about this book

SAS Visual Analytics is a data visualization and analytics application that enables organizations to understand and analyze their most important asset: their data! There is a wealth of information freely available to users on support.sas.com, everything from simple blog tips to in-depth user documentation. All of this information can actually make it more difficult for users to understand how to get the most power from the application, or even know where to start!

Our purpose in writing this book is to provide a single quick-start guide that moves you swiftly through the applications; we aim to teach you the basics so that you can then easily expand that knowledge with some intermediate and advanced techniques. We want to ensure that users understand how to get the most from the application for their organizations.

Is this book for you?

New users or those with some familiarity with SAS Visual Analytics will find this book useful. This book provides a tutorial for new users. It also contains in-depth explanations of data visualizations and how to use them effectively.

If you have the administrative privileges for deploying, configuring, and maintaining your SAS Visual Analytics environment, then we’ve got you covered here as well. Our goal is to enhance your understanding of how the software works so that you can readily implement proven practices for efficient operation.


You do not need any previous experience with the Visual Analytics toolset or SAS to use this book. If you are familiar with SAS coding techniques and SAS data handling, you might find some areas of the product easier to understand.

Scope of this book

This book covers the following topics:

•   SAS Visual Analytics 7.3 (and later)

•   SAS Visual Analytics 8.1

About the examples

Software used to develop the book's content

Reports and explorations for this book were created using the following software:

•   SAS Visual Analytics 7.3 (and later)

•   SAS Visual Analytics 8.1

SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 and SAS Studio was used for some data preparation in this book. Most of the data sets were taken from existing sample libraries and no preparation was required. These sources are identified at first use.

The primary references used to write this book were the following sections of the online documentation for SAS Visual Analytics:

•   SAS Visual Analytics User Guide, 7.3

•   SAS Visual Analytics Administration Manual, 7.3

Example data and reports

You can access an import package for the Building Your First Report and Building Your First Dashboard chapters in this book by linking to its author page at http://support.sas.com/publishing/authors. Select the name of the author. Then, look for the cover thumbnail of this book, and select Example Code and Data to display the SAS programs that are included in this book.

If you are unable to access the code through the website, email [email protected].

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