Use case 2 – LAMP server setup and configuration

This use case automates a task that is usually carried out by system administrators manually. Using the following playbook, we are going to set up a LAMP server, which is basically a web server, Apache2; a content manager PHP; and a database manager, MySQL server. We will also add some plugins and configuration that adhere to best practice standards. The following script only works with the Debian Linux family:

- name: Install a LAMP on Linux hosts
  hosts: webservers
  become: yes
  gather_facts: yes
    - name: Install Lamp packages
         name: '{{ item }}'
         state: latest
         update_cache: yes
         - apache2
         - mysql-server
         - php
         - libapache2-mod-php
         - python-mysqldb

    - name: Create the Apache2 web folder
         dest: "/var/www"
         state: directory
         mode: 0700
         owner: "www-data"
         group: "www-data"   

    - name: Setup Apache2 modules
      command: a2enmod {{ item }} creates=/etc/apache2
/mods-enabled/{{ item }}.load with_items: - deflate - expires - headers - macro - rewrite - ssl - name: Setup PHP modules apt: name: '{{ item }}' state: latest update_cache: yes with_items: - php-ssh2 - php-apcu - php-pear - php-curl - php-gd - php-imagick - php-mcrypt - php-mysql - php-json - name: Remove MySQL test database mysql_db: db=test state=absent login_user=root
login_password="DBp@55w0rd" - name: Restart mysql server service: name: mysql state: restarted - name: Restart Apache2 service: name: apache2 state: restarted

This playbook can be personalized by modifying some of the configuration files and populating the Apache2 web folder.

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