Machine learning APIs

The machine learning feature involves 10 resources, and most of the APIs revolve around these resources. We have compiled the relevant APIs into the following table:





GET _ml/calendars/[<calendar_id>|_all]

Get a calendar resource with the given <calendar_id> identifier, or all calendar resources.

PUT _ml/calendars/<calendar_id>

Create a calendar resource with the given <calendar_id> identifier for associating scheduled event resources later.

DELETE _ml/calendars/<calendar_id>

Remove the calendar resource with the given <calendar_id> identifier and its associated scheduled events.

Calendars, events



Get all the scheduled events from the calendar resource. An event contains attributes such as description, start_time, end_timecalendar_id, and event_id.


Add event resources to a calendar with the given <calendar_id> identifier. Each event resource is specified in the events array in the request body.

DELETE _ml/calendars/<calendar_id>


Remove an event with the given <event_id> identifier from the calendar resource, using the <calendar_id> identifier.


GET _ml/anomaly_detectors/[<job_id>


Get the job resource with the given <job_id> identifier, multiple job resources with multiple <job_id> identifiers separated by commas, or all job resources.

DELETE _ml/anomaly_detectors/<job_id>

Delete the job resource with the given <job_id> identifier.



To open a job means to start receiving new data from where it left off last time and continue the analysis.

POST _ml/anomaly_detectors/[<job_id>|


This API can close one, multiple, or all job resources. To close a job means to stop receiving data and analysis operations. However, we can still read the job resource.

POST _ml/anomaly_detectors/


Update the properties of the job resource with the <job_id> identifier.



Send data to a job resource with the <job_id> identifier. The data must be in JSON format in the request body. The job must be opened first.



Flush the data to the job resource while data is being sent for analysis. After the flush operation, the job is still opened.

GET _ml/anomaly_detectors/[<job_id>|

<job_id>,<job_id> |_all]/_stats

Get statistics from one, multiple, or all job resources.

Jobs, forecast



Predict the future result of the job with the given <job_id> identifier.

DELETE _ml/anomaly_detectors/<job_id>


Delete the forecast resource with the given <forecast_id> identifier and the job resource with the given <job_id> identifier, or all forecasts.

Calendars, jobs 



Add a job resource with the given <job_id> identifier to a calendar resource with the <calendar_id> identifier.



Delete a job resource with the given <job_id> identifier.

Jobs, results, buckets

GET _ml/anomaly_detectors/<job_id>


Get the bucket aggregation result with the <timestamp> identifier, or get all buckets from the job resource with the <job_id> identifier.

Jobs, results, overall buckets

GET _ml/anomaly_detectors/[<job_id>|



Provide a summary of bucket aggregation results over multiple jobs where the longest bucket span is used.

Jobs, results, records

GET _ml/anomaly_detectors/<job_id>


Get the anomaly records from the results of the job resource with the given <job_id> identifier.

Jobs, results, influencers

GET _ml/anomaly_detectors/<job_id>


Get the influencer information from the job resources with the <job_id> identifier.


GET _ml/datafeeds/[<_feed_id>|


Get a datafeed resource with identifiers from one, multiple, or all datafeed resources.

PUT _ml/datafeeds/<feed_id>

Create a datafeed resource for the job resources to use later. The datafeed can be an aggregate or a query.

DELETE _ml/datafeeds/<feed_id>

Delete the datafeed with the given <feed_id> identifier.

POST _ml/datafeeds/<feed_id>/_update

Update the properties of the datafeed with the given <feed_id> identifier.

GET _ml/datafeeds/[<_feed_id>|


Get statistics from one, multiple, or all datafeed resources.

POST _ml/datafeeds/<feed_id>/_start

Start the datafeed and be ready to retrieve data from Elasticsearch.

POST _ml/datafeeds/[<_feed_id>|



Stop receiving data for the datafeeds resources in Elasticsearch.

GET _ml/datafeeds/<datafeed_id>/_preview

Preview a datafeed.


GET _ml/filters/[<filter_id>]

Get the filter resource with the given <snapshot_id> identifier or all snapshot resources.

PUT _ml/filters/<filter_id>

A filter defines a list of strings, which is referenced by the detector attribute of the job resources.

POST _ml/filters/<filter_id>/_update

Update the properties of the filter resource.

DELETE _ml/filters/<filter_id>

Delete the filter resource with the given <filter_id> identifier.

Jobs, model snapshots

GET _ml/anomaly_detectors/<job_id>/


Get the snapshot model resource with the <snapshot_id> identifier or all snapshot resources.



Update the properties of the snapshot model resource with the given <snapshot_id> identifier, and the job resource with the given <job_id> identifier.

DELETE _ml/anomaly_detectors/<job_id>/


Delete the snapshot model resource with the given <snapshot_id> identifier.

POST _ml/anomaly_detectors/<job_id>/


Reset the state of the snapshot model with the given <snapshot_id> identifier, of the job resource with the given <job_id> identifier, to the previous record.

The following table is for the miscellaneous APIs, regardless of any specific resources:




Deletes all resources, data, and results if they are expired.

POST _ml/find_file_structure

Finds the file structure of a file. The data of the file must be suitable for Ingest APIs.

POST _ml/set_upgrade_mode

If the enabled parameter is set to true, it enables the upgrade_mode setting to prepare the indices used by machine learning for an upgrade.

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