
A complete set of acknowledgements would require another book to be written. In it, I would thank my parents, relatives, and the various secular and Sunday school teachers that I have had. I would also thank many friends and acquaintances with whom I have had the pleasure to meet. I must thank them all but briefly here.

I gratefully thank Carol Ackerman, Acquisitions Editor for this project, for her patience as I wrestled with deadlines. I thank Tony Amico as Development Editor for his enthusiasm for this project. I am also thankful for the watchful eye of Hang Lau as the Technical Editor. This book enjoys many improvements from his helpful suggestions. Thanks go to George Nedeff as Project Editor and Gene Redding as Copy Editor for their diligent efforts. To the rest of the publishing team, please accept my thanks for your contributions.

Many others have helped me to progress in my career. To all of you, please accept my humble thanks for your support and patient help.

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