Sample data

The data in the cf_etf_hist_price index is time series data; however, it is not continuous. The data is only for trading days. Before we can practice our machine learning task, we must provide another set of data that will fill in the non-trading days using the corresponding price data from the previous trading day. In our GitHub repository (, three files can be downloaded:, cf_rfem_hist_price_bulk.json, and cf_rfem_hist_price_mappings.json. It contains the RFEM ETF data symbol with trading days and non-trading days. Go to the download directory and run the following command to index data to the new cf_rfem_hist_price index:


After the command is run, we can go back to the Index Management page in Kibana. Click on the Reload indices button and we'll find that the new index, cf_rfem_hist_price, is shown (see the following screenshot). There are 90 documents, which include data from 61 trading days and 29 non-trading days:

For our convenience, to demonstrate machine learning jobs, let's use the Kibana user interface and show the single-metric job.

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