Shell Patterns

While most users learn shell pattern matching behavior early in their exposure to UNIX, it is useful to review it here before introducing the functions that implement it.

A shell pattern can consist of normal characters and meta-characters. Normal characters represent themselves, and meta-characters have a special meaning for pattern matching. The set of meta-characters for shell patterns is relatively small. They are

* Star (asterisk)
? Question mark
[ and ] Square brackets
! Bang (in [])
- Hypen (in [])

Each meta-character is described in the subsections that follow.

The * Meta-Character

The * character can match zero or more characters. The following shell experiment on a FreeBSD system illustrates this meta-character at work:

$ cd /etc
$ ls -l hosts.*
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2278 Dec 20  1999 hosts.allow
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   115 Dec 20  1999 hosts.equiv
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   103 Dec 20  1999 hosts.lpd

The shell matches all files that begin with hosts. and are followed by zero or more characters. Consequently, the filenames hosts.allow, hosts.equiv, and hosts.lpd match on this particular system. The meta-character may be used in any position of the pattern, as the following example illustrates:

$ cd /etc
$ ls -l *lpd
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  103 Dec 20  1999 hosts.lpd

This example matches any filename that is prefixed by zero or more characters and ends in the string lpd.

The ? Meta-Character

Unlike the *, the ? meta-character matches only one character. If there is no character in that position, there is no match. The following example shows how the ? meta-character can be used multiple times to effect a particular pattern match:

$ ls -l /etc/hosts.?????
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  2278 Dec 20  1999 /etc/hosts.allow
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel   115 Dec 20  1999 /etc/hosts.equiv

In this example, only the filenames host.allow and hosts.equiv match. The filename hosts.lpd does not match because the last two ?? in the pattern did not have characters to match with.

The [ and ] Meta-Characters

The [ and ] meta-characters work together to specify a class of characters. The following example lists any file that has the letter x, y, or z within it:

$ ls -d *[xyz]*
exports         newsyslog.conf  skeykeys        ttys
gettytab        security        syslog.conf

The * meta-characters to the left and right of [xyz] permit zero or more characters to exist to the left and right of the middle pattern. However, the middle pattern [xyz] insists that a letter x, y, or z exist. In this case, there weren't any filenames with the letter z in them.

You can specify ranges of characters, as is shown in the following example:

$ ls -d *[x-z]*
exports         newsyslog.conf  skeykeys        ttys
gettytab        security        syslog.conf

The pattern [x-z] is equivalent to specifying the letters individually as [xyz]. Multiple ranges can also be specified: [x-za-c] allows any of the characters a, b, c, x, y, and z.

If you specify an unmatched pair of [ and ] characters, the character is taken literally, as the following example demonstrates:

$ >']'
$ ls -l ]
-rw-r-----  1 ehg  wheel  0 Jun 26 14:59 ]

The first command creates a file named ] by using quotes. Then the file is listed using ls(1). This same behavior also exists for the closing square bracket:

$ >'['
$ ls -l [
-rw-r-----  1 ehg  wheel  0 Jun 26 14:59 [

The next example shows how [ and ] can be used in reverse order to cause them to be interpreted as they appear.

$ ls -l ] [
-rw-r-----  1 ehg  wheel  0 Jun 26 14:59 [
-rw-r-----  1 ehg  wheel  0 Jun 26 14:59 ]

The ! Meta-Character

The ! meta-character has special meaning only within the [ and ] meta-character pair, and only if it occurs as the first character within a range. It is known as the "not"character in this context. For example, compare the difference between the first ls(1) command and the second:

$ cd /tmp
$ ls *[0-9]
psql.edit.1001.13867    tmp-I53052              tmp-d53036           tmp-s52935
tmp-D52798              tmp-M53211              tmp-f53114           win98
tmp-G52945              tmp-d52925              tmp-o53048
$ ls *[!0-9]
c.t             dummy.file

The first ls(1) command lists only files and directories that end in a numeric digit (range [0-9]). The second ls(1) command, however, lists only those that do not end in a numeric digit (range [!0-9]).

In any other position within the range or outside of it, the ! character represents itself and is not special. The following example confirms this:

$ >'!'
$ ls -l !
-rw-r-----  1 ehg  wheel  0 Jun 26 15:10 !

Escaping Characters with

There are times where meta-characters get in the way. To disable special treatment of meta-characters, you can escape them with the backslash character:

$ >'***FILE***'
$ ls
***FILE***              tmp-D52798            tmp-d52925            tmp-s52935
c.t                     tmp-G52945            tmp-d53036            win98
dummy.file              tmp-I53052            tmp-f53114
psql.edit.1001.13867    tmp-M53211            tmp-o53048
$ ls -l ***FILE***
-rw-r-----  1 ehg  wheel  0 Jun 26 15:14 ***FILE***

The above example shows how a file with the unusual name of ***FILE*** was created. Then the ls(1) command is invoked to confirm its existence. Then another ls(1) command shows how the backslashes can be used to remove the special meaning from the * meta-character.

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