you view these raw DVD images on a computer, they will look distorted—a raw DVD frame intended for a widescreen presentation will look horizontally squished, and a raw DVD frame intended for fullscreen display will look slightly stretched.

Correcting these problems is where the pixel aspect ratio comes in. To make these images work in both fullscreen and widescreen television formats, you need to adjust the aspect ratio of each individual pixel. So, for example, if you want to create a 16:9 screen aspect ratio out of a 720 x 480 image, you’ll need to set the pixel aspect ratio to favor a pixel that is wider than it is tall. And if you want to create a 4:3 screen aspect ratio out of a 720 x 480 image, you’ll need to use a pixel aspect ratio that is slightly taller than it is wide. See Figure 3-6.

Creating fullscreen and widescreen video by varying the pixel aspect ratio (NTSC).

Figure 3-6. Creating fullscreen and widescreen video by varying the pixel aspect ratio (NTSC).

Table 3-4 shows the approximate pixel aspect ratios used to convert standard NTSC and PAL resolutions to fullscreen and widescreen television screen aspect ratios.

Table 3-4. Pixel aspect ratios for NTSC and PAL


Fullscreen pixel aspect ratio (x:1)

Widescreen pixel aspect ratio (x:1)







A DVD can contain material intended for both fullscreen and widescreen aspect ratios. DVD players are designed to correct the output video to display properly, whatever the output display device may be. For example, with a standard television, a DVD player may “letterbox” the video by placing black bars at the top or bottom. In the same manner, a DVD player may show a standard resolution video on a widescreen display with black areas on each side. Of course, this requires that the DVD player be set up to provide the correct type of output for the actual display device. Today’s display monitors also provide additional options for specifying how different input video signals can be reformatted on the display.

In general, the DVD author is responsible for preparing any widescreen video clips or menu images at the appropriate aspect ratio, and then properly marking them as widescreen when authoring them onto the DVD. You can specify the display aspect ratio of video clips when they are encoded into MPEG format, whether within Encore (using a transcode preset), or in an external program such as Adobe Premiere Pro.

When the DVD is played, the display can switch from standard to widescreen aspect ratio as playback moves between different menus and video. You will often see this on commercial movies, for example, when moving from the main feature film (in widescreen) to additional videos and documentaries (often in standard aspect ratio).

The bottom line is that the amount of pixel data stored is the same whether it contains standard or widescreen aspect ratio images. It’s your job to keep track of how that data is to be interpreted, and then make sure that you use the appropriate settings for the devices and software that you use. When you shoot widescreen video with a DV camcorder, you capture the same amount of pixel data for each frame, but use a different camera lens to squeeze a wider horizontal view into a 720 x 480 array of sensors. Then when you capture and edit the DV video, as long as your software applications understand that this is widescreen video, they can display and process it for you at the correct aspect ratio. Similarly, when you author DVDs in Encore with widescreen video, Encore can ensure that the video on the DVD is identified properly so that the DVD player outputs it in the correct format for display.


As with video, Adobe Encore DVD imports common audio file formats, and can transcode your clips into DVD-compliant formats. When Encore imports specific types of audio files, it first checks if they are DVD-compliant and, hence, if they need to be transcoded. Table 3-5 lists the acceptable audio formats for Encore.

Table 3-5. Supported input audio formats




AC-3 (.ac3)

Dolby Digital AC-3 surround-sound format, offering high-quality compressed audio.

Can support multichannel audio, from stereo to surround 5.1 channels.

AIFF, AIF (.aif)

Audio Interchange File Format, developed by Apple Computer. It is widely used on both Macintosh and Unix computers.

AIFF-C, which is a format specific to Apple computers, is not supported.

MPEG-2 layer II and MPEG-1 layer II (.mpa, .mp2, .m2a)

Moving Picture Experts Group format, which results in high compression levels by eliminating data that your ears are not likely to notice.

The audio file must have a constant bit rate. Only two-channel audio is supported.

PCM (.wav)

Original Windows Wave audio files, using Pulse Code Modulation, a simple compression format.

Supports both mono and stereo audio. Can use 24 bits per sample. Must use 48 kHz.

MOV (.mov)

QuickTime Movie format developed by Apple Computer for use on both Apple Macintosh and Windows operating systems.

The QuickTime format can use a number of codecs to encode data. Be sure the codec used inside the MOV file is installed on the system.

MP3 (.mp3)

The MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 format, which results in high compression levels by eliminating data that your ears are not likely to notice.

Wide usage of this format makes it a common choice for audio files.

WMA (.wma)

New Windows Media Audio format developed by Microsoft for applications from desktop to portable media players to digital cinema.

Supports both mono and stereo audio with several bit depths and sample rates.

Try importing a WAV audio file using File Import as Asset. Note that Encore lists the file type as “WAV audio,” and shows that it will be transcoded automatically, as shown in Figure 3-7. As with video resources, you can preview the clip by playing it in the thumbnail viewer at the top left of the Project window. Encore will show the speaker logo in the video box while the clip is selected.

Import common audio files directly into Encore, which will automatically transcode them to DVD-compliant format.

Figure 3-7. Import common audio files directly into Encore, which will automatically transcode them to DVD-compliant format.

Importing DVD-compliant audio

By default, Encore encodes audio clips to your choice of one of three audio formats supported by the DVD specification. The DVD-compliant audio formats are shown in Table 3-6. As with video, if you import audio files that meet the formats and constraints listed, Encore will not need to transcode them.

Table 3-6. Output DVD-compliant audio formats



PCM (Pulse Code Modulation)

Uncompressed audio samples (as used for CD audio discs), 48 kHz

MPEG audio (MPEG-1 Layer II)

Compressed audio, stereo, 48 kHz

Dolby Digital (AC-3)

High-quality compressed audio, stereo, 48 kHz

Encore allows you to select a default audio encoding for the entire project to one of the standards in Table 3-6. To set this default, select Edit Preferences Encoding. Note that this will override the setting for individual clips, including DVD-compliant audio assets. In other words, if the default audio encoding format is set to Dolby Digital, Encore will still transcode audio assets that are already DVD-compliant (e.g., PCM or MPEG) to Dolby Digital.

In general, I recommend using Dolby Digital (AC-3) encoding for the best-quality compression. Compared to PCM, Dolby Digital also will significantly reduce the size of the audio on your discs, freeing up room for more material.

Still image graphics

A tremendous variety of image file formats are in use today, several of which are designed for various applications, several of which are native to different platforms, and several of which are older formats still hanging around. To confuse things further, the file formats then can contain different kinds of image data, full-color and indexed color, uncompressed and compressed.


These images contain separate color channels (i.e., RGB for red, green, and blue), with enough bits per color to display natural-looking imagery without obvious color contouring. These images should be at least 16 bits per pixel, but preferably 24-bit (8 bits each of RGB), or even 32bit (with 8 bits of alpha overlay). Full-color images are often used for photographs and high-quality illustrations.

Color-mapped/indexed color/false-color

These images contain a reduced color palette, with each image pixel value specifying the palette entry to be used for that pixel color. These images are typically 256-color (8 bits per pixel), or even 16-color or less for simple graphics. You’ll often find these images used for graphical elements such as logos and designs.

Lossless compression

Lossless compression techniques permit the exact original image to be recovered. For natural imagery, lossless formats such as TIFF can provide a compression ratio of around 2:1. For reduced-color graphics, lossless formats such as GIF can provide significant compression when the image contains large areas with the same value (such as a plain, black background).

Lossy compression

Lossy compression techniques can provide much higher compression ratios, but discard some image information that you’re likely not to notice. Therefore, they do not recover the exact original image. Formats like JPEG use techniques based on human perception to attempt to remove detail that is not strongly visible to the eye, and provide parameters to trade off image quality and compressed size.

Encore supports the common image file formats, with RGB color data, as shown in Table 3-7.

Table 3-7. Still image formats supported by Adobe Encore



BMP (Windows bitmap)

Standard Windows image file format. Uncompressed, and therefore results in large files.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

Popular Web image file format for graphics (logos, icons, animations), but not photos. Lossless compression, with limited color range (256 colors or less).

JPG/JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

Popular compressed image file format for full-color natural imagery (photos, scanned images). Lossy compression, but with variable rates to trade off quality and size.

PCT/PICT (Macintosh picture)

Native Macintosh image file format. Can be uncompressed or compressed, lossy or lossless. Requires that Apple QuickTime is installed.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

Newer format for lossless compression. Superior replacement for GIF, but not as widely supported.

PSD (Photoshop)

Native Adobe Photoshop format, version 7.0 or later.

TIF/TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

Widely supported format for high-quality images, especially in desktop publishing, and for scanners and fax. Supports multiple compression formats. Especially good for lossless compression of natural and complex full-color images. Encore supports both uncompressed as well as ZIP and LZW compressions.

TGA (Truevision Targa)

Older general image format. Compressed and uncompressed, 256-color to 32-cut true color formats. Requires that Apple QuickTime be installed.

For the best quality for natural imagery, use full-color (24-bit) formats and avoid heavy amounts of lossy compression, such as what you would find using the JPEG standard. You also need to take care in preparing the imported images because they will be compressed on the disc in DVD-com-pliant MPEG format, and then displayed on television displays. Avoid thin lines and small text, and keep important elements away from the edges and within the television safe zone.

Still images and pixel aspect ratio

Remember that computer displays have square pixels, or a 1:1 pixel aspect ratio. Television displays have rectangular pixels, with either a 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio. So, if you import a still bitmap with a perfectly round circle on a computer display, transcode it to a DVD, and display it on a television set, the circle will appear as either a wide oval on widescreen televisions, or a slightly squished circle on standard televisions. The effect can be hard to ignore when you have familiar objects such as faces or circular signs, especially on a 16:9 display.

One way to correct for this is to edit a still image on a 4:3 or 16:9 grid of square pixels, and then scale the result down to the standard DVD resolution. This is often done by scaling only one dimension of the image, in order to minimize the scaling artifacts. If you want to go this route, create and edit the image at the target resolution shown in Table 3-8, then scale the graphic down to the DVD resolution, based on your broadcast standard.

Table 3-8. Common DVD aspect ratio scaling adjustments

Television format

DVD resolution

4:3 scale

16:9 scale


720 x 480

720 x 534

864 x 480


720 x 576

768 x 576

1024 x 576

If you have Photoshop CS, you’re in luck: you can edit a still image and see exactly how it will look by selecting the target pixel aspect ratio (Image Pixel Aspect Ratio). This will “stretch” the image for you while you’re working on it, so you can see exactly what it will look like when displayed on a television. Remember that this is just a preview, only for display purposes; your image isn’t really the resolution that it appears to be. If you want to see the true resolution of the image, you can return to square pixels at any time by choosing Image Pixel Aspect Ratio Square. See Figure 3-8.

Changing the pixel aspect ratio in Photoshop CS.

Figure 3-8. Changing the pixel aspect ratio in Photoshop CS.

If you want to adjust the pixel aspect ratio for an imported image in Encore, select the image in the Project window and choose File Interpret Footage. Then, choose the desired aspect ratio for the image. This is useful when you want to reuse the same graphic image for both standard and widescreen displays.

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