The Android framework provides some powerful libraries for app developers. In this chapter, we learn how to use some of these libraries. We explore libraries for speech recognition and maps. We build a simple app including two activities. The first activity asks the user to say a location and compares it to a list of locations. If there is a match, the second activity displays a map with annotations for that location.
In order to test an app that involves speech recognition, we need an actual device—the emulator cannot recognize speech. Furthermore, some devices may not have speech recognition capabilities, so we should test for that. When the user says a word, the speech recognizer returns a list of possible matches for that word. We can then process that list. Our code can restrict what is returned in that list, for example, we can specify the maximum number of returned items, their confidence level, etc. FIGURE 10.1 shows our app Version 0, using the standard user interface for speech recognition running inside the emulator.
TABLE 10.1 Selected constants of the RecognizerIntent
Constant | Description |
ACTION_WEB_SEARCH | Use with an activity that searches the web with the spoken words. |
ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH | Use with an activity that asks the user to speak. |
EXTRA_MAX_RESULTS | Key to specify the maximum number of results to return. |
EXTRA_PROMPT | Key to add text next to the microphone. |
EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL | Key to specify the language model. |
LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM | Value that specifies regular speech. |
LANGUAGE_MODEL_WEB_SEARCH | Value that specifies that spoken words are used as web search terms. |
EXTRA_RESULTS | Key to retrieve an ArrayList of results. |
EXTRA_CONFIDENCE_SCORES | Key to retrieve a confidence scores array for results. |
The RecognizerIntent
class includes constants to support speech recognition when starting an intent. TABLE 10.1 lists some of these constants. Most of them are Strings
To create a speech recognition intent, we use the ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH
constant as the argument of the Intent
constructor, as in the following statement:
Intent intent = new Intent( RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH );
To create a web search intent that uses speech input, we use the ACTION_WEB_SEARCH
constant of the RecognizerIntent
class as the argument of the Intent
constructor, as in the following statement:
Intent searchIntent = new Intent( RecognizerIntent.ACTION_WEB_SEARCH );
Once we have created the intent, we can refine it by placing data in it using the putExtra
method, using constants of the RecognizerIntent
class as keys for these values. For example, if we want to display a prompt, we use the key EXTRA_PROMPT
and provide a String
value for it as in the following statement:
intent.putExtra( RecognizerIntent.EXTRA_PROMPT, "What city?" );
constant as a key, specifying the value of the LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM
constant to tell the system to interpret the words said as regular speech or specifying the value of the LANGUAGE_MODEL_WEB_SEARCH
constant to interpret the words said as a string of search words for the web.
TABLE 10.2 Useful classes and methods to assess if a device recognizes speech
Class | Method | Description |
Context | PackageManager getPackageManager( ) | Returns a PackageManager instance. |
PackageManager | List queryIntentActivities( Intent intent, int flags ) | Returns a list of ResolveInfo objects, representing activities that can be supported with intent. The flags parameter can be specified to restrict the results returned. |
ResolveInfo | Contains information describing how well an intent is matched against an intent filter. |
Not all devices support speech recognition. When building an app that uses speech recognition, it is a good idea to check if the Android device supports it.
We can use the PackageManager
class, from the
package, to retrieve information related to application packages installed on a device, in this case related to speech recognition. The getPackageManager
method, from the Context
class, which Activity
inherits from, returns a PackageManager
instance. Inside an activity, we can use it as follows:
PackageManager manager = getPackageManager( );
Using a PackageManager
reference, we can call the queryIntentActivities
method, shown in TABLE 10.2 along with the getPackageManager
method and the ResolveInfo
class, to test if a type of intent is supported by the current device. We specify the type of intent as the first argument to that method, and it returns a list of ResolveInfo
objects, one object per activity supported by the device that matches the intent. If that list is not empty, the type of intent is supported. If that list is empty, it is not.
constant of the RecognizerIntent
, to build an Intent
object and pass that Intent
as the first argument of the queryIntentActivities
method. We pass 0
as the second argument, which does not place any restriction on what the method returns. Thus, we can use the following pattern to test if the current device supports speech recognition:
Intent intent = new Intent( RecognizerIntent. ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH ); List<ResolveInfo> list = manager.queryIntentActivities( intent, 0 ); if( list.size( ) > 0 ) { // speech recognition is supported // ask the user to say something and process it } else { // provide an alternative way for user input }
In Version 0 of our app, we will only have one activity: we ask the user to say a word and we provide a list of possible matches for that word in Logcat. Once again, we choose the Empty Activity template. This will change in Version 1 when we add a map to our app. EXAMPLE 10.1 shows the MainActivity
class. It is divided into three methods:
▸ In the onCreate
method (lines 17–32), we set the content View and check if speech recognition is supported. If it is, we call the listen method. If it is not, we display a message to that effect.
▸ In the listen
method (lines 34–42), we set up the speech recognition activity.
▸ In the onActivityResult
method (lines 44–63), we process the list of words understood by the device after the user speaks.
At line 22, we get a PackageManager
reference. With it, we call queryIntentActivities
at lines 23–24, passing an Intent
reference of type RecognizerIntent.ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH
, and assign the resulting list to listOfMatches
. We test if listOfMatches
contains more than one element at line 25, which means that speech recognition is supported by the current device, and call listen
at line 26 if it does. If it does not, we show a temporary message at lines 28–30. We use the Toast
class, shown in TABLE 10.3, a convenient class to show a quick message on the screen for a small period of time that still lets the user interact with the current activity.
TABLE 10.3 Constants and selected methods of the Toast
Constant | Description |
LENGTH_LONG | Use this constant for a Toast lasting 3.5 seconds. |
LENGTH_SHORT | Use this constant for a Toast lasting 2 seconds. |
Method | Description |
static Toast makeText( Context context, CharSequence message, int duration ) | Static method to create a Toast in context, displaying message for duration seconds. |
void show( ) | Shows this Toast. |
TABLE 10.4 The putExtra
and get...Extra
methods of the Intent
Method | Description |
Intent putExtra( String key, DataType value ) | Stores value in this Intent, mapping it to key. |
Intent putExtra( String key, DataType [ ] values ) | Stores the array values in this Intent, mapping it to key. |
DataType getDateTypeExtra( String key, DataType defaultValue ) | Retrieves the value that was mapped to key. If there is not any, defaultValue is returned. DataType is either a primitive data type or a String. |
DataType [ ] getDateTypeArrayExtra( String key ) | Retrieves the array that was mapped to key. |
Inside the listen
method, at lines 35–36, we create and instantiate listenIntent
, a speech recognition intent. Before starting an activity for it at line 41, we specify a few attributes for it at lines 37–40 by calling the putExtra
methods of the Intent
class, shown in TABLE 10.4. At line 37, we assign the value What city?
key so that it shows on the screen next to the microphone. At lines 38–39, we specify that the expected speech is regular human speech by setting the value of the key EXTRA_LANGUAGE_MODEL
. At line 40, we set the maximum number of words in the returned list to 5
. We start the activity for listenIntent
at line 41, and we associate it with the request code 1
, the value defined by the constant CITY_REQUEST
(line 15). When it finishes, the onActivityResult
method is automatically called and the value of its first parameter should be the value of that request code, 1
After the listen
method executes, the user is presented with a user interface showing a microphone and the extra prompt, in this example What city?
, and has a few seconds to say something. After that, the code executes inside the onActivityResult
method, inherited from the Activity
class. We call the super
method at line 46, although it is a do-nothing method at the time of this writing, but that could change in the future. At line 47, we test if this method call corresponds to our earlier activity request and if the request was successful: we do this by checking the value of the request code, stored in the requestCode
parameter, and the value of the result code, stored in the resultCode
parameter. If they are equal to 1
(the value of CITY_REQUEST
, then we know that that method call is for the correct activity and that it was successful. RESULT_OK
is a constant of the Activity
class whose value is –1
. It can be used to test if the result code of an activity is successful. The third parameter of the method is an Intent
reference. With it, we can retrieve the results of the speech recognition process. We retrieve the list of possible words understood by the speech recognizer at lines 48–50 and assign it to the ArrayList
. We call the getStringArrayListExtra
method with data
, the Intent
parameter of the method, and use the EXTRA_RESULTS
key, shown in Table 10.1, in order to retrieve its corresponding value, an ArrayList
of Strings
. We retrieve the array of corresponding confidence scores assessed by the speech recognizer at lines 51–53 and assign it to the array scores
In this version, we output the elements of returnedWords
along with their scores to Logcat at lines 55–61.
We do not need the Hello world! label. Thus, we edit the activity_main.xml file and remove the TextView
We should not expect the speech recognition capability of the device to be perfect. Sometimes the speech recognizer understands correctly, sometimes it does not. And sometimes we can say the same word, slightly differently or with a different accent, and it can be understood differently. FIGURE 10.2 shows a possible Logcat output when running the app and saying Washington
, while FIGURE 10.3 shows a possible Logcat output when running the app and saying Paris
So when we process the user’s speech, it is important to take these possibilities into account. There are many ways to do it. One way to do that is to provide feedback to the user by writing the word or words on the screen, or even having the device repeat the word or words to make sure the device understood the word correctly. However, this process can take extra time and be annoying to the user. We can also process all the elements of the list returned and compare them to our own list of words that we expect, and process the first matching word. We do that in Version 1. Another strategy is to try to process the elements of that list one at a time until we are successful processing one.
Note that if we failed to speak within a few seconds, the user interface showing the microphone goes away and it is then too late to speak. If we want to give more control to the user, we can include a button in the user interface, which when clicked, triggers a call to the listen method and brings up the microphone again.
packages include classes to display a map and place annotations on it. Depending on which version of Android Studio we use, we may need to update Google Play services and Google APIs using the SDK manager. Appendix C shows these steps.
The Google Maps Activity template already includes the skeleton code to display a map. Furthermore, it makes the necessary Google Play services libraries available to the project in the build.gradle (Module: app) file, as shown in Appendix C. When creating the project, instead of choosing the Empty Activity template as we usually do, we choose the Google Maps Activity template (see FIGURE 10.4). As FIGURE 10.5 shows, the default names for the Activity
class, the layout XML file, and the app title are MapsActivity, activity_main.xml, and Map, respectively.
In addition to the usual files, the google_maps_api.xml file is also automatically generated, and is located in the values directory. EXAMPLE 10.2 shows it.
At line 18, we replace YOUR_KEY_HERE with an actual key obtained from Google based on the instructions in Appendix C. After editing, the author’s lines 18–19 look like the one shown in FIGURE 10.6.
The layout file automatically generated by the template is called activity_maps.xml, as shown in EXAMPLE 10.3. It is typical to place a map inside a fragment (line 1). The type of fragment used here is a SupportMapFragment
(line 2), a subclass of the Fragment
class and the simplest way to include a map in an app. It occupies its whole parent View (lines 6–7) and has an id (line 1). Thus, we can retrieve it programmatically and change the characteristics of the map, for example, move the center of the map, or add annotations to it.
The AndroidManifest.xml file already includes two additional elements, uses-permission
and meta-data
, to retrieve maps from Google Play services, as shown in EXAMPLE 10.4. The main additions as compared to the typical skeleton AndroidManifest.xml file are as follows:
▸ The activity element is of type MapsActivity
▸ There is a uses-permission
element specifying that the app can access the current device location.
▸ There is a meta-data
element that specifies key information.
To request a permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file, we use the following syntax:
<uses-permission android:name="permission_name"/>
TABLE 10.5 lists some String
constants of the Manifest.permission
class that we can use as values in lieu of permission_name
TABLE 10.5 Selected constants from the Manifest.permission
Constant | Description |
INTERNET | Allows an app to access the Internet. |
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE | Allows an app to access the information about a network. |
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE | Allows an app to write to an external storage. |
ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION | Allows an app to access an approximate location for the device derived from cell towers and Wi-Fi. |
ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION | Allows an app to access a precise location for the device derived from GPS, cell towers, and Wi-Fi. |
RECORD_AUDIO | Allows an app to record audio. |
Each app must declare what permissions are required by the app. When a user installs an app, the user is told about all the permissions that the app requires and has the opportunity to cancel the install at that time if he or she does not feel comfortable granting these permissions.
At lines 9–10, the automatically generated code includes a uses-permission
element so that the app can use the device location using the GPS. At lines 29–31, the code includes a meta-data
element to specify the value of the key for android maps. At lines 33–35, the code defines an activity
element for our MapsActivity
activity. At lines 36–40, we specify that it is the first activity to be launched when the app starts.
package provides us with classes to show maps and modify them. TABLE 10.6 shows some of its selected classes. The LatLng
class is part of the
TABLE 10.6 Selected classes from the
and the
Class | Description |
SupportMapFragment | A container that contains a map. |
GoogleMap | The main class for managing maps. |
CameraUpdateFactory | Contains static methods to create CameraUpdate objects. |
CameraUpdate | Encapsulates a camera move, such as a position change or zoom level change or both. |
LatLng | Encapsulates a location on Earth using its latitude and longitude. |
TABLE 10.7 The getMapSync
method of the SupportMapFragment
class and the mapReady
method of the OnMapReadyCallback
Class or Interface | Method | Description |
SupportMapFragment | void getMapAsync( OnMapReadyCallback callback ) | Sets up callback so that its mapReady method will be called when the map is ready. |
OnMapReadyCallback | void onMapReady( GoogleMap map ) | This method is called when the map is instantiated and ready. This method needs to be implemented. |
The GoogleMap
class is the central class for modifying the characteristics of a map and handling map events. Our starting point is a SupportMapFragment
object, which we can either retrieve through its id from a layout, or can construct programmatically. In order to modify the map that is contained in that SupportMapFragment
, we need a GoogleMap
reference to it. We can get the parameter by calling the getMapAsync
method of the SupportMapFragment
class, shown in TABLE 10.7.
The OnMapReadyCallback
interface contains only one method, onMapReady
, also shown in Table 10.7. The onMapReady
method accepts one parameter, a GoogleMap
. When the method is called, its GoogleMap
parameter is instantiated and guaranteed not to be null
The following code sequence will get a GoogleMap
reference from a SupportMapFragment
named fragment
inside a class implementing the OnMapReadyCallback
// Assuming fragment is a reference to a SupportMapFragment GoogleMap map; // assuming that this "is a" OnMapReadyCallback fragment.getMapAsync( this ); public void onMapReady( GoogleMap googleMap ) { map = googleMap; }
In order to modify a map, for example, its center point and its zoom level, we use the animateCamera
and moveCamera
methods of the GoogleMap
class, which all take a CameraUpdate
parameter. The CameraUpdate
class encapsulates a camera move. A camera shows us the map we are looking at: if we move the camera, the map moves. We can also add annotations to a map using addMarker
, addCircle
, and other methods from the GoogleMap
class. TABLE 10.8 shows some of these methods.
In order to create a CameraUpdate
, we use static
methods of the CameraUpdateFactory
class. TABLE 10.9 shows some of these methods. A CameraUpdate
object contains position and zoom level values. Zoom levels vary from 2.0 to 21.0. Zoom level 21.0 is the closest to the earth and shows the greatest level of details.
TABLE 10.8 Selected methods of the GoogleMap
Method | Description |
void animateCamera( CameraUpdate update ) | Animates the camera position (and modifies the map) from the current position to update. |
void animateCamera( CameraUpdate update, int ms, GoogleMap. CancelableCallback callback ) | Animates the camera position (and modifies the map) from the current position to update, in ms (milliseconds). The onCancel method of callback is called if the task is cancelled. If the task is completed, then the onFinish method of the callback is called. |
void moveCamera( CameraUpdate update ) | Moves, without animation, the camera position (and modifies the map) from the current position to update. |
void setMapType( int type ) | Sets the type of map to be displayed: the constants MAP_TYPE_NORMAL, MAP_TYPE_SATELLITE, MAP_TYPE_TERRAIN, MAP_TYPE_NONE, and MAP_TYPE_HYBRID of the GoogleMap class can be used for type. |
Marker addMarker( MarkerOptions options ) | Adds a marker to this Map and returns it; options defines the marker. |
Circle addCircle( CircleOptions options ) | Adds a circle to this Map and returns it; options defines the circle. |
Polygon addPolygon( PolygonOptions options ) | Adds a polygon to this Map and returns it; options defines the polygon. |
void setOnMapClickListener( GoogleMap. OnMapClickListener listener ) | Sets a callback method that is automatically called when the user taps on the map; listener must be an instance of a class implementing the GoogleMap.OnMapClickListener interface and overriding its onMapClick(LatLng) method. |
Often, we want to change the position of the center of the map. If we know the latitude and longitude coordinates of that point, we can use the LatLng
class to create one using this constructor:
LatLng( double latitude, double longitude )
Thus, if we have a reference to a MapFragment
named fragment
, we can change the position of its map using the moveCamera
method of the GoogleMap
class as follows:
// someLatitute and someLongitude represent some location on Earth GoogleMap map = fragment.getMap( ); LatLng newCenter = new LatLng( someLatitude, someLongitude ); CameraUpdate update1 = CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLng( newCenter ); map.moveCamera( update1 );
TABLE 10.9 Selected methods of the CameraUpdateFactory
Method | Description |
CameraUpdate newLatLng( LatLng location ) | Returns a CameraUpdate that moves a map to location. |
CameraUpdate newLatLngZoom( LatLng location, float zoom ) | Returns a CameraUpdate that moves a map to location with zoom as the zoom level. |
CameraUpdate zoomIn( ) | Returns a CameraUpdate that zooms in. |
CameraUpdate zoomOut( ) | Returns a CameraUpdate that zooms out. |
CameraUpdate zoomTo( float level ) | Returns a CameraUpdate that zooms to the zoom level level. |
We can then zoom in, using the zoomIn
method of the GoogleMap
class as follows:
CameraUpdate update2 = CameraUpdateFactory.zoomIn( ); map.animateCamera( update2 );
If we want to directly zoom to level 10, we can use the zoomTo
method of the GoogleMap
class as follows:
CameraUpdate update3 = CameraUpdateFactory.zoomTo( 10.0f ); map.animateCamera( update3 );
EXAMPLE 10.5 shows the MapsActivity
class. It inherits from FragmentActivity
(line 13) and OnMapReadyCallback
(line 14). The map-related classes are imported at lines 6–11. This class inflates the activity_maps.xml layout file and then places a marker at Sydney, Australia.
A GoogleMap
instance variable mMap
, is declared at line 16. The onCreate
method (lines 19–27) inflates the XML layout file at line 21, retrieves the map fragment at lines 24–25, and calls the getMapSync
method with it at line 26.
The onMapReady
method (lines 29–48) is automatically called when the map is ready. We assign its GoogleMap
parameter to our mMap
instance variable at line 41. At line 44, we create a LatLng
reference with latitude and longitude values for Sydney, Australia. At lines 45–46, we add a marker to the map whose title is “Marker in Sydney” at that location using chained method calls and an anonymous MarkerOptions
object. TABLE 10.10 shows the constructor and various methods of the MarkerOptions
class. This is equivalent to the following code sequence:
MarkerOptions options = new MarkerOptions( ); options.position( sydney ); options.title( "Marker in Sydney" ); mMap.addMarker( options );
TABLE 10.10 Selected methods of the MarkerOptions
Constructor | Description |
MarkerOptions( ) | Constructs a MarkerOptions object. |
Method | Description |
MarkerOptions position( LatLng latLng ) | Sets the (latitude, longitude) position for this MarkerOptions. |
MarkerOptions title( String title ) | Sets the title for this MarkerOptions. |
MarkerOptions snippet( String snippet ) | Sets the snippet for this MarkerOptions. |
MarkerOptions icon( BitmapDescriptor icon ) | Sets the icon for this MarkerOptions. |
When the user touches the marker, the title is revealed in a callout. Finally, at line 47, we move the camera to the location on the map defined by the LatLng
reference sydney
, so that a map centered on Sydney, Australia, shows.
FIGURE 10.7 shows the app running inside the tablet. It is possible to run inside the emulator, but we may have to update Google Play services in order to do it.
In Version 2, we center the map on the White House in Washington, DC, set up the zoom level, add a marker, and draw a circle around the center of the map. The only part of the project impacted is the onMapReady
method of the MapsActivity
class. In order to do that, we use the addMarker
and addCircle
methods shown in Table 10.8. These two methods are similar: the addMarker
takes a MarkerOptions
parameter, and addCircle
takes a CircleOptions
parameter. TABLE 10.11 shows selected methods of the CircleOptions
For both, we first use the default constructor to instantiate an object, and then call the appropriate methods to define the marker or the circle. We must specify a position, otherwise there will be an exception at run time and the app will stop. All the methods shown in both tables return a reference to the object calling the method, so method calls can be chained.
TABLE 10.11 Selected methods of the CircleOptions
Constructor | Description |
CircleOptions( ) | Constructs a CircleOptions object. |
Method | Description |
CircleOptions center( LatLng latLng ) | Sets the (latitude, longitude) position of the center for this CircleOptions. |
CircleOptions radius( double meters ) | Sets the radius, in meters, for this CircleOptions. |
CircleOptions strokeColor( int color ) | Sets the stroke color for this CircleOptions. |
CircleOptions strokeWidth( float width ) | Sets the stroke width, in pixels, for this CircleOptions. |
To add a circle to a GoogleMap
named mMap
, we can use the following code sequence:
LatLng whiteHouse = new LatLng( 38.8977, -77.0366 ); CircleOptions options = new CircleOptions( ); whiteHouse ); options.radius( 500 ); options.strokeWidth( 10.0f ); options.strokeColor( 0xFFFF0000 ); mMap.addCircle( options );
Because all the CircleOptions
methods used previously return the CircleOptions
reference that calls them, we can chain all these statements into one as follows:
map.addCircle( new CircleOptions( ).center( new LatLng( 38.8977, -77.0366 ) ).radius( 500 ).strokeWidth( 10.0f ).strokeColor( 0xFFFF0000 ) );
The first format has the advantage of clarity. The second format is more compact. Many examples found on the web use the second format.
EXAMPLE 10.6 shows the updated MapsActivity
class. At lines 40–44, we place a marker on the map specifying its location, title, and snippet. We instantiate the MarkerOptions options
at line 40, sets its attributes at lines 41–43, and adds it to the map at line 44.
At lines 46–49, we place a circle on the map specifying its location, its radius, its stroke width, and its color. We instantiate a CircleOptions
object and chain calls to the center
, radius
, strokeWidth,
and strokeColor
methods at lines 46–48. The center of the circle is at the White House location, its radius is 500
meters, its stroke is 10
pixels, and its color is red. We add it to the map at line 49. Although we prefer the first coding style (the one we use for the marker), there are many developers who use the second coding style, chaining method calls in one statement. Thus, we should be familiar with both.
FIGURE 10.8 shows the app running inside the tablet, after the user touches the marker. The title and snippet only show if the user touches the marker.
In Version 3, we place a speech recognition activity in front of the map activity: we expect the user to say one of a few predefined cities: Washington, Paris, New York, Rome, and London. We analyze the words understood by the device and compare them to these five cities. If we have a match, we display a map of the matching city. We also place markers on the map with a description of a well-known attraction for each city. We still use the Google Maps Activity template. We need to modify the AndroidManifest.xml file to add an activity for the speech recognition activity as the starting activity for the app and therefore specify that the map activity is not the starting activity.
We keep our Model simple: we store (city, attraction) pairs in a hash table. A hash table is a data structure that maps keys to values. For example, we can map the integers 1 to 12 to the months of the year (January, February, March, etc.) and store them in a hash table. We can also store US states in a hash table: the keys are MD, CA, NJ, etc., and the values are Maryland, California, New Jersey, etc. In this app, cities (the keys) are New York, Washington, London, Rome, and Paris. The attractions (the values) are the Statue of Liberty, the White House, Buckingham Palace, the Colosseum, and the Eiffel Tower. We want to match a word said by the user to a city in our Model. In case we do not have a match, we use Washington as the default city.
EXAMPLE 10.7 shows the Cities
class, which encapsulates our Model. At lines 11–13, we declare three constants to store the String
, its latitude and its longitude. At line 8, we declare a constant, CITY_KEY
, to store the String
. When we go from the first to the second activity, we use that constant as the key for the name of the city understood by the speech recognizer in the intent that we use to start the activity. At line 9, we declare the constant MIN_CONFIDENCE
and give it the value 0.5
. It defines a threshold of confidence level that any word understood by the speech recognizer needs to have for us to process it as a valid city. At line 14, we declare the constant MESSAGE
. We use it when we add a marker to the map.
We declare our only instance variable, places
, a Hashtable
, at line 16. Hashtable
is a generic type whose actual data types are specified at the time of declaration. The first String
data type in <String, String>
is the data type of the keys. The second String
is the data type of the values. We code a constructor that accepts a Hashtable
as a parameter and assign it to places
at lines 18–20. At lines 43–45, the getAttraction
method returns the attraction mapped to a given city in places
. If there is no such city in places
, it returns null
At lines 22–41, the firstMatchWithMinConfidence
method takes an ArrayList
of Strings
and an array of floats
as parameters. The ArrayList
represents a list of words provided by the speech recognizer. The array of floats
stores the confidence levels for these words. We use a double loop to process the parameters: the outer loop loops through all the words (line 29), and the inner loop (line 34) checks if one of them matches a key in the hash table places
. We expect the confidence levels to be ordered in descending order. Thus, if the current one falls below MIN_CONFIDENCE
(line 30), the remaining ones will be as well, so we exit the outer loop and return the value of DEFAULT_CITY
at line 40.
Inside the inner loop, we test if the current word matches a city listed as a key in the hash table places
at line 36. If it does, we return it at line 37.
If we finish processing the outer loop and no match is found with an acceptable confidence level, we return the value of DEFAULT_CITY
at line 40. Note that we process the parameter words
in the outer loop (line 29) and the keys of places
in the inner loop (line 34) and not the other way around because we expect words
to be ordered by decreasing confidence levels.
In the first activity, we ask the user to say the name of a city and we use the Cities
class to convert the list of words returned by the speech recognizer into a city name that we feel confident the user said. If there is no match, we use the default city stored in the DEFAULT_CITY
constant of the Cities
class. Then, we store that information in the intent that we create before launching the map activity. Inside the MapsActivity
class, we can then access that intent, retrieve the city name and display the correct map.
We need to do the following:
▸ Create an activity that asks the user to speak.
▸ Add an XML layout file for that activity.
▸ After the user speaks, go to the map activity.
▸ Based on what the user says, display the correct map.
▸ Edit the AndroidManifest.xml.
We still use the Google Maps Activity template to automatically generate code, in particular the gradle file, the AndroidManifest.xml file and the MapsActivity
class. As we add a MainActivity
class that we intend to be the first activity, we modify the AndroidManifest.xml file so that MainActivity
is the first activity and MapsActivity
is the second activity.
We start with the MainActivity
class of Version 0 and its activity_main.xml layout file, in which we delete the TextView
element and the padding attributes.
EXAMPLE 10.8 shows the updated MainActivity
class. After retrieving the city said by the user, we start a second activity to show a map centered on that city. In order to analyze the city said by the user, we use the Cities
class. We declare cities
, a Cities
instance variable at line 16; it represents our Model. For convenience, because we need to access it from the MapsActivity
class, we declare it as public
and static
. We instantiate it at lines 22–28 inside the onCreate
method using a list of five cities. At lines 63–65 of the onActivityResult
method, we call the firstMatchWithMinConfidence
method with cities
in order to retrieve the name of the city said by the user, and we assign it to the String
variable firstMatch
. At lines 68–69, we place firstMatch
in an intent to start a MapsActivity
using the putExtra
method (shown in TABLE 10.12), mapping it to the key city
. We start the activity at lines 70–71.
In the MapsActivity
class, we need to do the following:
▸ Access the original intent for this activity and retrieve the name of the city stored in the intent.
▸ Convert that city name to latitude and longitude coordinates.
▸ Set the center of the map to that point.
To retrieve the name of city stored in the original intent, we use the getStringExtra
method shown in Table 10.12.
We need to convert a city name to a point on Earth (latitude, longitude) in order to display a map centered on that point. More generally, the process of converting an address to a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates is known as geocoding. The inverse, going from a pair of latitude and longitude coordinates to an address is known as reverse geocoding, as shown in TABLE 10.13.
TABLE 10.12 The putExtra
and getStringExtra
methods of the Intent
Method | Description |
Intent putExtra( String key, String value ) | Puts value in this Intent, associating it with key; returns this Intent. |
String getStringExtra( String key ) | Retrieves and returns the value that was placed in this Intent using key. |
The Geocoder
class provides methods for both geocoding and reverse geocoding. TABLE 10.14 lists two of its methods, getFromLocationName
, a geocoding method, and getFromLocation
, a reverse geocoding method. They both returned a List
of Address
objects, ordered by matching confidence level, in descending order. For this app, we keep it simple and process the first element in that list. The Address
class, part of the android.location
package, stores an address, including street address, city, state, zip code, country, etc., as well as latitude and longitude. TABLE 10.15 shows its getLatitude
and getLongitude
TABLE 10.13 Geocoding versus reverse geocoding
Geocoding | Reverse Geocoding |
Address → (latitude, longitude) | (latitude, longitude) → street address |
Example: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20500 → (38.8977, -77.0366) | Example: (38.8977, -77.0366) → 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC 20500 |
TABLE 10.14 Selected methods of the Geocoder
Constructor | Description |
Geocoder( Context context ) | Constructs a Geocoder object. |
Method | Description |
List <Address> getFromLocationName( String address, int maxResults ) | Returns a list of Address objects given an address. The list has maxResults elements at the most, ordered in descending order of matching. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if address is null, and throws an IOException if the network is not available or if there is any other IO problem. |
List <Address> getFromLocation( double latitude, double longitude, int maxResults ) | Returns a list of Address objects given a point on Earth defined by its latitude and longitude. The list has maxResults elements at the most, ordered in descending order of matching. Throws an IllegalArgumentException if latitude or longitude is out of range, and throws an IOException if the network is not available or if there is any other IO problem. |
TABLE 10.15 Selected methods of the Address
Method | Description |
double getLatitude( ) | Returns the latitude of this Address, if it is known at that time. |
double getLongitude( ) | Returns the longitude of this Address, if it is known at that time. |
EXAMPLE 10.9 shows the MapsActivity
class, updated from Version 2. We declare city
, a String
instance variable storing the city name, at line 25. At lines 32–36, we retrieve the city name that was stored in the intent that was used to start this map activity. We get a reference to the intent at line 33, call getStringExtra
and retrieve the city name and assign it to city
at line 34. If city
is null
(line 35), we assign to it the default city defined in the Cities
class at line 36.
Inside the onMapReady
method, we geocode the address defined by the city chosen by the user and its attraction to its latitude and longitude coordinates. Then, we set up the map based on these coordinates, including a circle and a marker as in Version 2.
At lines 49–51, we declare latitude
and longitude
, two double
variables that we use to store the latitude and longitude coordinates of city
. We initialize them with the default values stored in the DEFAULT_LATITUDE
constants of the Cities
class. At lines 53–55, we retrieve the attraction for city and assign it to the String attraction
We declare and instantiate coder
, a Geocoder
object, at line 58. The getFromLocationName
method throws an IOException
, a checked exception, if an I/O problem occurred, such as a network-related problem, for example. Thus, we need to use try
(lines 59–67) and catch
(lines 68–71) blocks when calling this method. We define the address to geocode as the concatenation of the attraction and the city at line 61. We call getFromLocationName
method at line 62, passing address
and 5
to specify that we only want 5
or fewer results, and assign the return value to addresses
. We test if addresses
is null
at line 63 before assigning the latitude and longitude data of the first element in it to latitude
and longitude
at lines 64 and 65. If we execute inside the catch
block, that means that we failed to get latitude and longitude data for city
, so we reset city
to the default value.
Afterward, we update the center of the map to the point with coordinates (latitude
, longitude
) and set the zoom level at lines 73–78. We add the marker at lines 80–84 and add the circle at lines 86–89.
We need to update the AndroidManifest.xml file so that the app starts with the voice recognition activity and includes the map activity. EXAMPLE 10.10 shows the updated AndroidManifest.xml file. At line 34, we specify MainActivity
as the launcher activity. At lines 43–45, we add a MapsActivity activity
Finally, EXAMPLE 10.11 shows the activity_main.xml file, a skeleton RelativeLayout
for the first activity.
FIGURE 10.9 shows the second screen of our app Version 3, running inside the tablet. It shows a map of Paris, France, after the user said Paris
. Note that the center of the map is the Eiffel Tower, because we add the attraction name to the city name so that the center of the map is at the attraction location.
Note that if we run the app and we do not say anything, the microphone goes away and we are stuck on the first activity, which is now a blank screen. Furthermore, if we go to the second screen and come back to the first screen, we also have a blank screen. One way to fix this issue is to start the map activity no matter what. If the user does not say a word, the microphone goes away but onActivityResult
still executes. We can place the code to start the map activity outside the if
block of the onActivityResult
method of Example 10.8. The map shown is a default map.
Another way to fix this issue is to add a button that when clicked, triggers a call to listen
and brings back the microphone. This gives the user a chance to be in control, although there is the extra step of clicking on a button. We implement that feature in Version 4. We edit activity_main.xml to add a button to the first screen and we add a method to the MainActivity
class to process that click.
EXAMPLE 10.12 shows the edited activity_main.xml file. At lines 8–14, we define a button that shows at the top of the screen. We give it the id speak
at line 13 and specify the startSpeaking
method to execute when the user clicks on the button at line 14.
EXAMPLE 10.13 shows the edited strings.xml file. The click_to_speak
string is defined at line 4.
EXAMPLE 10.14 shows the edited MainActivity
class. It includes the instance variable speak
, a Button
, at line 20. It is assigned the button defined in activity_main.xml at line 25. If speech recognition is not supported, we disable the button at line 42. The startSpeaking
method is defined at lines 49–51. It calls listen
at line 50. Note that if we wanted to set up the button to call listen
directly, we would need to add a View
parameter to listen
. When listen
executes, we disable the button at line 54, and re-enable it at line 84 when onActivityResult
finishes executing, so that it is enabled if we stay on this screen or when we come back to this screen from the map activity after hitting the back button.
If we run the app again, whenever the first screen goes blank, we can click on the button and bring back the microphone.
We have learned how to use speech recognition with an intent. Some users may like to interact with an app by voice, but they may find the user interface that comes with it annoying. In particular, if we allow the users to repeatedly provide input by voice, it may be desirable to do it without showing the microphone.
The SpeechRecognizer
class, along with the RecognitionListener
interface, both part of the android.speech
package, allow us to listen to and process user speech without using a GUI. However, we still have the bleeping sound that alerts the user that the app expects him or her to say something. In Version 5 of the app, we enable the user to move the map based on speech input: if the user says North
, South
, West
, or East
, we move the center of the map North, South, West, or East, respectively. There is no change in MainActivity
and activity_main.xml.
To implement this, we do the following:
▸ Edit the AndroidManifest.xml file so that we ask for audio recording permission.
▸ Add the functionality to compare a word (said by the user) to a list of possible directions.
▸ Capture speech input and process it inside the MapsActivity
In order to add a permission to record audio, we edit the AndroidManifest.xml file as shown at lines 12–13 of EXAMPLE 10.15.
For convenience, we code the Directions
class, which includes the Directions enum
. We use it to compare user input to the various constants in Directions
. Although we could use String
constants, using an enum
gives us better self-documentation for our code. EXAMPLE 10.16 shows the Directions
As before when capturing speech input, we get a list of possible matching words along with a parallel array of confidence scores. In this version of the app, we compare that list to the constants in the enum
in order to assess if the user says a word that defines a valid direction. In order to do that, we code another class, MatchingUtility
, shown in EXAMPLE 10.17. It includes a constant, MIN_CONFIDENCE
, that defines the minimum acceptable score for a matching word, and a method, firstMatchWithMinConfidence
, that tests if a list of words includes a String
matching one of the constants defined in the enum Directions
. It returns that String
if it does. The firstMatchWithMinConfidence
method is very similar to the method of the Cities
class shown previously in Example 10.7, except that we compare a list of words to an enum
list rather than a list of keys in a hash table. The main difference in the code is how we loop through the enum Directions
at line 18. In general, to loop through an enum
named EnumName
, we use the following for
loop header:
for( EnumName current: EnumName.values( ) ) { // process current here }
TABLE 10.16 Methods of the RecognitionListener
Method | Called when |
void onReadyForSpeech( Bundle bundle ) | The speech recognizer is ready for the user to start speaking. |
void onBeginningOfSpeech( ) | The user started to speak. |
void onEndOfSpeech( ) | The user stopped speaking. |
void onPartialResults( Bundle bundle ) | Partial results are ready. This method may be called 0, 1, or more times. |
void onResults( Bundle bundle ) | Results are ready. |
void onBufferReceived( byte [ ] buffer ) | More sound has just been received. This method may not be called. |
void onEvent( int eventType, Bundle bundle ) | This method is not currently used. |
void onRmsChanged( float rmsdB ) | The sound level of the incoming sound has changed. This method is called very often. |
void onError( int error ) | A recognition or network error has occurred. |
In order to capture voice input without a user interface, we implement the RecognitionListener
interface. It has nine methods that all need to be overridden, as listed in TABLE 10.16.
When using the RecognitionListener
interface to handle a speech event, we need to perform the following steps:
▸ Code a speech handler class that implements the RecognitionListener
interface and override all of its methods.
▸ Declare and instantiate an object of that speech handler class.
▸ Declare and instantiate a SpeechRecognizer
▸ Register the speech handler object on the SpeechRecognizer
▸ Tell the SpeechRecognizer
object to start listening.
TABLE 10.17 Selected methods of the Bundle
Method | Description |
ArrayList getStringArrayList( String key ) | Returns the ArrayList of Strings associated with key, or null if there is none. |
float [] getFloatArray( String key ) | Returns the float array associated with key, or null if there is none. |
When testing on the tablet, the order of the calls of the various methods of the RecognitionListener
interface, not including the calls to the onRmsChanged
method, is as follows:
onReadyForSpeech, onBeginningOfSpeech, onEndOfSpeech, onResults
We process user input inside the onResults
method. Its Bundle
parameter enables us to access the list of possible matching words and their corresponding confidence scores. TABLE 10.17 lists the two methods of the Bundle
class that we use to retrieve the list of possible matching words and their associated confidences scores. We use the following pattern:
public void onResults( Bundle results ) { ArrayList<String> words = results.getStringArrayList( SpeechRecognizer.RESULTS_RECOGNITION ); float [ ] scores = results.getFloatArray( SpeechRecognizer.CONFIDENCE_SCORES ); // process words and scores
EXAMPLE 10.18 shows the edits in the MapsActivity
class. At line 27, we declare DELTA
, a constant that we use to change the latitude or longitude of the center of the map based on user input. At line 31, we declare a SpeechRecognizer
instance variable, recognizer
At lines 118–168, we code the private
class, which implements
. In this version of the app, we only care about processing the results, so we override all the methods as do-nothing methods except onResults
, which is the method processing the speech results. We retrieve the list of possible matching words and assign it to the ArrayList
at lines 132–133. We retrieve the array of corresponding confidence scores and assign it to the array scores
at lines 134–135. At lines 137–138, we call the firstMatchWithMinConfidence
method of the MatchingUtility
class to retrieve the first element of words
that would match the String
equivalent value of one of the constants of the enum
. We assign it to the String match
. Note that match
could be null
at this point.
Based on the value of match
, we update the center of the map and refresh it. At line 139, we retrieve the current center of the map and assign it to the LatLng
variable pos
. At line 140, we retrieve the current zoom level of the map and assign it to the float
variable zoomLevel
. We do not intend to change the zoom level by code in this app, but the second parameter of our updateMap
method represents the zoom level. If match
is not null
(line 142), we update the pos
variable at lines 143–150, depending on the value of match
. If match
matches the enum
constant NORTH
(line 143), we increase the latitude component of pos
at line 144, and so on. Note that in order to modify the latitude or longitude of the object that pos
refers to, we re-instantiate an object every time. This is because the latitude
and longitude
instance variables of the LatLng
class, although public
, are final
. Thus, the following code does not compile:
pos.latitude = pos.latitude + DELTA;
Once pos
is updated, we call updateMap
at line 152 to redraw the map. We call listen
at line 154 to enable the user to enter more voice input; listen
is originally called at lines 97–98, after the map is displayed.
The listen
method, coded at lines 108–116, sets up speech recognition. It uses various methods of the SpeechRecognizer
class listed in TABLE 10.18. It initializes recognizer
at line 111, instantiates a SpeechListener
object at line 112, and registers it on recognizer
at line 113. At lines 114–115, we call the startListening
method with recognizer
, passing to it an anonymous intent of the speech recognition type.
TABLE 10.18 Selected methods of the SpeechRecognizer
Method | Description |
static SpeechRecognizer createSpeechRecognizer( Context context ) | Static method that creates a SpeechRecognizer object and returns a reference to it. |
void setRecognitionListener( RecognitionListener listener ) | Sets listener as the listener that will receive all the callback method calls. |
void startListening( Intent intent ) | Starts listening to speech. |
void stopListening( ) | Stops listening to speech. |
void destroy( ) | Destroys this SpeechRecognizer object. |
FIGURE 10.10 shows the app running in the tablet after the user says Paris
and then North
. Note that again, if we do not speak within a few seconds, the onError
method is called with a speech timeout error, and speech is no longer processed. If we want to prevent that situation from happening, we can add some logic to detect that situation and restart a new speech recognizer if it occurs. We do that in Version 6.
In Version 6 of the app, we want to keep listening to the user and keep updating the map whenever the user tells us to, even if the user does not talk for a period of time. If that happens, the onError
method is called and the speech recognizer stops listening so we need to restart it. Thus, we call the listen
method (line 129 of EXAMPLE 10.19) inside the onError
method in order to do that. In this way, we can keep talking to update the map.
The RecognizerIntent
class includes constants to support speech recognition that can be used to create an intent.
To create a speech recognition intent, we use the ACTION_RECOGNIZE_SPEECH
constant as the argument of the Intent
We can use the PackageManager
class, from the
package, to retrieve information related to application packages installed on a device.
The getPackageManager
method, from the Context
class, returns a PackageManager
We can use the getStringArrayListExtra
method from the Intent
class to retrieve a list of possible words that the speech recognizer may have understood.
We can use the getFloatArrayExtra
method from the Intent
class to retrieve an array of confidence scores for the list of possible words that the speech recognizer may have understood.
Map classes are not part of the standard Android Development Kit. If Android Studio is not up to date, they may need to be downloaded and imported. Furthermore, we need a key from Google to be able to use maps.
Because maps, which are made of map tiles, are downloaded from Google, we need to specify a location access permission in the AndroidManifest,xml file.
A map is typically displayed inside a fragment.
package includes many useful map-related classes, such as GoogleMap
, CameraUpdate
, CameraUpdateFactory
, LatLng
, CircleOptions
, MarkerOptions
, etc.
The LatLng
class encapsulates a point on the Earth, defined by its latitude and its longitude.
The SpeechRecognizer
class, along with the RecognitionListener
interface, both part of the android.speech
package, allow us to listen to and process user speech without using a GUI.
What constant do we use to create an intent for speech recognition?
What class includes constants for speech recognition?
What constant of the class in question 2 do we pass to the getStringArrayListExtra method of the Intent class in order to retrieve the possible words recognized from our speech?
What constant of the class in question 2 do we pass to the getFloatArrayExtra method of the Intent class in order to retrieve the confidence scores for the words in question 3?
What class can we use to find out if speech recognition is supported by the current device?
Inside the AndroidManifest.xml file, what element do we use to express that this app needs some permission, like go on the Internet, for example?
What class can we use to retrieve the latitude and longitude of a point based on the address of that point?
In which class are the moveCamera and animateCamera methods?
What class encapsulates a point on Earth defined by its latitude and longitude?
What tools can we use to listen to speech without any user interface?
The SpeechRecognizer class and the RecognitionListener interface
The SpeechRecognizer interface and the RecognitionListener class
The SpeechRecognizer class and the RecognitionListener class
The SpeechRecognizer interface and the RecognitionListener interface
Write one statement to create an intent to recognize speech.
Assuming that you have created an Intent reference named myIntent to recognize speech, write one statement to start an activity for it.
You are executing inside the onActivityResult method, write the code to retrieve how many possible matching words there are for the speech captured.
protected void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data ) { // your code goes here }
You are executing inside the onActivityResult method, write the code to count how many possible matching words have a confidence level of at least 25%.
protected void onActivityResult( int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data ) // your code goes here }
Inside the AndroidManifest.xml file, write one line so that this app is asking permission to access location.
A map is displayed on the screen and we have a GoogleMap reference to it named myMap. Write the code to set its zoom level to 7.
A map is displayed on the screen and we have a GoogleMap reference to it named myMap. Write the code to move the map so that it is centered on the point with latitude 75.6 and longitude –34.9.
A map is displayed on the screen and we have a GoogleMap reference to it named myMap. Write the code to move the map so that it is centered on the point at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043.
A map is displayed on the screen and we have a GoogleMap reference to it named myMap. Write the code to display a blue circle of radius 100 meters and centered at the center of the map.
A map is displayed on the screen and we have a GoogleMap reference to it named myMap. Write the code to display an annotation located at the center of the map. If the user clicks on it, it says WELCOME.
A map is displayed on the screen and we have a GoogleMap reference to it named myMap. Make the map move so that the latitude of its center increases by 0.2 and the longitude of its center increases by 0.3.
You are overriding the onResults method of the RecognitionListener interface. If one of the matching words is NEW YORK, output USA to Logcat.
public void onResults( Bundle results ) { // your code goes here }
You are overriding the onResults method of the RecognitionListener interface. If there is at least one matching word with at least a 25% confidence level, output YES lo Logcat.
public void onResults( Bundle results ) { // your code goes here }
Write an app that displays the city where you live with zoom level 14 and add two circles and an annotation to highlight things of interest.
Write an app that displays the city where you live and highlight, using something different from a circle or a pin (for example, use a polygon), something of interest (a monument, a stadium, etc.).
Write an app that asks the user to enter an address in several TextViews. When the user clicks on a button, the app displays a map centered on that address.
Write an app that asks the user to enter an address in several TextViews. When the user clicks on a button, the app displays a map centered on that address. When the user says a number, the map zooms in or out at that level. If the number is not a valid level, the map does not change.
Write an app that is a game that works as follows: The app generates a random number between 1 and 10 and the user tries to guess it using voice input. The user has three tries to guess it and the app gives some feedback for each guess. If the user wins or loses (after three tries), do not allow the user to speak again.
Write an app that draws circles at some random location on the screen in a color of your choice. The radius of the circle should be captured from speech input.
Write an app that displays a 3 × 3 tic-tac-toe grid. If the user says X
, place an X at a random location on the grid. If the user says O
, place an O at a random location on the grid.
Write an app that animates something (a shape or an image) based on speech input. If the user says left
, right
, up
, or down
, move that object to the left, right, up, or down by 10 pixels.
Write an app that is a mini-translator from English to another language. Include at least 10 words that are recognized by the translator. When the user says a word in English, the app shows the translated word.
Write an app that simulates the hangman game. The user is trying to guess a word one letter at a time by saying that letter. The user will lose after using seven incorrect letters (for the head, body, two arms, two legs, and one foot).
Write an app that is a math game. The app generates a simple addition equation using two digits between 1 and 9. The user has to submit the answer by voice, and the app checks if the answer is correct.
Write an app that is a math game. First, we ask the user (via speech) what type of operation should be used for the game: addition or multiplication. Then the app generates a simple equation using two digits between 1 and 9. The user has to submit the answer by voice, and the app checks if the answer is correct.
Write an app that displays a chessboard. When the app starts, all the squares are black and white with alternating colors. When the user says C8
(or another square), that square is colored in red.
Write an app that enables a user to play the game of tic-tac-toe by voice. Include a Model.