Use case 2 – setting up an NSclient Nagios client

We always introduce new equipment to a certain environment. One of the tasks that is required to set up a new host properly is to link it to the monitoring system. For this use case, we are going to show how to set up a Nagios agent in a Windows host and configure it from a sample configuration file:

- name: Setup Nagios agent on Windows hosts
hosts: windows
gather_facts: yes
- name: Copy the MSI file for the NSClient to the
windows host
src: ~/win_apps/NSCP-
dest: C:NSCP-

- name: Install an NSClient with the appropriate
path: C:NSCP-
extra_args: ADDLOCAL=FirewallConfig,LuaScript,DotNetPluginSupport,Documentation,CheckPlugins,NRPEPlugins,NSCPlugins,NSCAPlugin,PythonScript,ExtraClientPlugin,SampleScripts ALLOWED_HOSTS=, CONF_NSCLIENT=1 CONF_NRPE=1 CONF_NSCA=1 CONF_CHECKS=1 CONF_NSCLIENT=1 CONF_SCHEDULER=1 CONF_CAN_CHANGE=1 MONITORING_TOOL=none NSCLIENT_PWD=”N@g10sP@55w0rd”
wait: true

- name: Copying NSClient personalised configuration
src: ~/win_apps/conf_files/nsclient.ini
dest: C:Program FilesNSClient++ sclient.ini

- name: Change execution policy to allow the NSClient script remote Nagios execution
raw: Start-Process powershell -verb RunAs -ArgumentList 'Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Force'

- name: Restart the NSclient service to apply the
configuration change
name: nscp
start_mode: auto
state: restarted

- name: Delete the MSI file
win_file: path=C:NSCP- state=absent

This playbook can be applied to a large number of applications that can be installed using an MSI file.

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